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roamed Key Words Unit 5 ● Week 3 TEACHER TALK

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1 roamed Key Words Unit 5 ● Week 3 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 1 image. 1. One word in the selection is roamed. Say it with me: roamed. If you roamed, you wandered freely without a plan for where you were going. When the cat got loose, it roamed the neighborhood. 2. En español, to roam quiere decir “andar libremente sin rumbo fijo, vagar, deambular.” Cuando el gato salió de la casa deambuló por el vecindario. 3. Now let’s look at a picture that demonstrates the word roamed. (Point to the reindeer.) The reindeer roamed the snowy forest. They wandered around looking for food. MOVEMENT 4. Stand up. Now roam around the classroom. Return to your seat when I ask you to. 5. Now get in groups of three or four. Pretend you are a group of animals. Roam around looking for food. When I ask you to return to your seat, work in your group to complete these sentences: We were ____________. We roamed ____________. Tell me what kind of animals you pretended to be and where you roamed. 6. Now let’s say roamed together three more times: roamed, roamed, roamed. roamed

2 completed Key Words Unit 5 ● Week 3 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 2 image. 1. Another word in the selection is completed. Say it with me: completed. Completed means “finished or ended.” I completed my math assignment when I solved the last problem in the set. 2. En español, to complete quiere decir “completar, terminar, finalizar.” Completé la tarea de matemáticas al solucionar el último problema. 3. To complete in English and completar in Spanish are cognates. They sound almost the same and mean the same thing in both languages. PARTNER TALK 4. Now let’s look at a picture that demonstrates the word completed. (Point to the girl.) This girl completed the race when she crossed the finish line. 5. Work with a partner. Make a list of tasks and assignments we have completed today. Then make a list of things that still need to be completed. Share your list with the class. 6. Work with a partner to complete this sentence: My homework is completed when ____________. 7. Now let’s say completed together three more times: completed, completed, completed. completed

3 journey Key Words Unit 5 ● Week 3 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 3 image. 1. One word in the selection is journey. Say it with me: journey. Journey means “a trip from one place to another, often a long trip.” The hikers took a three-day journey through the woods. 2. En español, journey quiere decir “un viaje largo de un lugar a otro, jornada.” Los senderistas hicieron una jornada de tres días por el bosque. 3. Now let’s look at a picture that demonstrates the word journey. (Point to the car.) The people in this car are on a journey. They are traveling from one place to another. PARTNER TALK 4. Tell a partner about a journey you would like to take. Where would you go and how would you get there? 5. Talk with your partner about some animals that make long journeys. List the animals. (Examples include: monarch butterflies, Canada Geese, wildebeests, whales) Share your list with the class. 6. Now let’s say journey together three more times: journey, journey, journey. journey

4 natural Key Words Unit 5 ● Week 3 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 4 image. 1. Another word in the selection is natural. Say it with me: natural. Something that is natural is made by nature. It is not artificial or changed by humans. The orange juice is 100 percent natural. 2. En español, natural quiere decir “natural, hecho por la naturaleza.” Las cosas naturales no son artificiales, es decir, no son modificadas por las personas. Este jugo de naranja es 100 por ciento natural. 3. Natural in English and natural in Spanish are cognates. They sound almost the same and mean the same thing in both languages. 4. Now let’s look at a picture that demonstrates the word natural. (Point to the mountain scene.) This area is completely natural. There is nothing built or added by humans. PARTNER TALK 5. The photograph shows a natural place. Talk with a partner about some natural places in our community. Choose one, and tell how we can keep it natural. Share your ideas with the class. 6. With a partner, decide which of these things is natural: a swimming pool or an ocean (ocean) a diamond or plastic beads (diamond) water or a sports drink (water) 7. Now let’s say natural together three more times: natural, natural, natural. natural

5 relocated Key Words Unit 5 ● Week 3 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 5 image. 1. One word in the selection is relocated. Say it with me: relocated. Relocated means “moved to a different place.” My family relocated from Florida to Texas. 2. En español, to relocate quiere decir “cambiarse de un lugar a otro, trasladarse, mudarse.” Mi familia se mudó de la Florida a Texas. 3. Now let’s look at a picture that demonstrates the word relocated. (Point to the picture.) The family that lives here is moving. All of their belongings will need to be relocated. They are using a moving van to help them move their things from their old house to their new home. MOVEMENT 4. Stand up next to your seat. Now quickly and quietly change seats with another student. When I call on you, say: “I relocated to [student’s name’s] seat.” When I have called on everyone, we will relocate back to our regular seats. 5. When I call on you, choose one small thing in the classroom, such as a piece of chalk or an eraser, to relocate. Say: I relocated the ____________. Then move the object back to its original location and return to your seat. 6. Now let’s say relocated together three more times: relocated, relocated, relocated. relocated

6 become endangered Function Words & Phrases Unit 5 ● Week 3
TEACHER TALK 1. When animals or plants become endangered, they are at risk for extinction, or dying out. Say it with me: become endangered. Some animals become endangered because people hunt them. 2. En español, to become endangered quiere decir “estar en peligro de extinción, en peligro de desaparecer.” Algunos animales están en peligro de extinción porque las personas los cazan. 3. Elephants have become endangered. One reason they are at risk of dying out is that people hunt them for their tusks. (Point to the tusks.) PARTNER TALK 4. Talk with your partner about some animals you have learned about that are endangered. Make a list of these animals. Tell why you think each has become endangered. Share your list with the class. 5. Now choose one of the animals from your list. Work with your partner to design a tee shirt or poster to make people aware that this animal is endangered. You might use these sentences on your poster or tee shirt: [Type of animal] have become endangered. You can help by ____________. Share your tee shirt or poster with the class. 6. Repeat the phrase three times with me: become endangered, become endangered, become endangered. become endangered

7 to be preyed upon Function Words & Phrases Unit 5 ● Week 3
TEACHER TALK 1. To be preyed upon is to be hunted. Say it with me: to be preyed upon. Smaller animals are often preyed upon by larger animals. 2. En español, to be preyed upon quiere decir “ser presa de otros animales.” Los animals pequeños generalmente son presa de los animales más grandes. 3. This zebra is being preyed upon by the lion. The lion is hunting the zebra in order to eat it. But the zebra might still get away from the lion if it runs very fast. CHORAL RESPONSE 4. I am going to name some pairs of animals. Tell me which animal would be preyed upon. Say “The [name of animal] is being preyed upon by the [name of animal].” cheetah and hare mouse and cat bird and worm fish and shark 5. Replace the word hunted with preyed upon in the following sentences. The penguin is hunted by the seal. The gazelle is hunted by the lion. The rat is hunted by the snake. 6. Repeat the phrase three times with me: to be preyed upon, to be preyed upon, to be preyed upon. to be preyed upon

8 restore the balance Function Words & Phrases Unit 5 ● Week 3
TEACHER TALK 1. To restore the balance is to return something to its normal state. Say it with me: restore the balance. Cleaning up pollution can help restore the balance of nature. 2. En español, to restore the balance quiere decir “restaurar algo a su estado normal u original.” Limpiar la contaminación ambiental ayuda a restaurar el medio ambiente. 3. If too many plants and trees are cut down, the balance of nature can be upset. These children are working to restore the balance by planting trees to replace ones that were cut down. CHORAL RESPONSE 4. I’m going to name some activities. If the activity would help restore the balance of nature, say, “restore the balance.” If it would not, don’t say anything. passing laws to protect animals cutting down trees rescuing hurt animals catching and keeping more fish than you can eat 5. Tell me one thing you would like to do to restore the balance of nature in our community. Say I would like to restore the balance by ____________. (Call on students one at a time. Examples include: protecting a certain kind of animal; cleaning up an area; planting trees or flowers) 6. Repeat the phrase three times with me: restore the balance, restore the balance, restore the balance. restore the balance

9 keep track of Function Words & Phrases Unit 5 ● Week 3 TEACHER TALK
1. To keep track of is to be aware of the progress or path of something. Say it with me: keep track of. I take attendance in the morning to keep track of who is here each day. 2. En español, to keep track of quiere decir “seguir con atención el progreso o ruta de algo; llevar algo, como las cuentas.” Yo paso la lista cada mañana para llevar la asistencia y saber quién está presente. 3. This lion is wearing a special collar that helps scientists keep track of it. The collar tells scientists where the lion is at all times and helps them learn more about what lions do each day. PARTNER TALK 4. What are some ways you keep track of your friends and family? Share your ideas with your partner. (Examples include: letters, , cell phones) 5. Talk with your partner about some ways people keep track of these things: time (clocks, watches, timers) important dates (calendar, planner) homework assignments (writing them in a notebook; writing them in a planner) 6. Repeat the phrase three times with me: keep track of, keep track of, keep track of. keep track of

10 national park Basic Words Unit 5 ● Week 3 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. national park

11 park ranger Basic Words Unit 5 ● Week 3 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. park ranger

12 hunters Basic Words Unit 5 ● Week 3 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. hunters

13 ecosystem Basic Words Unit 5 ● Week 3 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. ecosystem

14 swamp Basic Words Unit 5 ● Week 3 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. swamp

15 forest Basic Words Unit 5 ● Week 3 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. forest

16 Basic Words Unit 5 ● Week 3 ROUTINE
Explain how these six words fit into a group, or category. During independent work time, have children write sentences for each word.

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