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How can students take a more active role at the start of your lessons?

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Presentation on theme: "How can students take a more active role at the start of your lessons?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How can students take a more active role at the start of your lessons?
Student-led Starters How can students take a more active role at the start of your lessons?

2 Starter: Round Robin Why do lessons need a starter? What purpose do they serve? What difference do they make to teaching and learning? Connect (recap) the learning Assess the ‘starting point’ in learning Motivate/engage students Classroom climate Behaviour management

3 Discussion: How might you plan for this?
Idea One: Starter Stars Give students ownership over the start of a lesson. Ask them to recap the learning from the previous lesson or revise a topic from some time ago. Share the concept/purpose of a ‘starter’. Provide clear success criteria e.g. timing. Use pairs or do student-teacher pair to reduce anxiety or to differentiate. Allow time for planning – one lesson for all pupils to plan or an extended homework task? Provide immediate feedback (positive) Could ask sixth form students in your subject to lead starters – choose GCSE topics that they might need to review at AS or A2. Discussion: How might you plan for this?

4 Used with able Y11 class.

5 Idea Two: Relevant or Irrelevant?
Encourage students to ‘prepare for learning’ by inviting them to select their own resource for use in a starter activity. This will enable them to lead and participate in a discussion without any input from the teacher.

6 Starter Instructions: Share your resource with a partner.
Explain why you believe it to be relevant to a lesson on ‘The implications of shifting power’. Starter therefore also forms the review of the lesson. Review: Evaluate the relevance of your resource. Rate it from 1-10.

7 Review: Exit Ticket Take a post-it note. List one student-led starter idea for use in one of your lessons.

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