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Presentation on theme: "Islam."— Presentation transcript:

1 Islam

2 Islam Abrahamic Monotheism Quran

3 What is an Abrahamic Religion?

4 Abrahamic Religions Christianity Judaism Islam Isaac Ishmael
Jacob who becomes Israel 12 tribes Judaism Islam Ishmael

5 Abrahamic Religions 54% of the worlds population belong to these 3 religions

6 Islamic beginnings Islamic members refer to themselves as Muslims
Submitter, or one who surrenders to the will of Allah Begins in the 7th century When is that? The Prophet Muhammad and the Quran Unites Arabia into a single religion Documented Person

7 Pre Muhammad This region is populated by tribes
What is a Region? What do you think of when you think of tribe? Muhammad unites the tribes 622 they migrate to Medina Charter of Medina 629 Attack on Medina 632 Death of Muhammad

8 Charter of Medina A written Document guaranteeing
Establishes a collective responsibility among 9 tribes of their members Establishes Muhammad as the mediator No war without Tribal consent Identifies multi religious state as being OK

9 Post Muhammad The split between Shia and Sunni, an argument over who controls the church Have we ever seen something like this before?

10 Shia Islam Believe that Caliphs lead the church after the death of Muhammad Roughly 10% of Muslim’s today are Shi’ite million as reported by BBC and the Pew Forum

11 Formative Shia Populations
Iran- 66 million, 90% of the population What do we know about the Nation of Iran?

12 Qu’ran Book of Islamic Scripture Outlines the 5 Pillars of Islam
“There is no compulsion where the religion is concerned.” (Holy Quran: 2/ 256)

13 5 Pillars of Islam 1- Shahada: testifying to God
“There is no God but Allah, Muhammad is his prophet” 2- Salat: Prayer 5 times a day 3- Zakat: Alms to the poor 4: Sawm: Fasting during Ramadan 5: Hajj: Pilgrimage to Mecca

14 6th Pillar ? Jihad is… Jihad is Not…
Typically referring to internal as well as external efforts Working to inform people about the faith of Islam Essentially a calling to spread Islam Violent A declaration of war against other religions Military action in most cases

15 Islam’s Gifts Coffee Pin hole Camera Chess Bath rituals Crank Shaft
Windmill Inoculation Fountain Pen Numerals Three Course Meals Checking accounts?

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