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Islam - origins.

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1 Islam - origins

2 Quick-Write How would a young man marrying an older woman impact his view of women?

3 Muhammad Orphan of a well-off clan who married an older woman
Grew up in time when Arabia was facing outside influences: Byzantine and Sassanid Empires Migrations of Arabs into surrounding areas where they adopted elements of the culture Increase in trade and urbanization was increasing social stratification

4 Arabia religiously divided
Tribal gods meant separate identities City of Mecca responded by creating a shrine for all the gods – the Ka’ba Most powerful clan – the Umayyad, didn’t want things to change Muhammad started to gain followers and threaten the “status quo”; the Umayyad tried to have him killed

5 The “Five Pillars” of Islam
No god but Allah, and Muhammad is messenger Prayer toward Mecca 5x day Charity/Almsgiving to the needy Fasting during Ramadan Pilgrimage to Mecca at least once

6 Foundational beliefs Allah & Allah’s creation are separate things (agree with Genesis account) There is a devil that battles with Allah for people’s souls There is an eternal afterlife determined by one’s actions Worship of anything except Allah is idolatry Much of the old testament is correct, e.g. Abraham Jesus is a prophet and not part of god

7 The Hijra & rise of Islam
Muhammad & followers fled Mecca to nearby city of Medina Muhammad made mayor, ran the city well, spread Islam throughout Muhammad & followers began to spread out, eventually taking over Mecca & winning the submission of the Umayyad

8 A new order Muslims were from all tribes – formed a single community called the “umma” Single god, single community, single peace Islam’s ethical system provided a code of behavior people could rely on -- Equality of all believers -- Charity (zakat)

9 A new universal religion
Anyone could be Muslim Other universal religions of the time: Christianity and Buddhism Spread rapidly among Arabs as the Umma conducted successful military campaigns on the Arabian peninsula Muhammad’s death in 632 = turning point

10 Political Islam On death of Muhammad, Umma met to select a new Caliph – combined political & religious leader Couldn’t agree: Blood-line of Muhammad or elected leader? First four Caliphs the “righteous caliphs” --Conflict over fifth Support for Ali vs. Abi Talib= biggest split in the Muslim world: Sunni vs. Shia

11 New Form of Government - Caliphate
Caliph both a political & religious leader Muhammad the 1st Caliph Three Caliphates: Muhammad’s, Umayyad, Abassid


13 Consolidation & Expansion of Power
Ridda wars fought to bring back Arabs who drifted, expanded Caliphate into Iraq & Syria Conquered weak Byzantine & Sassanid Empires Ummayad Caliphate tried to keep non-Arabs from converting – why? Ummayad Caliphate’s Umma was “Closed” to outsiders (non-Arabs) vs. later Abassid


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