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Collisions _________________ are a fact of life:

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Presentation on theme: "Collisions _________________ are a fact of life:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Collisions _________________ are a fact of life: In _________: Hands, feet, heads, bats, rackets, clubs, collide with balls, nets, goals, posts, people, diving boards, etc. _________collide with each other. __________ collide with other cars, buildings, people, bicycles, etc. __________ or parts of atoms collide with other atoms. Light collides with ____________. Planets, stars, and galaxies collide with __________________. sports Players Cars Atoms matter each other momentum (p = mv) Physics uses ______________________ to study collisions because it allows us to ignore the ___________ between the objects, which can be very __________________ during a collision. forces complicated


3 A collection of objects that _____________ with
each other is called a ____________ of objects: interact system boundary SYSTEM _________ forces: internal 1 2 3 The total ______________ of a system of objects will change if a net ____________ is applied to it: momentum impulse impulse = change in momentum = DpTotal J D Fnett (p1 + p2 + p3 + … )


5 But what if there is ________ impulse acting on the
system? This can only happen if the system is ________________, which means there is no net ____________ acting on it. NO net isolated force Any ___________ (outside) force exerts _________ force on the system “external” no net SYSTEM 1 2 The “system” exerts no force, such as__________ on the “outside” friction 3 No Fnet  no ____  no _____  ptotal _____________________ Dptotal J remains constant


7 The Law of Conservation of Linear Momentum:
The __________ momentum of an isolated system of objects ____________________ . This means that the total p _________ a collision (or an explosion) equals the total p ________ the collision: total remains constant. before after = (In ___________) pbefore pafter PhysRT If the “system” consists of 2 objects, this is written: = p p2 p1' p2 ' m1v1' m2v2' m1v m2v2  the prime symbol: ' represents “_______” after

8 helmet construction:

9 Ex 1: ___________ Collision. A 1.0-kg block and a 2.0-kg
block slide on a horizontal frictionless table as shown. Elastic v2 = 1.5 m/s v1 = 6.0 m/s 2.0 kg 1.0 kg The "system" consists of _____ blocks. The system is "isolated," b/c there is no ___________. 2 friction The two blocks collide and ____________ (exert forces on each other). After the collision, they move apart with the velocities shown below: interact v2 = ? v1 = 4.0 m/s 2.0 kg 1.0 kg


11 Conservation of momentum says:
pbefore pafter p p p1' p2' m1v m2v m1v1' m2v2' (1)(6) + (2)(-1.5) (1)(-4) (2)v2' (Velocities have direction: left is_____________ ) v2' v2' v2' v2' 3.5 m/s v2' = negative w/units:


13 Ex 2: ______________ Collision. A 4.0-kg block and a 2.0-kg
block slide on a horizontal frictionless table as shown below. Inelastic v1 = 0.75 m/s v2 = 6.0 m/s 4.0 kg 2.0 kg as one After they collide, they ________________ and move ________. What is the velocity of the "stuck together" mass? stick together v' = ? 4.0 kg 2.0 kg Notice that the final v does not have _______________ 1 or 2, because both masses ________________________ ____________________ . subscripts have the same final velocity

14 car deer collisions:

15 Conservation of momentum says: pbefore pafter p1 + p2 p1' + p2'
m1v m2v m1v1' m2v2' (4)(0.75) + (2)(-6.0) v' v' (The ______________ on _____ are dropped.) v' v' -1.5 m/s v' = (4)v1' (2)v2' subscripts v' combined mass w/units: left The combined mass moves to the ________ .


17 Ex 3: ___________ /Spring Release. A 3.6-kg mass
and a 1.2-kg mass are connected by a spring and __________ on a horizontal frictionless table: Explosion at rest v = 0 3.6 kg 1.2 kg When the spring _______________ , the 3.6-kg mass moves off to the left at the speed given. Determine the speed of the 1.2-kg mass. is released v1 = 0.70 m/s v2 = ??? 3.6 kg 1.2 kg


19 Conservation of momentum says:
pbefore pafter p p p1' p2' m1v m2v m1v1' m2v2' Both masses begin at rest  ________ for both. v2' v2' v2' v2' 2.1 m/s v2' = (3.6)(0) + (1.2)(0) (3.6)(-0.70) + (1.2)v2' vi = 0 w/units:

20 Large Hadron Collider:

21 In this example: The total momentum of the system _________ the spring is released equals ______ because both masses begin _____________ . The total momentum of the system ________ the spring is released equals ______ because of the Law of ___________________ of Linear Momentum. 3. __________ mass receives a greater force b/c of Newton's 3rd Law: ________ but ____________ forces. The smaller mass moves ___________ because acceleration a = F/m is _____________ proportional to mass, and its mass is _____________ .  It has ____ less mass, so it gains ____ more speed. before at rest after Conservation Neither Equal opposite faster inversely smaller 3x 3x

22 In sum: ________________ , is used in 3 cases: pbefore = pafter
1. _____________ (bouncing): Elastic 2. _______________ (sticking): Inelastic v ____________ the same _______________ mass combined 3. ____________ /__________ release: Explosion spring v = 0 still 0 total p = ____ total p = ___________

23 In Textbook: page 219: # 1, 2 and 3a page 224: # 1 and 4

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