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Coach cowan’s Science Class

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Presentation on theme: "Coach cowan’s Science Class"— Presentation transcript:

1 Coach cowan’s Science Class
WELCOME BACK!!! I’m Glad That Most OF You Made IT Back!!

2 BellWOrk Everyday you come in and read the board!
Follow the instructions on the board without talking! Bellwork could possibly include: Notebook Update Questions to answer Other task like getting handouts and materials

3 Notebooks Come to class EVERYDAY!! MOST IMPORTANT PART OF CLASS!!!
Should be out on our desk everyday. Write in marker unless told otherwise SHOULD STAY IN CLASS!! Unless taken home to study or help with homework! Every page should be labeled and numbered up to where we are. Keep table of contents updated.

4 TEXTBOOKS NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER, NEVER NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER come to class!!!...until the end of the year when time to turn them in. Leave at home for help with homework!

5 NEWs Board Notebook Table Of Contents Daily Homework Upcoming events

6 Absent Your responsibility to take care of missing assignments, activities, and notes. “Missing In Action” Folder and News Board Website

7 BW Quizzes Normally given the day after we take notes on something.
5 questions taken on CPS remotes. May have review questions Can be retaken as many times as you need until you make a 100. Retakes are done on any piece of paper you have. Be sure to write your name and the name of the BW Quiz. Answer all 5 questions. Can be retaken: during class, in morning before school, between class, Lunch/Recess, study hall, or dismissal.

8 How To Do Your Best! Pay attention in class and bring a good attitude!
Ask questions Come to me for HELP! I am hereto help you! I get here everyday by 7:20AM and I am available after school as well. Keep up with your grade! Weekly Grade Reports that require a signature, has missing assignments, and BW Quizzes that need to be retaken. Use Quizlet Extra Credit of the Week! Due Fridays!!

9 Know your goal!!! Everyone has a goal that your are expected to meet on every assessment all year! Data Folders!!

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