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Unit 3: Western Religions

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1 Unit 3: Western Religions
The Rise of Islam Unit 3: Western Religions

2 Pre Islam Arabian Peninsula Centers of Trade: Desert Life
Nomadic Herders Fiercely independent No central government. Centers of Trade: Oasis towns Mecca-Major economic cross roads Medina (Yathrib) “The City of the Prophet”

3 Pilgrim’s destination
Mecca Center of worship dotted with temples Pilgrim’s destination Meccans provided services to religious pilgrims. Home to the Ka’aba Houses all the idols Black stone

4 Ka’aba

5 Life of Muhammad Born in 570-632 CE Muhammad’s vision Koran (Qur’an)
Born in Mecca Member of Quarish Tribe Prominent Meccan Family Married wealthy Muhammad’s vision Meditation at Mt. Hira Angel Gabriel appears One true God! ALLAH! Koran (Qur’an) 22 years of messages

6 Final Prophet Monotheism 10 commandments Golden Rule

7 Muhammad Preaches Why is Muhammad a threat? Murder Squad Mecca Medina
Polytheistic Monotheism (ALLAH) Profiting from Shrines Murder Squad Muhammad escapes Mecca Medina Hijrah Ummah Communities of faithful

8 The Conquest of Islam Muhammad leads an army. Pagan Shrines destroyed
Conquer Mecca 630 CE Pagan Shrines destroyed Ka’aba preserved Arabian Peninsula 632 CE

9 Unit 3: Western Religions
The Teachings of Islam Unit 3: Western Religions

10 Lets Get Down to the Basics
Islam Submission to the will Allah Muslim One who has submitted Sunna: Habit or Practice Sayings/Practices of Muhammad Proper Life Imam Religious Leader Shari’ah Path to Water Laws based on Qur’an Covers all aspects of life Ummah: Islamic community under Shari’ah Jihad

11 5 Pillars of Islam Shahadah: Sawm Salat Zakat Hajj
Belief in One god Allah Sawm Fasting during Ramadan What is Ramadan? Salat Prayer 5x’s a day Zakat Charity Hajj Pilgrimage to Mecca

12 Leadership of the Faithful
The Caliph == head of state in a Caliphate leader of the Islamic community Caliph means "successor" or "representative".

13 Sunni vs. Shia Comparison Activity
Directions: Please take a Laptop. Each member of the group will be responsible for watching both videos located on Each member of the group will fill out the Venn Diagram independently. The group will then divide between the two current events. Answering the prompt in the discussion. Small group will discuss the differences between Sunni and Shia Muslims and how has impacted Syria’s Civil War.

14 Sunni and Shiite (Shi’a)
Shi’a (Shi’ites) Partisans of Ali Leadership Descended from Muhammad. Do not recognize Sunna. Quran Interpretation Sunni Muslims Followers of Muhammad’s example Abu Bakr Successor Sunna Believe Rulers should follow Muhammad’s example. Quran Interpretation

15 Sufism: Muslim Mystics
No Materialism Devotion to a spiritual path

16 Expansion of Islam Umayyad's Caliph Abu Bakr “Rightly Guided”
First Muslim Dynasty Massacre Shi’a Atlantic Ocean to Indus River Caliph Leader of Islamic Community Abu Bakr First Caliph Wrote most of Koran “Rightly Guided” Abu Bakr (632-34) Umar (634-44) Uthamn (644-56) (Murdered) Ali- ( ) (Murdered)

17 Spread of Islam Islam unites all Arabs What is a Jihad?
Qur’an says to spread faith. What is a Jihad? Inner struggle (good vs. evil) Holy War- Against non believers Koran on the conquered: People of the book Religious tolerance Byzantine and Persian Empires

18 Battle of Tours Charles Martel Islamic Army is defeated
The Hammer Tours, France Islamic Army is defeated Christianity is preserved

19 Unit 3: Western Religions
Sharia Unit 3: Western Religions

20 What images do you imagine when you think of Islamic Women?

21 Where Do The Customs Come From? Impact of Sharia on Islamic States
Sunna: Habit or Practice Sayings/Practices of Muhammad Proper Life Hadith – reports of the things the prophet said or did Sharia The Path to Water This is the ideal or goal

22 Is this Really Sharia? 19 year Iraqi girl
Crime: Unknown number on her cell phone Punishment: Beaten and Shot 7 times by her husband and in-laws

23 Is This Really Sharia? 16 year old Turkish girl
Crime: Flirting with boys Punishment: Beaten and buried alive by her family

24 We are not So Different You and I
Unit 3: Western Religions

25 Similarities Semitic Origins Divine Revelation
Judaism, Christianity, Islam. Divine Revelation Judaism- Mt. Sinai Christianity- Jesus Islam- Mt. Hira

26 Similarities Ethical Orientation Linear concept of History
Good vs. Evil Obedience vs. Disobedience to God Linear concept of History Creation God works throughout history.

27 Similarities Devotion to traditions in Torah, Bible and Koran
Stories of Adam, Abraham, Noah, Moses

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