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Published byJarno Melasniemi Modified over 6 years ago
Adjutant General School Captain Career Course
ENTERPRISE CORPS BN BDE DIV SHOW SLIDE: INTRODUCTION TO DTAS Manage the Deployed Theater Accountability System (DTAS) September 2017
Terminal Learning Objective
Action: Manage the Deployed Theater Accountability System (DTAS) Conditions: In a classroom environment, with internet connectivity and the eMILPO training interface, current versions of DTAS Functional Guidance, AHRS DTAS Dashboard User’s Guide, DTAS Mobile Application User Manual, Applicable HR Field Manuals and References and an awareness of the Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors. Standard: Students will meet the standard of 80% accuracy when they: 1. Identify the objectives of DTAS 2. Identify the three sub-systems of DTAS Identify S-1 DTAS responsibilities and planning considerations Identify Major Command and its functions Identify APOD and APOD Manager How to complete an eMILPO Data Extract DTAS Dashboard functions SHOW SLIDE: TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE NOTE: Read and discuss the TLO with the students. NOTE: Checks on Learning are distributed throughout the Lesson Plan.
Introduction to DTAS The Army developed DTAS to provide personnel accountability in a theater of operation. DTAS provides HR professionals and commanders with a tool to accurately account for military and civilian personnel in a deployed Theater by NAME, SSN, UNIT, LOCATION, and DATE. DTAS is comprised of three (3) distinct levels or sub-systems: Mobile System Level (User Level) Major Command Level Enterprise Level SHOW SLIDE: INTRODUCTION TO DTAS a. The Deployed Theater Accountability System (DTAS) system provides the U.S. Army with a reliable, timely, and efficient mechanism for tracking and providing reporting visibility into the location and duty status of deployed and non-deployed Soldiers at both the Army enterprise level (top of the system) and the unit level (bottom of the system). This visibility is vital in determining the war-fighting capability of the Army and subordinate commands. b. DTAS is a software application designed to account for military and civilian personnel in a deployed Theater by NAME, SSN, UNIT, LOCATION and DATE. Presently the Army and Marine Corps utilize DTAS; however, if a unit has Air force or Navy personnel assigned or attached, these personnel will be added to DTAS. c. DTAS is composed of three distinct levels or sub-systems: (1) Mobile System Level (User Level) (2) Major Command (MACOM) Level (formerly “Theater Level”) (3) Enterprise Level
The primary objectives of DTAS are to:
DTAS Objectives The primary objectives of DTAS are to: Provide a standard Army system for deployed personnel accountability Improve data quality Establish a common picture Perpetuate deployed personnel accountability SHOW SLIDE: DTAS OBJECTIVES Learning Step/Activity 1. Identify the objectives and recognize the sub-systems of DTAS Method of Instruction: Hands-on Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:16 Time of Instruction: 15 mins d. The primary objectives of DTAS, for the Army, are to provide PA of military personnel and civilians and report other strength-related information such as duty status, unit of assignment, and location as of a particular date and time. This system provides readiness managers, at all levels, the data necessary to analyze personnel strength as a component of personnel combat power. e. The primary objectives of DTAS are to: (1) Provide a corporate database for DA/DoD inquiries (2) Provide accurate and timely deployed personnel accounting data to the Army Staff, Department of Defense, and warfighting commanders (3) Enable deployed commanders, at all echelons, to account for personnel by name, unit, location, and date (4) Improve accountability with a focus on OIF/OEF/HOA (multi-Theater capable) (5) Provide a standard accountability tool and a standard procedure to capture 1SG/CDR knowledge (intent is to simplify the process)
DTAS Functional Tenets The functional tenets of DTAS include:
Providing daily PA reports to units that are close to real-time Synchronizing information from the bottom to the top Tracking personnel deployment history Providing disconnected operations capabilities Producing manifests that provide in-transit Theater visibility Capabilities exist for multi-service SHOW SLIDE: FUNCTIONAL TENENTS f. The functional tenets of DTAS include: (1) Providing daily PA reports to units that are close to real-time (2) Synchronizing information from the bottom to the top (3) Tracking personnel deployment history (4) Providing disconnected operations capabilities (5) The production of manifests that provide in-transit Theater visibility NOTE: Capabilities exist for multi-service usage NOTE: Ask the students if anyone has ever utilized DTAS. Discuss student answers to determine their prior knowledge and experience with DTAS. Encourage students to share real-world experiences that will help clarify DTAS capabilities and use. Ensure students fully understand the objectives of DTAS. NOTE: Conduct a check on learning and summarize the learning activity. Q: What is the mission of DTAS? A: The mission of the Army's DTAS system is to provide personnel accountability of military personnel and civilians; report other strength-related information such as duty status, unit of assignment, and location.
DTAS System Sub-System Levels
DTAS Enterprise System (G-1/HRC, Pentagon) - houses the central database, which contains Soldier data obtained from eMILPO as well as information that is entered in the Mobile system. Major Command (MACOM) Manager System- communicates with both the Enterprise and Mobile systems. The MACOM Manager application allows theater-level users to manage mobile systems and UIC structure. The Theater system also provides reporting capabilities, such as the JPERSTAT report and support for ad hoc queries. Mobile (Unit) - Provides the battalion level with a micro-database, reporting capabilities, and personnel accounting tools. SHOW SLIDE: DTAS SYSTEM SUB-SYSTEM LEVELS
Architecture Electronic Military Personnel Office Operational Data Store Enterprise Defense Manpower Data Center Synchronized Pre Deployment Operational Tracker MANIFEST SITE TPS G1/HRC PENTAGON PPP/CRC EMILPO ODSE DMDC Domain Solution SIPRNET CONUS ENTERPRISE SYSTEM NIPRNET AFRICOM G1 IRAQ G1 APOD MANIFEST SITE IN TPS ARCENT G1 AFGHANISTAN G1 SIPRNET KUWAIT MOBILE SYSTEM BN MARINE MASTER MOBILE MARCENT BDE MNFI/MNCI IRAQ DIV CORPS CJOA-HOA DJIBOUTI ONE WAY TRANSFER VIA DISK MAJOR COMMAND LEVEL SYSTEM SHOW SLIDE: ARCHITECTURE b. DTAS is composed of three distinct sub-system levels: Mobile which is located at every Bn size unit; Major Command Level which is located at AFRICOM, IRAQ, ARCENT, and AFGHANISTAN; and Enterprise which is the historical database located at Fort Belvoir, Virginia. c. DTAS uses the following authoritative systems to validate information and populate data fields: (1) Army - eMILPO (Electronic Military Personnel Office) (2) Marine - ODSE (Operation DataStore Enterprise) (3) Air Force - DMDC (Defense Manpower Data Center) (4) Navy - DMDC (Defense Manpower Data Center) (5) Civilians - DMDC (Defense Manpower Data Center) d. Currently there are over 450 DTAS Mobile Systems active across the CENTCOM AOR with over 3500 Deployed Unit Identification Codes (DUICs) managed. CJTF-76 AFGHANISTAN ARCENT KUWAIT BDE BDE BN BN
The User Point of View. . . Looks Like This:
But Technically, It’s This: BDE CORPS DIV MACOM Level BN DIV BN BDE MACOM Level BN - CORPS - - DIV - - BDE - - BN - SHOW SLIDE: THE USER POINTS OF VIEW e. All Mobile Systems connect directly to the MACOM Level System and do not follow the traditional Battalion, Brigade, Division, Chain of Command. BN BDE BN DIV BN BN DIV BN CORPS BDE
Enterprise & Major Command Level
Capabilities Mobile – Unit Level Enterprise & Major Command Level Simple front end user tool – BN S-1 Disconnected operations Synchronized Generation of reports Relevant data set Near real-time deployed data Historical deployed data Asset-level of detail Supports all services/types of personnel Powerful querying tool & robust datastore SHOW SLIDE: CAPABILITIES f. This slide reiterates what we have discussed. Please note the sub-bullets on the bottom-left portion of your screen. DTAS also acts as a locator and may be utilized to validate some pay transactions. Responsive to Task Orgs. Provides accountability Eliminates double counting Acts as a locator service Validates pay
Limitations Requires commanders’ support to ensure compliance
Requires user discipline and network availability Requires high bandwidth Reports only near real-time data Requires access to SIPRNET COGNOS search application is not intuitive SHOW SLIDE: LIMITATIONS g. As with any other system, there are limitations to the use of DTAS. Commander's must ensure the strict adherence to compliance; further, DTAS requires user discipline. In other words, user's must standardize their entries and comply with the business rules consistently. Refer to Section Business Rules PERSTAT Report in the DTAS Mobile Application User Manual. h. Connectivity is required to transmit data to the MACOM level and SIPRNET access is required. The system updates every 20 minutes. NOTE: COGNOS is a separate software package designed to enhance existing systems by enabling users to extract data, analyze it, and assemble reports. COGNOS is powerful; but not intuitive. Users typically need training and/or experience with the program to maximize its potential. NOTE: Conduct a check on learning and summarize the learning activity. Q: What are the three sub-system levels? A: Enterprise, MACOM, and Mobile 10
S-1 Planning Considerations
Coordinate with S6 for SIPRNET connectivity and identify classified computers w/rights capabilities Prepare personnel file to upload (eMILPO, TPS, EXCEL) Determine when DTAS operators deploy (ADVON) Train S-1 personnel (BDE and BN) Brief chalk commanders Include DTAS in OPORD Obtain DTAS software and the Theater IP address from the MACOM Manager Provide task organization (UIC hierarchy) to MACOM Manager SHOW SLIDE: S-1 PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS i. S-1s should consider these planning factors when preparing their unit's for deployment. (1) Coordinate with the S6 prior to deployment to ensure the computers used for DTAS have the appropriate capabilities, permissions, etc. to support SIPRNET connectivity. Consider how many systems are needed and their location (split based operations). (2) As near as possible to each units’ departure, prepare a personnel file using eMILPO, TPS, or EXCEL for the unit to use when they upload into DTAS (in Theater). Make multiple copies and retain one copy at the rear detachment until the deployed unit has verified their DTAS account. (3) Determine when DTAS operators deploy (ADVON); consider that accountability (PERSTAT) reporting requirements begin immediately upon arrival in Theater. Train BDE and BN S-1 personnel to operate DTAS and the Theater and Unit requirements for timeliness of transactions, report deadlines, etc. Ensure the unit SOPs are current and synched. Brief chalk commanders on their requirements for manifesting and reporting any changes to the deployment of personnel (to the S1) as soon as possible upon arrival in Theater. (6) Build DTAS training and execution requirements into the OPORD and rehearse as possible prior to deployment. (7) Coordinate with the MACOM Manager to download the current version of the DTAS software and obtain the Theater IP address. Without the correct IP address, units will not be able to connect and transmit data to the MACOM level (and up to the Enterprise level). (8) Verify the deploying unit(s) task organization; specifically the UIC hierarchy and provide it to the MACOM Manager upon arrival in Theater. This is important as it allows the units’ personnel to be uploaded quickly and reduces the number of changes required later. NOTE: Ask the students what additional factors might they have to consider in planning. Also, ask how they might ensure that their units receive DTAS training prior to arrival at the mobilization site. 11
S-1 Responsibilities (1 of 3)
Reconcile DTAS with JPERSTAT Generate a daily “Morning Report” (JPERSTAT) Ensure that updates are sent to the MACOM Level DTAS LAPTOP MACOM Level DTAS APOD/SPOD Validated Arrival to Theater SHOW SLIDE : S-1 RESPONSIBILITIES (1 of 3) j. S-1’s are responsible for generating and reconciling the daily JPERSTAT and ensuring that updates are captured in the MACOM Level sub-system. To accomplish this, the units must diligently scrub the data; looking for any discrepancies between the previous day’s report, the current DTAS data, and any additional information the S1 may have (e.g. changes in task organization, unit/personnel moves, etc.) This allows the Commanders and HR managers at all levels to have the most accurate accountability data; which in turn, impacts operational decisions. 12
S-1 Responsibilities (2 of 3)
Ensure that DTAS is continually updated to coincide with the current picture on the ground (by NAME, SSN, UNIT, LOCATION, and DATE. Confirm the S-1/APOD swipes/entries are validating arrivals to Theater LAPTOP MACOM Level DTAS APOD/SPOD Validated Arrival to Theater SHOW SLIDE: S-1 RESPONSIBILITIES (2 of 3) k. S-1’s must ensure that DTAS is continually updated and at all times best reflects the current status of the units represented. One action to consider is ensuring that the S-1/APOD swipes are validated. Students should know that personnel enter into the Theater through an APOD (Ali Al Salem) where they are entered into DTAS by Personnel Accountability Team (PAT) Personnel. When there is movement, the S1 must perform the DTAS transaction and move personnel where necessary (i.e., updating physical location). When individuals depart Theater, they are removed from the system at the APOD by the PAT. 13
S-1 Responsibilities (3 of 3)
Add, when required, a record for joint service, DoD civilian, contractor Change Duty Status (PDY, Hosp, R&R Leave, Casualty Categories) Attach units and personnel Update other personnel and unit data elements as necessary LAPTOP MACOM Level DTAS APOD/SPOD Validated Arrival to Theater SHOW SLIDE: S-1 RESPONSIBILITIES (3 of 3) l. S-1’s will continually oversee input to unit and personnel entries within DTAS. This is accomplished in an effort to provide continual factual reporting to the local Commander and to the top of the system. S-1’s can begin to properly comply with the standards by first knowing who is and is not accounted for in DTAS. 14
Accounted Personnel US Military (Active, Guard, and Reserve):
Army, Marines, Air Force, and Navy units/personnel attached to Army units Assigned, Attached, and Operational Control (OPCON) Under Tactical Control (TACON) or Administrative Control (ADCON) Civilians: DoD Civilians US Contractors Other Civilians - Civilians not employed by DoD but deployed in support of the Service Component or JTF (i.e. USO, Red Cross, Consultants) SHOW SLIDE: ACCOUNTED PERSONNEL NOTE: Briefly discuss the personnel statuses listed on the slide. Instructor Note: Operational Control. OPCON is inherent in Combatant Command (COCOM). It is the authority to perform those functions of command that involve organizing and employing commands and forces, assigning tasks, designating objectives, and giving authoritative direction necessary to accomplish the mission. OPCON may be exercised at any echelon at or below the level of the combatant command. It can be delegated or transferred. Army commanders use it routinely to task organize forces. The secretary of defense must approve transferring OPCON of units between combatant commanders Tactical Control. TACON is authority normally limited to the detailed and specified local direction of movement and maneuver of forces to accomplish a task. It allows commanders below combatant command level to apply force and direct the tactical use of Combat Service Support (CSS) assets but does not provide authority to change organizational structure or direct administrative or logistic support. The commander of the parent unit continues to exercise those responsibilities unless otherwise specified in the establishing directive Combatant commanders use TACON to delegate limited authority to direct the tactical use of combat forces. TACON is often the command relationship established between forces of different nations in a multinational force. It may be appropriate when tactical-level Army units are placed under another service headquarters. Army commanders make one Army force TACON to another when they want to withhold authority to change the subordinate force organizational structure and leave responsibility for administrative support or CSS with the parent unit of the subordinate force. Administrative Control. Unless the secretary of defense specifies otherwise, administrative control (ADCON) of Army forces remains within the Army chain of command, from lowest levels to the ASCC to the secretary of the Army. Administrative control is the direction or exercise of authority over subordinate or other organizations with respect to administration and support. It includes organization of service forces, control of resources and equipment, personnel management, unit logistics, individual and unit training, readiness, mobilization, demobilization, discipline, and other matters not included in operational missions of the subordinate or other organizations. ADCON is synonymous with Title 10 USC administration and support responsibilities. 15
Non-Accounted Personnel
Units with no Operational Control (OPCON) reporting chain in Theater default to Administrative Control (ADCON) reporting for DTAS and JPERSTAT Third country nationals or host nation civilians Special Operations Forces (SOF) and personnel supporting SOF SHOW SLIDE: NON-ACCOUNTED PERSONNEL NOTE: Briefly discuss those personnel who are not accounted for in DTAS. Also speak to TACON and ADCON and indicate that these categories will be further discussed in unit manning. If unit manning has previously been taught, ensure that students understand the difference. Refer to Standard Operating Procedures for Deployed Theater Accountability System (DTAS, Chapter 2, 2-1(d). NOTE: Conduct a check on learning and summarize the learning activity. Q: What is the network requirement for DTAS? A: SIPERNET Q: What report must be reconciled with DTAS on a daily basis? A: JPERSTAT
NOTE: TRANSITION SLIDE NOTE: Have students log-in to the MACOM Manager using the following URL with their assigned username and password:
Major Command Level A MACOM is defined as a level two unit (a unit one level below the top unit in the Global Unit Hierarchy) and all of its subordinate units. Level two units cannot be relocated (either via an assignment or an attachment) within the hierarchy. The MACOM System consists of the MACOM Management Application, the APOD module, and a MACOM Datastore that reflects that particular major command. This system is a subset of the Enterprise System and communicates with both the Enterprise System and all Mobile Systems. SHOW SLIDE: MAJOR COMMAND LEVEL a. A Major Command is defined as a level two unit (a unit one level below the top unit in the Global Unit Hierarchy) and all of its subordinate units. Level two units cannot be relocated (either via an assignment or an attachment) within the hierarchy. b. The Major Command System consists of the Major Command Management Application, APOD module and a Major Command Datastore that reflects their particular Theater and major command. This system is a subset of the Enterprise System and communicates via message queuing with both the Enterprise System and all Mobile Systems. NOTE: There are several Theater-level responsibilities that the Major Command Manager must manage to ensure successful DTAS operations and accurate data. An overview of these procedures is outlined in this section. Additional guidance and standard operating procedures are provided to the unit upon arrival in Theater.
Access to Major Command Level
Major Command Managers Help Desk Clerks (limited) Select units in Theater (limited, as needed) SHOW SLIDE: ACCESS TO THE MAJOR COMMAND LEVEL c. The Major Command Level is managed by a Major Command Manager who is responsible for Theater-wide oversight of DTAS. Full access to this level is only given to Major Command Managers. Limited access is given to help desk clerks and select units in Theater. NOTE: The Major Command Manager was previously known as the Theater Manager. The responsibilities are still the same.
MACOM Manager’s Responsibilities (1 of 2)
Account for USA, USMC, USN, and USAF attached to Army units, DOD Civilians and contractor personnel Update command database at all levels Collect, validate processes, and store critical information on all personnel in Theater Provide support, training, and resolve program issues to users through a website and helpdesk that initiates the DTAS program Coordinate, monitor, and train units during the RSO&I process SHOW SLIDE: MAJOR COMMAND MANAGER’S RESPONSIBILITIES (1of2) d. The MACOM Manager has various duties and responsibilities within Theater. These responsibilities include: They must account for USA, USMC, USN, and USAF attached to Army units, DOD Civilians, and contractor personnel in Theater on a daily basis by name, unit, and location. Update the command database at all levels in order to analyze personnel strength as a component of combat power. Collect, validate current processes, and store critical information about military and civilian personnel in Theater. (4) Provide support, training, and resolve program issues to users through a website and helpdesk that initiates the DTAS program. Coordinate, monitor, and train units during the Reception, Staging, Onward Movement, and Integration (RSO&I) process in support of the personnel accountability mission. **MAJOR COMMAND MANAGER WAS FORMERLY CALLED THEATER MANAGER**
MACOM Manager’s Responsibilities (2 of 2)
Solicit organizational DUIC Hierarchy documentation from new organizations as they arrive in Theater Adjust Theater Hierarchy to include Mobile System User’s Organizational Hierarchy Assign Unit DUIC as a Mobile System Provide Theater System IP address and Mobile System Activation Key to Mobile System Users Assign DOD Service Component, Command Code, and Unit Level to all DUICs Monitor DTAS Mobile System Status Code Coordinate with HRC Global Theater manager to move DUIC from losing MACOM to gaining MACOM Review the Mobile Activation Log daily to ensure all Mobile Systems are still activated Update POC Name, phone number, SIPR/NIPR , Location, and UIC SHOW SLIDE: MAJOR COMMAND MANAGER’S RESPONSIBILITIES e. The MACOM Manager has several responsibilities in Theater within the DTAS program. (1) Solicit organizational DUIC Hierarchy documentation from new organizations as they arrive in Theater Adjust Theater Hierarchy to include Mobile System User’s Organizational Hierarchy, or changes, as provided (3) Assign Unit DUIC as a Mobile System upon request (4) Provide Theater System IP address and Mobile System Activation Key to Mobile System User upon request (5) Assign DOD Service Component, Command Code, and Unit Level to all DUICs (6) Monitor DTAS Mobile System Status Code using the Major Command Management Application during Initialization Process. System is fully activated when the Mobile System Status Code changes to ‘I’ (7) Coordinate with HRC Global Theater manager to move DUIC from losing MACOM to gaining MACOM (8) Review the Mobile Activation Log daily to ensure all Mobile Systems are still activated (9) Update POC Name, phone number, SIPR/NIPR , Location, and UIC
Major Command Manager Application
The Major Command Manager Application is a valuable DTAS management tool for the MACOM Manager. This tool consists of 9 functions: Functions Administrative Hierarchy Operational Hierarchy Static Table Maintenance Strength Management Document Manager APOD Manager Mobile Config System Administration Workflow ****This lesson will only review Administrative Hierarchy, Operational Hierarchy, Static Table Maintenance, APOD Manager, and Mobile Config**** SHOW SLIDE: MAJOR COMMAND MANAGER APPLICATION The Major Command Manager Application consist of nine main functions that allow the MACOM Manager to manage DTAS. The MACOM Manager uses these functions to manage the following: (1) Administrative Hierarchy – the creation and editing of UICs within hierarchies Operational Hierarchy - attaching and release from attachment within hierarchies Static Table Maintenance – tables whose values are dynamic Document Manager – wartime requirements for each DUIC in Theater APOD Manager – Arial Port of Debarkation (APOD) UICs and APOD user accounts Mobile Config – sending sync service configuration changes to the targeted mobile system Mobile Activation Log – a snapshot of system activation activity for the previous week (8) System Administration – assign permissions to MACOM Managers and users (9) Workflow-tracking personnel returning from a period of attachment. NOTE: This lesson will only review Administrative Hierarchy, Operational Hierarchy, Static Table Maintenance, APOD Manager, and Mobile Config because these are the most commonly used functions.
Example of Major Command Level Functions
Hierarchy Management The Unit Hierarchy provides a visual indication of which units are assigned to the Mobile System, attached to the Mobile System, and which are assigned to the Mobile but attached elsewhere. When a unit’s command structure changes for any reason, (unit operational moves and reassignment, unit redeployment, etc.), the hierarchy must be adjusted in DTAS This process is usually performed only when a unit arrives or is departing from Theater. However, it can also be used to create a task force organization in DTAS for a particular operation There are two types of hierarchies: Administrative and Operational SHOW SLIDE: HIERARCHY MANAGEMENT g. The Unit Hierarchy provides a visual indication of which units are assigned to the Mobile System, attached to the Mobile System, and which are assigned to the Mobile but attached elsewhere. Hierarchy management occurs when a unit’s command structure changes for any reason, (unit operational moves and reassignment, unit redeployment, etc.), the hierarchy must be adjusted in DTAS This process is usually performed only when a unit arrives, or is departing from a Theater. However, it can also be used to create a task force organization in DTAS for a particular operation There are two types of hierarchies: Administrative and Operational
Hierarchy Management Responsibilities
Hierarchy Management consists of the following responsibilities: Ensure that each unit’s DUIC is placed in the MACOM hierarchy Execute timely updates to the DUIC hierarchy. This includes additions, deletions, and edits; to include attachments and release from attachments Create DUIC(s) to accommodate Task Force operations, other branches of service, and civilian organizations Ensure that each requested unit attachment is completed SHOW SLIDE: HIERARCHY MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITIES h. Hierarchy Management consists of the following responsibilities: The Major Command Manager will ensure that each unit’s DUIC is placed in the Theater hierarchy. The Major Command Manager must solicit hierarchy documentation from new organizations as they arrive in the Major Command Manger’s area of operation Execute timely updates to the DUIC hierarchy. This includes additions, deletions, and edits; and attachments and release from attachments. The Major Command Manager can not delete DUICs from the Major Command hierarchy until all personnel have been redeployed from the Mobile System Create DUIC(s) to accommodate Task Force operations, other branches of service, and civilian organizations by updating the DOD Service Component and Command Code, and unit level (4) Ensure that each requested unit attachment is completed NOTE: Careful consideration should be given to hierarchy changes for DUICs or groups of DUICs that contain 5000 or more personnel. Every hierarchy change produces four messages per person. Mass DUIC hierarchy changes can overload and crash a Major Command Level server. Careful consideration should be given to hierarchy changes for DUICs or groups of DUICs that contain 5000 or more personnel. Mass DUIC hierarchy changes can overload and crash a MACOM Level server.
i. The MACOM Manager uses the Major Command Manager as the managing point for all actions within DTAS. One of their major responsibilities includes establishing the hierarchy, so it is important to understand how to access this portion of the system. NOTE: Have the students click the “Administrative Hierarchy” tab on the left side of the screen.
Administrative Hierarchy -- Creating a UIC --
The new UIC will be here SHOW SLIDE: ADMINISTRATIVE HIERARCHY The Administrative Hierarchy is the MACOM structure that makes DTAS work and drives the ability to see units and update records on Mobile Systems. This module allows the MACOM Manager to manage the MACOM UIC hierarchy. From this screen you can create, add, and edit a UIC. (1) Click the UIC assigned to you by the instructor. The UIC selected will appear at the bottom of the “Create UIC” box. (2) In the “Create UIC” box, type the first four characters of your assigned UIC, followed by “ZZ”, and enter your last name as the “Name” of the unit. (3) Select the DOD Service Component, Command Code, and the Unit level of the new UIC (4) Click “Create” to see the newly created UIC under your assigned UIC. (5) In the “Hierarchy” box, select the radio button to the left your newly created UIC. (6) In the “Action” box, select “Remove” to remove your newly created UIC from the Hierarchy.
Administrative Hierarchy -- Adding and Editing a UIC --
SHOW SLIDE: ADMINISTRATIVE HIERARCHY l. This module allows the MACOM Manager to search for a MACOM UIC and add it to a hierarchy. Type in the UIC you created in the previous exercise. Click “ Search” and the UIC will populate in the white box Select the DOD Service Component, Command Code, and the Unit level of the new UIC (4) Click “Add” in the lower left corner of the “Add UIC” block. You will see the UIC added as a child under the your assigned UIC. (6) In the “Hierarchy” box, select the radio button to the left your newly added UIC. (7) In the “Action” box, select “Delete” to remove your newly created UIC from the DTAS database. NOTE: When the UIC is unknown, an error will return stating “No rows returned matching the Search UIC value.” INSTRUCTOR NOTE: This is a building slide. Click next slide. This module allows the MACOM Manager to edit by moving, removing, or deleting an existing UIC and assign a UIC as a DTAS Mobile System. (1) Click the “edit” tab on the upper right hand of the screen. (2) Find the UIC given to you under the hierarchy and click the radio button. The UIC will populate in the “Edit UIC” block. (3) Change the Command Code from ARCENT to PACOM and click “Edit” (4) Change the Command Code back to ARCENT and click “Edit” to undo the change
Operational Hierarchy
Static Table Maintenance
Static Table Maintenance allows the Major Command Manager to update the following: Employer Code, Command Code, Operation Code, Assigned Location, Static Tables, Hospital Lookup, Patient Condition Lookup, Patient Disposition Code Lookup, and Patient Status Code Lookup The Major Command Manager can only add new records or edit existing records in the Static Tables. They can not edit the Assigned Locations. SHOW SLIDE: STATIC TABLE MAINTENANCE Static Table Maintenance allows the Major Command Manager to update the Employer Code, Command Code, Operation Code, Assigned Location Static Tables, Hospital Lookup, Patient Condition Lookup, Patient Disposition Code Lookup, and Patient Status Code Lookup. r. The Major Command Manager can only add new records or edit existing records in the static tables with the exception of Assigned Location. Mobile System Users can not make any changes to records in the static tables, and must contact the Major Command Manager to update, or add records to the static tables. NOTE: Mobile System Users must contact the Major Command Manager to update or add records to the Static Tables NOTE: It is important that no two locations have the same grid coordinates. If two locations are entered with the same grid coordinates, physical location data for these two locations cannot be displayed on the Unit Roster of the Mobile System. This will cause the user’s Unit Roster to error, and the report will not produce correctly.
Static Table Maintenance Locations
SHOW SLIDE: STATIC TABLE MAINTENANCE LOCATIONS Assigned Location allows mobile users to update the assigned and physical locations for a selected individual. Assigned Location refers to the location of a unit where a person is assigned. Users are required to select a country out of a country pick-list before they are permitted to select a location. After a user has selected a country, the application will populate the location pick-list with locations that are programmed within the selected country. u. Physical location is the actual camp, city, or grid coordinates where the person is located. Example: A Soldier is assigned to 1-4 Cav at Camp Saber, Iraq, but is forward in Camp Victory. His assigned location is Camp Saber; his physical location is Camp Victory. Requests to add new Locations to DTAS must be forwarded to the DTAS Theater Manager. The DTAS Theater Manager has access to add new Locations using this same module. NOTE: Instructor can create a new Assigned Location to demonstrate the function to students. Ensure you delete the new Assigned Location to maintain a clean training database.
Check on Learning Q. Who has access to the Major Command Level and what is their access level? A. Major Command Managers have full access. Helpdesk Clerks and select units have limited access. Q. What are the two types of Hierarchies within DTAS? A. Administrative and Operational SHOW SLIDE: CHECK ON LEARNING Q. Who has access to the Major Command Level and what is their access level? A. Major Command Managers have full access. Helpdesk Clerks and select units have limited access. Q. What are the two types of Hierarchies within DTAS? A. Administrative and Operational
NOTE: TRANSITION SLIDE a. One of the MACOM Manager’s responsibilities includes establishing the APOD UICs for each APOD with the APOD Manager. After the UIC is created, the APOD Manager will assign incoming and/or outgoing units to an APOD UIC when they arrive or depart Theater. NOTE: This portion of the lesson will review the process and responsibilities of the APOD Manager. If you are assigned as an APOD Manager, you will receive additional training in Theater. NOTE: Have students log-in to the APOD Manager using the following URL with their assigned username and password:
Aerial Port of Debarkation (APOD)
Allows the MACOM Manager to manage Aerial Port of Debarkation (APOD) UICs and APOD User accounts. The APOD tool consists of two separate interface components: APOD Web Application: Used by PAT Teams throughout APODs Create/Upload TRN files (a personnel data file generated by the Tactical Personnel System (TPS)) APOD Manager: Managed by MACOM Managers Add/Remove/Update APOD SHOW SLIDE: AERIAL PORT OF DEBARKATION (APOD) b. The Major Command Manager Application includes an APOD tool that allows the MACOM Manger to track individuals as they enter the Aerial Port of Debarkation and assign them to a specific UIC within Theater. The APOD tool consists of two separate interface components: APOD Web Application and the APOD Manager. (1) The APOD Web Application is used by the PAT Teams and allows the creation and uploading of TRN files (2) The APOD Manager is a function that allows the MACOM and APOD Manager to manage the APOD UICs and APOD User accounts. The MACOM Manager manages the activities and responsibilities of the APOD Manager and ensures that all APODs are added, removed, or updated in DTAS NOTE: Remind students that they have previously discussed creating data files for DTAS during the eMILPO class and will discuss it again during this lesson when covering the Mass Assign/Add transaction.
APOD Module Process Completed by APOD Manager Completed by Mobile User
Scan individuals as they arrive at a Theater gateway TRN file is loaded into web-based APOD module Provide each individual with an accurate arrival date in Theater Capture their Projected Gaining UIC (PGUIC) Place personnel in an assigned location in Theater with a duty status of “In-transit, local reassignment” Completed by APOD Manager SHOW SLIDE: APOD MODULE PROCESS c. The APOD module process occurs when an individual or unit arrives in Theater. The process includes multiple steps and activities that must be performed by the APOD Manager to allow the DTAS system to properly track individuals arriving in Theater. Scan individuals as they arrive at a Theater gateway. This step generates a TRN file The TRN file is loaded into the web-based APOD module Provide each individual with an accurate arrival date to Theater Capture the Projected Gaining UIC (PGUIC) Place the individual in an assigned location in Theater with a duty status of “In-transit, local reassignment” As the Mobile User adds personnel to the unit’s mobile system, they are pulled from the APOD module and placed in their hierarchy with a duty status of Present for Duty (PDY) Completed by Mobile User
APOD Module Capabilities
The APOD tool allows all APODs to perform the following updates directly to the MACOM server with the Tactical Personnel System (TPS) generated TRN file via a Web Browser: Mass Add personnel entering the Theater for the first time on current deployment Update the Deployed Duty Status and Physical Location for personnel returning to Theater from TDY, emergency leave, R&R leave, etc Update the Deployed Duty Status and Physical Location for personnel departing Theater for any reason Update the Deployed Duty Status and Physical Location for personnel moving within Theater SHOW SLIDE: APOD MODULE CAPABILITIES d. The APOD tool allows all APODs to perform the following updates directly to the Theater server with the Tactical Personnel System (TPS) generated TRN file via a Web Browser: (1) Mass Add personnel entering Theater for the first time on current deployment (2) Update the Deployed Duty Status and Physical Location for personnel returning to Theater from TDY, emergency leave, R&R leave, etc. (3) Update the Deployed Duty Status and Physical Location for personnel departing from Theater for any reason (4) Update the Deployed Duty Status and Physical Location for personnel moving within Theater e. The capabilities of the APOD tool allow users to perform transactions at a greater speed, process incoming individuals all at one time, and improve the tracking capabilities of individuals within Theater.
This is a screenshot view of the APOD Manager Main screen, APOD Batch report, and the APOD Batch Error report. This module is used to capture mass updates in DTAS for arriving and departing personnel and provides APOD reports. INSTRUCTOR NOTE: Using the live system, demonstrate the various views and capabilities of the APOD Manager Main. The students will not be able to manipulate the APOD Manager. INSTRUCTOR NOTE: This is a building slide.
Ideal Depart for R&R Example
SPC Todd departs for R&R through departure APOD APOD uploads TRN file updating SPC Todd’s location SPC Todd on CONUS R&R APOD (Within Country) PDY (Unit Location) (Departure Theater) TPS MOBILE SYSTEM SPC TODD is in RED/RNR status while on R&R leave SHOW SLIDE: IDEAL DEPART FOR R&R EXAMPLE g. This is an example showing how a Soldier who is scheduled to return back to CONUS for R&R is processed in DTAS. INSTRUCTOR NOTE: This is a building slide and requires multiple clicks (1) SPC Todd departs from his unit for R&R; his DTAS Mobile Clerk will change his duty status code from PDY to RED/RNR (Redeployed/Rest and Recuperation). (2) SPC Todd will then arrive at an APOD location in Theater (the location can change based on Theater location). The APOD Manager will upload a departure TRN file and select if the location is “In Theater” or “CONUS or OCONUS”. This will allow the APOD web application to translate the TPS departure duty status automatically. (3) Next, SPC Todd will depart to another APOD within country. When he arrives the APOD Manager will upload another TRN file updating SPC Todd’s location. (4) When SPC Todd departs for his CONUS R&R location the APOD Manager ensures that SPC Todd’s duty status is RED/RNR. NOTE: At each location SPC Todd is required to swipe his CAC card in TPS. This creates the TRN file. SPC Todd departs through APOD for R&R APOD uploads TRN file updating SPC Todd’s location within country SPC Todd departs from his unit for R&R DTAS Mobile Clerk changes duty status code from PDY to RED/RNR DTAS MOBILE SYSTEM
Ideal Return from R&R Example
SPC Todd returns from R&R and enters into Theater APOD uploads TRN file updating SPC Todd’s physical location SPC Todd on CONUS R&R APOD (Initial Entry into Theater) TPS MOBILE SYSTEM SPC Todd is in RED/RNR status while on R&R leave TPS MOBILE SYSTEM APOD (Within Country) SHOW SLIDE: IDEAL RETURN FROM R&R EXAMPLE h. This is an example showing how a Soldier who is scheduled to return back from R&R leave is processed in DTAS. INSTRUCTOR NOTE: This is a building slide and requires multiple clicks SPC Todd returns to Theater from his CONUS R&R; at this time the APOD Manger will upload a TRN file updating SPC Todd’s location. SPC Todd departs this location and arrives at an APOD location in country. The APOD Manager will upload an arrival TRN file to update SPC Todd’s current location. (3) Next, SPC Todd will depart to his unit. (4) When SPC Todd arrives at his unit, his DTAS Mobile Clerk will change his duty status code from RED/RNR (Redeployed/Rest and Recuperation) to PDY. This process will ensure accountability of SPC Todd at all times while he is in Theater. SPC Todd returns from R&R through an APOD in country APOD uploads TRN file updating SPC Todd’s physical location SPC Todd Returns from R&R to his unit S1. DTAS Mobile Clerk changes status code to PDY and updates his physical location PDY (Unit Location) DTAS MOBILE SYSTEM
APOD Errors (1 of 2) Failed to Load TRN Record Errors - this error can occur immediately after a file is uploaded into memory. Type of Error Resolution Formatting errors User must generate the file for failed records with TPS Arrival duty status errors Verify and Change “Traffic Flow” Departure duty status errors Invalid duty status errors User must regenerate the file with valid APOD duty status SHOW SLIDE: APOD ERRORS (1 of 2) i. For each TPS-created TRN file that is submitted via the APOD web application, two types of errors may be generated. The first error is “Failed to Load Record Errors”. These type of errors can occur immediately after the file is “Uploaded” into memory. During the upload process, the web application checks for the following: (1) Formatting Errors-This occurs when the file is corrupt or manually manipulated. Resolution: TPS User must regenerate the file for failed records with TPS. (2) Arrival Duty Status Errors-This occurs if a departure duty status is uploaded with an arrival manifest and has an incorrect duty status. Resolution: User must ensure that the “Arrival’ has the correct “Traffic Flow” option. If the “Traffic Flow” option is incorrect, the user must upload the TRN file again with the “Departure” “Traffic Flow” selected. (3) Departure Duty Status Errors-This will occur if an “Arrival” duty status is uploaded with a “Departure” manifest. Resolution: User must ensure that the “Departure” has the correct “Traffic Flow” option. If the “Traffic Flow” option is incorrect, the user must upload the TRN file again with the “Arrival” “Traffic Flow” selected. (4) Invalid Duty Status Errors-This will occur if an invalid duty status is uploaded with any manifest. Resolution: User must use TPS to regenerate the file with a valid APOD Duty Status for failed records.
APOD Errors (2 of 2) APOD Theater Processing Errors-Occurs when the database receives and process the uploaded TRN file. Type of Error Resolution Adding a new person failed Resubmit; if continues, contact Help Desk Updating DUIC failed Updating duty status failed Updating assigned location failed Updating physical location failed Invalid INECCD value in input Determine the value; regenerate file Duty status is not valid for departure to CONUS or OCONUS Change destination; regenerate file Individual does not exist in DTAS Theater No action; contact MACOM Manager SHOW SLIDE: APOD ERRORS (2 of 2) j. The second error is “APOD Theater Processing Errors”. These type of errors can occur when the DTAS MACOM database receives and processes the uploaded TRN file. The possible errors include: (1) Adding a new person failed. Resolution: The user must research the MACOM database to determine the reason for failure and resubmit the update. If the user is unable to resolve the error, the user should contact the MACOM Help Desk for assistance. (2) Updating DUIC failed. Resolution: The user must research the MACOM database to determine the reason for failure and resubmit the update. If the user is unable to resolve the error, the user should contact the MACOM Help Desk for assistance. (3) Updating Duty Status failed. (4) Updating Assigned Location failed. Updating Physical Location failed. Invalid INECCD value in input -the record in the TPS file contained an invalid person type code. Resolution: The user must research the record in the TRN file to determine the incorrect (Incorrect Person Type) INECCD value. If necessary, the user must use TPS to regenerate the file with a valid INECCD for failed records. (7) Duty Status is not valid for Departure to CONUS or OCONUS - there are three departures (TPS) Duty Statuses that can only be used to depart personnel to “In Theater”: OLV, (Reassignment) RSG, and TRA. Resolution: If the individual is departing to “In Theater”, the user must upload the TRN file again and choose the correct destination. If the individual is departing for CONUS or OCONUS, the user must regenerate the file with valid departure Duty Status for the failed records. (8) Individual does not exist in DTAS Theater - this occur when a person does not exist in the DTAS Theater database. Resolution: No action is required by the APOD, the MACOM Manager must work with the unit to resolve the problem.
Preventive Measures Identify correct pending gain unit identification codes (PGUIC) for personnel on the TRN file. Coordinate with unit LNOs as necessary to facilitate the flow of information regarding movement and appropriate PGUICs. Ensure all TRN files generated by TPS have the correct computer clock time and date. Upload the TRN files into the APOD Module UIC associated with their location a minimum of twice daily or more as flights dictate. Designate personnel entering Theater in a temporary duty (TDY) status for less than 30 days to a PGUIC of ‘VISITR”. Designate personnel entering Theater in a TDY status from more than 30 days to the PGUIC of the unit they are in Theater to visit or support. SHOW SLIDE: PREVENTIVE MEASURES k. The APOD Manager can prevent the majority of the errors in the APOD tool by taking several preventive measures. These actions include: (1) Identifying the correct pending gain unit identification codes (PGUIC) for personnel on the TRN file (2) Coordinate with the LNOs as necessary to facilitate the flow of information regarding movement and appropriate PGUICs (3) Ensure all TRN files generated by TPS have the correct computer clock time and date (4) Upload the TRN files into the APOD Module UIC associated with their location a minimum of twice daily or more as flights dictate (5) Designate personnel entering Theater in a temporary duty (TDY) status for less than 30 days to PGUIC of “VISITR” (6) Designate personnel entering Theater in a TDY status from more than 30 days to the PGUIC of the unit they are in Theater to visit or support
Personnel Accountability Division (formerly Reception Staging and Onward Movement (RSO) Division)
Determine need for APOD Module locations ICW ARCENT G1, publish policies and standards for APOD Operations ICW ARCENT G1, train PAT teams on correct APOD Module procedures Train PAT Teams on TPS execution Assist with updating outdated user list for APODs ICW ARCENT G1, perform oversight of APOD TRN uploads and identify and work to solve challenges SHOW SLIDE: RSO DIVISION ASSISTANCE l. The HRSC has a Personnel Accountability Division, formerly Reception Staging and Onward Movement (RSO) Division that is responsible for providing MACOM and APOD Managers assistance and overseeing the following activities while in Theater: (1) Determine need for APOD Module locations (2) In coordination with ARCENT G1, publish policies and standards for APOD Operations (3) In coordination with ARCENT G1, train PAT teams on correct APOD Module procedures (4) Train PAT Teams on TPS execution (5) Assist with updating outdated user list for APODs (6) In coordination with ARCENT G1, perform oversight of APOD TRN uploads and identify and work to solve challenges
Check on Learning Q. What type of file is created when the APOD Manager scans in units? A. A TRN file Q. What are the two types of APOD errors that can occur in DTAS? A. Failed to Load TRN and APOD Theater Processing Errors SHOW SLIDE: CHECK ON LEARNING What type of file is created when the APOD Manager scans in units? A. A TRN File What are the two types of APOD errors that can occur in DTAS? A. Failed to Load TRN File and APOD Theater Processing Errors
eMILPO Data Extract Show Slide: eMILPO Data extract
Data Extract - eMILPO (1 of 10)
Using your web browser navigate to and click on eMILPO. SHOW SLIDE: DATA EXTRACT - eMILPO (1 of 10) e. Review the series of steps that depict how a DTAS file is created from eMILPO. eMILPO is the most widely used system for downloading data to DTAS. The file downloaded from eMILPO will carry the extension "XML".
Data Extract - eMILPO (2 of 10)
Click “Accept”. SHOW SLIDE: DATA EXTRACT - eMILPO (2 of 10) NOTE: Read Instructions on Slide NOTE: Have students click “Accept” to proceed.
Data Extract - eMILPO (3 of 10)
Select DTAS Soldier Record. SHOW SLIDE: DATA EXTRACT - eMILPO (3 of 10) NOTE: Read Instructions on Slide. 49
Data Extract - eMILPO (4 of 10)
Select UIC for Search Criteria. SHOW SLIDE: DATA EXTRACT – eMILPO (4 of 10) NOTE: Read Instructions on Slide. 50
Data Extract - eMILPO (5 of 10)
Type UIC and click “ADD”. SHOW SLIDE: DATA EXTRACT - eMILPO (5 of 10) NOTE: Selected UIC will be provided by the Instructor. NOTE: Read Instructions on Slide. 51
Data Extract - eMILPO (6 of 10)
After UIC is added to Selected Criteria, click “Search”. SHOW SLIDE: DATA EXTRACT - eMILPO (6 of 10) NOTE: Read Instructions on Slide. 52
Data Extract - eMILPO (7 of 10)
Select names from the results. SHOW SLIDE: DATA EXTRACT - eMILPO (7 of 10) NOTE: Read Instructions on Slide. 53
Data Extract - eMILPO (8 of 10)
Scroll to the bottom and click “OK”. SHOW SLIDE: DATA EXTRACT - eMILPO (8 of 10) NOTE: Read Instructions on Slide. 54
Data Extract - eMILPO (9 of 10)
Click on the blue hyperlink. SHOW SLIDE: DATA EXTRACT - eMILPO (9 of 10) NOTE: Read Instructions on Slide. NOTE: Do NOT use any files previously created in eMILPO. Use ONLY the files provided by your instructor. 55
Data Extract - eMILPO (10 of 10)
Click on “Save” and choose location to save. SHOW SLIDE: DATA EXTRACT - eMILPO (10 of 10) NOTE: Read Instructions on Slide. The file can be renamed and saved to a folder on your desktop or to a disk. Follow your BDE/BN SOP to determine how many copies to make. 56
TPS to a TRN File SHOW SLIDE: TPS to a TRN File
f. This slide shows a data file extracted from TPS. NOTE: This is an example of a TRN file. We do not have TRN capabilities to scan ID Card for training; however, the instructor will demonstrate. You have the option of using eMILPO or TRN in Theater.
a. The DTAS Dashboard application was deployed to the production Major Command Level server in March Its main purpose is to assist users in the field, giving them a quick and effective way to retrieve personnel information captured in DTAS, whether they are deployed or non-deployed. The reports include Duty Status exception reports, accountability reports, JPERSTAT reports, and APERSTAT reports. The DTAS Dashboard application is available upon request to everyone who has access to Datastore (Battalion S1 thru Corps G1). b. The application also provides users the capability to search for information in the DTAS database. Since deployment, the Dashboard has been expanding its scope and is continually updated with new functionalities based on the customer’s needs. NOTE: All information retrieved from the DTAS Dashboard application is considered classified information and must be handled accordingly. NOTE: Have students log-in to the Dashboard using the following URL with their assigned username and password: NOTE: If the class is having difficulty logging in to the Dashboard, continue to show slides since the slides are screenshots of the actual system.
Security Statement Show Slide: SECURITY STATEMENT
c. The DTAS Dashboard is a web application running on the SIPRNET. Its main purpose is to provide users access to various types of reports such as exception reports, accountability reports, JPERSTAT reports, and APERSTAT reports. The reports allow users to drill down to find detailed information, such as points of contact, so that exception reports can be corrected. In addition, the Dashboard application provides a “Search” functionality including Personnel search, Mobile POC search, Hierarchy search, and Unit search. NOTE: Have the students click ”OK” to proceed.
Deployed or Non-Deployed
Personnel Show Slide: DEPLOYED OR NON-DEPLOYED PERSONNEL d. Users will have a choice to select viewing the reports for deployed or non-deployed personnel. Sections below will describe in detail reports available for deployed personnel. NOTE: Have the students select view Deployed Personnel Information and click "Submit”.
Log – In/Main Page CLICK OK Show Slide: LOG-IN/MAIN PAGE
e. The Dashboard application provides four major groups of reports. Exception reports, JPERSTAT reports, APERSTAT reports, and Search reports. The table below contains links to functionality currently on the Dashboard. From this page, users can view the Dashboard User’s Guide or select one of the options presented in the table: NOTE: At the Log-in, have the students enter the specified User Name and Password and click “OK”.
Exception Reports Shows all exception reports based on all personnel within a UIC Shows all exception reports based only on military service members within a UIC Duty status exception report within the ARCENT hierarchy Show Slide: EXCEPTION REPORTS f. Exception Reports - For deployed personnel, the Exception Reports options – All Personnel or Military Only, provide a quick glance, dashboard view, with a configurable color coded scheme, to show the exceptions of major duty statuses and APOD, i.e. counts shown in green are normal and below allowable range, yellow is within range, and red is above the range. Duty status exception report similar to the ARCENT report but for the top UIC of IRAQ Duty status exception report similar to the ARCENT report but for the top UIC of Afghanistan
MAINTAIN - won’t be hearing from us!
Color Coded Counts MAINTAIN - won’t be hearing from us! FIX DISCREPANCY ASAP!!! Within Range Below Range Above Range Yellow numbers on an exception report suggests that units don’t have many discrepancies Show Slide: COLOR CODED COUNTS g. This page provides counts of personnel/mobiles that fall into the various exception and miscellaneous report categories. The counts are color coded based on the configurable thresholds shown on the right-hand side of the screen. The counts shown on this page are refreshed every 15 minutes. The Duty Status Exception reports are a set of individual reports that display the following exception categories: (1) In-Transit (TRA) over 30 days Rest and Recuperate (RnR) over 30 days. Wound in Action (WIA) over 1 day (4) Unverified (mini record indicator = U) h. Counts are color coded – based on configurable thresholds. (1) Red: Exceed threshold (2) Yellow: Within range of threshold (3) Green: Normal and below threshold i. For each exception, reports start with a list of UICs showing POC name, , phone – sorted in descending order by personnel counts. j. When the page is first opened, the default view of the report is: “All Personnel” (military and civilians) and by Deployed UIC or “DUIC.” k. The reports also allow drill down by UIC to view actual personnel for that unit. l. Once drilled down, there are options allowing the user to view exception reports by Mobile UIC or Deployed UIC. The deployed UIC counts will not include APOD UICs. m. The Personnel Filter drop down list allows users to view the reports by branch of service or civilian. n. Select a UIC from the drilled down report to see a list of personnel names in that unit who met the criteria. The title of the report will show the UIC and option selected. o. The Miscellaneous report is another type of report from the Exception and consists of the following reports: (1) Counts of Mobiles that have not Synchronized/Initialized in the Past 7 Days (2) Count of Personnel with Unknown Physical Location
ARCENT Reports Show Slide: ARCENT REPORTS Transition slide
Review discrepancy reports within Theater of Operations
ARCENT Reports (1 of 5) Review discrepancy reports within Theater of Operations Show Slide: ARCENT REPORTS (1 of 5) a. The ARCENT Report is another report that users can select from the Exceptions page. It provides a duty status exception report for ARCENT hierarchy starting with the top UIC of the ARCENT administrative hierarchy and all of its subordinate UICs.
ARCENT Reports (2 of 5) Show Slide: ARCENT REPORT (2 of 5)
b. The ARCENT Report contains the following data: (1) TRA (Transit) over 30 days (2) RnR (Rest and Recuperate) over 30 days (3) Pending Gains over 30 days (4) WIA (Wounded in Action) over 1 day (5) Unverified (mini record indicator = ‘U’)
When the UIC W46E61 is selected The following report will be displayed
ARCENT Reports (3 of 5) When the UIC W46E61 is selected The following report will be displayed Show Slide: ARCENT REPORT (3 of 5) c. When the UIC is shown in blue, it allows drill down to subordinate UICs when the UIC is selected. d. When the count is shown in blue, select the count under the category to see the list of personnel who met the criteria. The personnel may belong to that particular UIC or a UIC within the hierarchy chain. e. When the count is shown in black, it means the current count is applied to the UIC shown on the left.
ARCENT Reports (4 of 5) Blue hyperlink lets you verify the personnel under that category When Pending Gain over 30 days is selected, the following report is displayed Make the necessary updates Show Slide: ARCENT REPORT (4 of 5) When the UIC is shown in blue, users can continue to drill down to see immediate subordinate UIC(s) and its associated exceptions. Users can also click the count shown in blue to see the personnel for that category. g. When selecting pending gains over 30 days, the following report is displayed which will allow the user to make updates.
Export to Excel to save then entire report on a spreadsheet
ARCENT Reports (5 of 5) Export to Excel to save then entire report on a spreadsheet Show Slide: ARCENT REPORT (5 of 5) h. Clicking on the “Export to Excel” button on the left, users can save the entire report to an Excel file.
Iraq and Afghanistan Reports (1of 2)
Show Slide: IRAQ AND AFGHANISTAN REPORT (1 of 2) i. The Iraq and Afghanistan Reports are other reports that users can select from the Exceptions page. They provide a duty status exception report similar to the ARCENT report; but, for the top UIC of the Iraq or Afghanistan administrative hierarchy (i.e. W1IRAQ). The report has the following properties: (1) TRA over 30 days (2) RnR over 30 days (3) Pending Gains over 30 days (4) WIA over 1 day (5) Unverified (mini record indicator = ‘U’) All functions and buttons that are available in the ARCENT report are also available in the Afghanistan and Iraq report
Iraq and Afghanistan Reports (2 of 2)
Show Slide: IRAQ AND AFGHANISTAN REPORT (2 of 2) j. When the UIC is shown in blue, it allows drill down to subordinate UICs when the UIC is selected. k. When the count is shown in blue, select the count under the category to see the list of personnel who met the criteria. The personnel may belong to that particular UIC or a UIC within the hierarchy chain. l. When the count is shown in black, it means the current count is applied to the UIC shown on the left.
JPERSTAT Reports Show Slide: JPERSTAT REPORTS NOTE: Transition Slide
JPERSTAT Reports Shows JPERSTAT numbers by Country and Command
Shows JPERSTAT numbers for ARCENT Show Slide: JPERSTAT REPORTS a. The JPERSTAT report is a complex report and has the following characteristics: (1) To maintain the same business rules with the JPERSTAT cubes in Datastore, the contents of the report are refreshed twice a day at 0500 GMT and 1700 GMT. That means the data on the report is static for 12 hours. The last refreshed date is shown on the title of the report. (2) The report is grouped by countries and base camps within each country. There are total rows for each base camp, country, and all countries for the report. There is also the Previous Grand Total row at the bottom of the report so that the Delta Grand Total row can be calculated for the day. (3) The report shows the operational strength – duty status of PDY or TDY. (4) The report uses the Administrative UIC hierarchy. (5) Locations used on the report are physical locations. (6) The report counts personnel in the following categories: Military active personnel Reserve personnel National Guard personnel Civilians including military civilians and contractors Females (7) For each of the person type groups listed above, the report also shows yesterday’s counts and calculates the deltas based on today’s counts. Yesterday’s count is based on the first refresh from the previous day. (8) The counts on the JPERSTAT report can be drilled down to see a personnel detail report which includes: last name, first name, GUID, rank, PMOS, DUIC, country, base camp, person type description, and unit name. (9) The output of the JPERSTAT report can be exported to excel by clicking the Export to Excel button on the left. (10) JPERSTAT Help hyperlink at the top of the page, provides business rules used to create JPERSTAT report. Shows JPERSTAT numbers for units in Iraq Shows JPERSTAT numbers for units in Afghanistan Generates the JPERSTAT report based on user’s entered DUIC. Users also have option to select whether to include or exclude sub-units.
JPERSTAT Reports By Area of Responsibility (1 of 2)
Show Slide: JPERSTAT REPORTS BY AREA OF RESPONSIBILITY (1 of 2) b. To generate the JPERSTAT for all countries, from the country drop down box, click “ALL” within the country pick-list and then click the “Generate” button on the left. The JPERSTAT will be generated for CENTCOM listing all countries and all Base Camps existed in those countries that have deployed personnel in DTAS. c. To generate the JPERSTAT for a particular country, open the pick-list for each option respectively and select the desired items for the report. NOTE: The pick-lists for countries are sorted alphabetically. Search a Country or Command by numbers
JPERSTAT Reports By Area of Responsibility (2 of 2)
Show Slide: JPERSTAT REPORTS BY AREA OF RESPONSIBILITY (2 of 2) d. Using the windows scroll bars, users can scroll to the right to see the rest of the columns and scroll down to see the rest of the report. The title of the JPERSTAT has the last refreshed date and time. This is an important indicator of the JPERSTAT. It signifies that the data used to build the report was last captured on this date/time. The information is static until the next scheduled refresh run. f. The JPERSTAT report can be exported to Excel by selecting the “Export to Excel” button on the left. To reset the previous option back to the default, select the “Reset” button on the left.
g. For the JPERSTAT Report, counts are based on personnel in 'TDY' or 'PDY' duty status. h. The user must enter an Assigned Unit Identification Code (ASUIC) and the ASUIC must exist in the DTAS Hierarchy. The report is generated based on the ASUIC point in the Administrative Hierarchy. In addition, the results will be based on the inclusion or exclusion of sub-units. i. If the user is unsure of the ASUIC code, they go to the Unit Name Search page. After the name search, click on the UIC Code link to generate a report for that UIC and its descendant units. NOTE: Results can be exported to an Excel spreadsheet.
Search Reports Show Slide: SEARCH REPORTS NOTE: Transition Slide
Search Reports (1 of 3) Provides a quick way to search for one or more personnel based on several search criteria Retrieves information from the UIC provided Retrieves information from the unit name provided Show Slide: SEARCH REPORTS (1 of 3) a. Similar to the Search Reports for Deployed personnel, this section provides users different ways to retrieve deployed personnel and unit information. Available options are: (1) Personnel Search (2) Operational Personnel (3) Physical Location Search (4) Mobile POC Search (5) Unit Name Search (6) Hierarchy Search Retrieves information from the provided UIC code and displays the unit’s hierarchy
to search one or more personnel based on several search criteria
Search Reports (2 of 3) Provides a quick way to search one or more personnel based on several search criteria Show Slide: SEARCH REPORT (2 of 3) b. The Personnel Search Report provides a quick way to search for one or more personnel based on several search criteria such as SSN or file of SSNs, last name, first name, person type, duty status, ASUIC, primary MOS, physical location, country and/or assigned location. Among those listed, SSN, last name, and Primary MOS allow the wildcard search. That means only the first few characters are needed. The following conditions apply to the Personnel Search page: (1) At least one search criterion (i.e. first name, last name, SSN, etc.) must be specified by the user. (2) If specifying a file of SSNs or EDI PN IDs, the file must be a text file. The user cannot specify a single SSN and a file of SSN's. A file of SSNs cannot be specified with a single SSN value. A file of EDI PN IDs cannot be specified with a single EDI PN ID value. (3) Users may perform a wild card search on SSN, EDI PN ID, last name and primary MOS. (4) The pay grade search capability is only available after selecting a person type of US Army Soldier, Other US Service Member, or DoD Federal Civilian. These are the only person types associated with a pay grade. (5) If entered, the primary MOS must contain at least 2 characters which can occur at any position. (6) Exact match searches are performed for first name, person type, duty status, and ASUIC. (7) The subordinate ASUIC Checkbox requires that the user specify a ASUIC. (8) The query will execute for the entered ASUIC, subordinate ASUICs, and additional search criteria. (9) The ASUIC returned from a query appears as a hyperlink when the person exists on a mobile. NOTE: If specifying a file of SSNs or EDI PN IDs, specify any other search criteria first. Click the hyperlink to identify the mobile and contact information.
individual or multiple field inputs
Search Reports (3 of 3) If search criteria is only UIC. The following report is generated. Search criteria can be individual or multiple field inputs Show Slide: SEARCH REPORT (3 of 3) c. The rows count is displayed at the top of the report showing the total search result that matches the search criteria. The report is sorted by last name. The typed character is not case sensitive. Clicking on the unit under ASUIC column will trigger the Mobile POC Search page to be displayed for that UIC. d. A sorting function for the Personnel Search page is also available. By moving the mouse to any column header (column heading), a link will appear that, when selected, allows the report to be sorted by that column. The sorting will toggle from ascending to descending and vice versa. NOTE: ATUIC – attached UIC, and APOD UICs are also available in the report. If the ASUIC is not Highlighted in blue, then the UIC is the APOD UIC. NOTE: To reset the page or clear out the current search, select the “Reset” button. To go back to the main page, click the “Main Page” button.
Hierarchy Search (1 of 2) Show Slide: HIERARCHY SEARCH (1 of 2)
e. The Hierarchy Search Report helps users to retrieve, from the provided UIC code, the unit’s hierarchy including its parents, grandparent, and children UICs along with the available mobile’s point of contact information. When the Hierarchy Search function is selected from the main page, this page is displayed. f. The user must enter a full UIC code and select the hierarchy type button - ADCON or OPCON. The default is ADCON. Then select the Search button on the left.
Enter full UIC code and select hierarchy type
Hierarchy Search (2 of 2) Enter full UIC code and select hierarchy type The following report is generated Show Slide: HIERARCHY SEARCH (2 of 2) g. The entered UIC is not case sensitive. To reset or clear the page, click the “Reset” button. To go back to the main page, click the “Main Page” button. NOTE: Clicking on the “Export to Excel” button on the left to export the report output to an Excel file.
Check on Learning Q. What are the four major groups of reports available in Dashboard? A. Exception Reports JPERSTAT Reports APERSTAT Reports Search Reports Q. What report provides a quick way to search one or more personnel based on several search criteria? A. Search Report Q. What report provides a joint personnel status report for a group of deployed units in the administrative hierarchy, of all locations, and across all person types and branches of services? A. JPERSTAT Report SHOW SLIDE: CHECK ON LEARNING Q: What are the four major groups of reports available in Dashboard? A: Exception Reports JPERSTAT Reports APERSTAT Reports Search Reports Q: What report provides a quick way to search one or more personnel based on several search criteria? A: Search Reports. Q: What report provides a joint personnel status report for a group of deployed units in the administrative hierarchy, of all locations, and across all person types and branches of services? A: JPERSTAT REPORT
i. Application (120 minutes): Two Practical Exercises pertaining to applying the students’ knowledge of DTAS. NOTE TO INSTRUCTOR: Administer the Practical Exercises for this lesson plan. Upon completion, critique the Practical Exercises and answer any questions related to the Practical Exercises.
Terminal Learning Objective
Action: Manage the Deployed Theater Accountability System (DTAS) Conditions: In a classroom environment, with internet connectivity and the eMILPO training interface, current versions of DTAS Functional Guidance, AHRS DTAS Dashboard User’s Guide, DTAS Mobile Application User Manual, Applicable HR Field Manuals and References and an awareness of the Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors. Standard: Students will meet the standard of 80% accuracy when they: 1. Identify the objectives of DTAS 2. Identify the three sub-systems of DTAS Identify S-1 DTAS responsibilities and planning considerations Identify Major Command and its functions Identify APOD and APOD Manager How to complete an eMILPO Data Extract DTAS Dashboard functions SHOW SLIDE: TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE NOTE: Restate and discuss the TLO with the students as necessary.
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