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DevOps Meetup – Infrastructure As Code

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1 DevOps Meetup – Infrastructure As Code

2 A distributed active/active architecture
48 locations Canary AWS east HA/autoscaled Canary AWS west HA/autoscaled

3 x n x m Micro-service architecture nginx tomcat/jetty
Scale independently, Maximize utilization edge backend nginx x n saasbase_db saasbase_analytics esm_event_collector hbase_regionserver hbase_master hbase_thrift hadoop_datanode hadoop_tasktracker kafka_broker opentsdb_tsd opentsdb_tcollector opsview_agent x m zookeepeer tomcat/jetty 4

4 Geo Distribution

5 DevOps, OpsDev - a two way street
Developer should be aware of the underlying infrastructure SRE engineer should be aware of the application on top Part of the same team – same goal (uptime/SLA), different focus

6 Infrastructure as Code
First, your infrastructure is just an “external service” Dev/QA/Stage/Prod environments parity Use the same recipes and playbooks in all environments Product-in-a-box : development boxes used for local development and integration testing Deployable services re-use deployment recipes across products deployment code is application code cluster level orchestration (ansible/salt) incremental rollouts (provides zero downtime upgrades) Observable services monitoring and alerting are built-in into the service Codahale metrics, JMX, NewRelic Integrated Dashboard to view all metrics (Grafana/OpenTSDB) 6

7 It’s not all about tools. Processes matter too
Git is the place all code meets : The Code contribution guide is our “Constitution” Commit with : code reviews from min 2 eng, 2 x thumbs up & no thumbs down One negative vote : must discuss and agree. One single exception allowed : Severity 1 incidents Everyone can contribute to everything through a pull-request. Development & debugging flows matter Every engineer can automatically spin up a local VM with everything running on it. Some dev are working early in the day, others late – strive to not enable them not depend on others. If it bothers you, you’re the one motivated to fix it. Engineer on-call is the first one to receive a PD alert Next days after a PD alert are for fixing the issue or tuning the alert SREs embedded in the team Part of the engineering team (sprint planning, features kick-off when needed) Not shared with other products/services

8 Practical example (1)

9 Practical example (2)

10 Clusters hiera blueprints YourProduct-in-a-box
Demos Clusters hiera blueprints YourProduct-in-a-box CI: vagrant box used to run end-to-end deployment validation Same blueprint as a full scale production (just the scale is different ) Monitoring role based check registration Opsview APM: Grafana integrated APM metrics 10

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