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The Five Pillars of Islam

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1 The Five Pillars of Islam

2 Geography Overview Unit of Study Country: Cities: Middle East
Saudi Arabia Cities: Mecca and Medina

3 The Story of Muhammad While escaping it all in a local cave (reportedly to pray for the poor who were treated unequally) Muhammad was told to “recite” the word of God (Allah) from an angel named Gabriel. This ability would make him a prophet, or messenger of god. Upon his return home, many thought he was crazy. The idea of a single God, or monotheism, was defiant of the accepted belief by neighboring tribes and leaders that there were many gods (polytheism). These tribes believed in worshiping idols that represented the gods; some leaders even sold the idols in Mecca. Thus, Muhammad traveled to Medina. By leading through positive example, Muhammad slowly gained followers. Eventually Islam would spread throughout the Arabian Peninsula and most of the Middle East. He returned to Mecca, which is a holy city today. His revelations of the word of Allah were recorded in the Quran (holy book of Islam). Today, Islam is the second largest religion in the world. There are 1.2 billion Muslims in the world according to CAIR (Council on American-Islamic relations).

4 Five Pillars Introduction
After Muhammad’s death companions desired to maintain an Islamic community. Muhammad’s companions recorded all of his revelations into the Quran, and his life practices in the Sunnah (Sunnah-The hadith interpreted). Sunnah and Quran provide rules and daily life practices for all Muslims to live by. The most basic rules of the Sunnah and Quran are in the Five Pillars.

5 Pillar 1: Shahadah: Declaration of Faith
There is only one God (Allah) and Muhammad is his Prophet

6 Pillar 2: Salat: Prayer States number of times a Muslims should pray each day. Five times: before dawn, noon, mid- afternoon, sunset, and dark

7 Pillar 3: Zakat: Charity, Almsgiving
Islam recognizes that material things are important So, 2½% of a Muslim’s annual income should go to the poor. ($40,000=$1,000 a year)

8 Pillar 4: Sawm: Fasting & Ramadan
From Sunrise to Sunset no food or drinks during the holy month of Ramadan. For example: Ramadan was from September 1, September 29, 2008, but will start May 26th this year.

9 Pillar 5: Hajj: Pilgrimage to Mecca
Those Muslims who are physically and economically able… Must at one time during their lifetime make a pilgrimage to Mecca.

10 Daily Life of Muslims Both the Quran and Sunnah cover all aspects of Muslim life including diet, marriage, divorce, business contracts, even how to clean your teeth! Muslims may not drink alcohol, eat pork or gamble. Some characterize life as a struggle to “resist evil temptations” The Quran prohibits women to marry non-Muslims

11 A Mnemonic Device Allah Prays for the Poor Hungry People in Mecca


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