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Cellular Respiration Ms. Cohen Biology.

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Presentation on theme: "Cellular Respiration Ms. Cohen Biology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cellular Respiration Ms. Cohen Biology

2 How much energy is in food?
One gram of sugar (glucose), when burned in presence of oxygen, releases 3811 calories of heat energy. A ________ is the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water 1 degree C.

3 Cellular Respiration Overview
Chem equation:

4 Occurs in Cytoplasm of Cells. You must put A little energy in! To get a little Energy out!! OXYGEN IS NOT NECESSARY FOR THIS TO HAPPEN

5 Fermentation When oxygen is not present, glycolysis
is followed by FERMENTATION. During __________________, cells convert ___________ back to NAD+ Does not require _____________, thus it is called anaerobic. Two types: ___________________ and ________________________.

6 Lactic Acid Fermentation

7 Alcoholic Fermentation
What gas Is given off Here? ______

8 Aerobic Respiration

9 Pyruvic acid is Broken down into CO2 in a series Of energy extracting reactions NADH and FADH2 (electron carriers) will be shuttled to ETC

10 Takes place on mitochondrial membrane (inner membrane)
ETC uses high energy electrons from Krebs Cycle to convert ADP into ATP


12 Energy & Exercise What happens when you need energy in a hurry?
What happens when you need energy for the long term?

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