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World Religions Bernal Middle School 2015-2016.

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Presentation on theme: "World Religions Bernal Middle School 2015-2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 World Religions Bernal Middle School

2 What is religion? A religion is an organized system of beliefs and practices, often centered on one or more gods. Monotheism – belief in one god Polytheism – belief in many gods Atheism – belief in no god

3 Buddhism Followers – 362 million Founder – The Buddha Deity – None
Holy Book – None Facts to Know Began in India Buddha = “enlightened one” Most Buddhist live in Sri Lanka, E Asia, SE Asia, & Japan

4 Buddhism Basic Beliefs
People achieve peace & happiness (nirvana) by eliminating their attachment to worldly things Nirvana is reached by following the Noble Eightfold Path Right opinions Right desires Right speech Right action Right job Right effort Right concentration Right meditation

5 Christianity Followers – 2 billion Founder – God Deity – Jesus Christ
Holy Book – Bible Facts to Know Largest religion in the world Taught many ideas from Jewish tradition

6 Christianity Basic Beliefs
There is only one God, who watches over & cares for his people Jesus Christ was the son of God. He died to save humanity from sin. His death & resurrection made eternal life possible for others.

7 Hinduism Followers – 820 million Founder – No one founder
Deity – 3 main gods Brahma Vishnu Shiva Holy Book – None Facts to Know Major religion of India and Nepal

8 Hinduism Basic Beliefs The soul never dies, but is continually reborn
People achieve happiness & enlightenment after they free themselves from earthly desires Freedom from earthly desires comes from a lifetime of worship, knowledge, & virtuous acts

9 Hinduism Diwali BrainPop

10 Islam Followers – 1.2 billion Founder – Muhammad Deity – God (Allah)
Holy Book – Qur’an Facts to Know Followers are known as Muslim Mostly practiced in the Middle East, central Asia, & parts of Africa

11 Islam Basic Beliefs Believe that God revealed these teachings in the Qur’an to the prophet Muhammad through the angel Gabriel Believe in the same prophets of Judaism & Christianity People achieve salvation by following the Five Pillars of Islam Faith Prayer Charity Fasting Pilgrimage to Mecca

12 Islam Ramadan BrainPop

13 Judaism Followers – 14.5 million Founder – Abraham
Deity – God (Yahweh) Holy Book – Hebrew Bible (including the Torah) Facts to Know 1st major monotheistic religion The Torah is the basis for civil & religious laws. God set down many moral laws for all of humanity through the Ten Commandments.

14 Judaism Basic Beliefs There is only one God, who watches over & cares for his people God holds people accountable for their sins & shortcomings People serve God by studying the Torah & living by its teachings

15 Reflection Use the last 10 minutes of class to reflect on what you learned during this class period. Complete your reflection on a separate sheet of paper to turn in when the bell rings.

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