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Religions of Asia SSWG5d. Describe the various ethnic and religious groups in the region and the effect of geography on their development and their.

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Presentation on theme: "Religions of Asia SSWG5d. Describe the various ethnic and religious groups in the region and the effect of geography on their development and their."— Presentation transcript:

1 Religions of Asia SSWG5d. Describe the various ethnic and religious groups in the region and the effect of geography on their development and their major customs and traditions.

2 Buddhism Founder & Date Siddhartha Guatama (The Buddha) 530 BC History
Prince raised in luxury but gave up everything Major Beliefs Four Noble Truths Suffering is a part of life. Suffering is caused by selfish desires for things you don’t have. To end suffering, you must learn to let go of selfish desires and achieve enlightenment. To be freed of selfish desires, you must live a life of moderation and discipline called the Eightfold Path.

3 Buddhism Major Beliefs Karma—what you do comes back to you
Reincarnation—your soul is recycled Nirvana—ultimate enlightenment (final reincarnation) Location Although Buddhism started in India, today it is practiced mainly in Japan, China, Cambodia, and Thailand. Misc. Buddha was actually a Hindu originally

4 Buddhism 8 Fold Path The Buddha

5 Shinto Founder & Date No real founder and date
Some consider the oldest religion in the world Major Beliefs According to Shinto belief, all objects in nature contain sacred spirits called kami. This includes plants, rocks, trees and animals. Kami are often worshipped at family or community shrines, where the spirits of deceased relatives live. Many different festivals

6 Shinto Major Beliefs Shinto rituals emphasize purity and worship of nature. Holy water and salt are used to cleanse and purify things. Bells, drums or gongs are used to attract good kami or scare away bad kami. Another well known example of Shinto rituals involves the making of Samurai swords Location Primarily in Japan Misc. According to tradition, the emperor of Japan is a descendant of the sun goddess and therefore a god himself

7 Samurai Swords Shinto Sumo Wrestling

8 Hinduism Founder & Date No real founder and date Goes back 4000 years
Major Beliefs Many of these beliefs are found in a series of books called the Vedas. Believe in reincarnation, karma, & nirvana Caste system What you do in previous lives determines your caste

9 Hinduism Major Beliefs
The Hindu religion includes multiple gods. The most important of these are Brahma, the creator Vishnu the preserver Shiva the destroyer. Location Primarily in India

10 Caste System The Caste system is very rigid, you cannot move up in social class The Indian Constitution has outlawed caste based discrimination The Caste System is declining in urban areas as education improves The Caste System is still prominent in many rural areas

11 Caste levels 1. Brahmins-Priests 2. Kshatriya-nobles 3. Vaisya-traders, artisans, farmers, herders 4. Sudra-laborers 5. Untouchables

12 Hinduism Shiva Ohm symbol

13 Hinduism Snakes & Ladders Chutes & Ladders

14 Islam Founder & Date Muhammad 622 AD Major Beliefs Monotheistic
Allah Muslim beliefs and practices are spelled out in their holy book, the Qur’an Two major divisions Sunni Shia

15 Islam Major Beliefs 5 Pillars Location
Declaration of Faith Prayer Charity Fasting Pilgrimage Location The largest Muslim populations in Southern and Eastern Asia are found in India, Pakistan and Indonesia.

16 Banda Aceh islam Islam Map

17 Confucianism (philosophy not religion)
Founder & Date The Chinese philosopher Kong Fu Zi Lived from 551 to 479BC. History When Confucius lived, it was a bad time in China with war Major Beliefs He spelled this out in a code of behavior called Li, which requires respect, honesty, hard work, politeness, and generosity. Every person should know their place in society, follow the rules, and be respectful, especially of their parents.

18 Confucianism Major Beliefs
An orderly society was built on Five Key Relationships: ruler and subject parent and child husband and wife Older sibling and younger sibling Friend and friend Location Confucian philosophy is influential in China and Japan.

19 confucianism Symbol Confucius

20 Daoism/Taoism China Founder and Date No real founder
First recognized in 4th century BC History Before the Communist revolution, Taoism was the strongest religion in China After the government began destroying any non-communist religions its numbers have significantly reduced Major Beliefs The Tao, “the Way”, is the ultimate creative principle of the universe Promotes, harmony, being virtuous, and self development Taoists practices, meditation, feng shui, fortune telling Location China

21 Misc: Sikhism & Jainism
Founded by Guru Nanak Monotheistic Salvation through disciplined, personal meditation on the name and message of God. Equality a big deal Jainism 4.2 million followers believe in extreme nonviolence everything has a soul Strict vegetarians Do not believe in gods or spiritual beings, more a religion of self-help

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