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Term #2 Week #9.

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Presentation on theme: "Term #2 Week #9."— Presentation transcript:

1 Term #2 Week #9

2 Warm Up November 5, 2017 In your journal write your goals for this term? Write how you will achieve these goals.

3 G.R.A.P.E.S. Notebook p.23 Geography: Religion Achievements Politics
Economics Social Structure

4 G.R.A.P.E.S. Pop Quiz Geography – What is and how did a geographic feature that influenced people’s lives? Religion – Do most cultures believe in a greater power? Achievements – What did Stone Age people achieve? Politics – Do we know what type of government they had? Economics – How did they know who was wealthier? Social Structure – Was everyone equal? Do we know?

5 Warm Up November 6, 2017 Silently write in your journal.
Write the question and the answer. From what you know of Stone Age culture, would you want to live in a Stone Age culture? Explain your answer.

6 Rules Review

7 Classwork & Homework Policy
Homework must be handed in when due. We will follow the policy of the Handbook regarding late work. You lose marks for late work until it is a 0. You are responsible for getting work you missed when absent. Check the back board.

8 Warm Up November 7, 2017 Silently write in your journal.
Watch the video clip and write and draw what you see. This must be done silently so that everyone can focus and draw what the video makes them think.

9 Rules Review

10 Tardy Policy After you are tardy 3 times you have a detention with Ms. P. If you are tardy 2 more times then you have a detention afterschool with Ms. Cecilia.

11 The Caves of Lascaux in France
The caves of Lascaux were discovered by 4 teenagers near Montignac, France. It is collection of prehistoric cave paintings.

12 The Caves of Lascaux in France
The boys found the ancient artwork after following their dog down a narrow entrance into a cavern. The 15,000- to 17,000-year-old paintings, are mostly of animals, and are among the finest examples of art from the Upper Paleolithic period. Some cave art is up to 30,000 years old.

13 The Caves of Lascaux in France
People can no longer go inside the cave to preserve the artwork. People can visit a duplicate cave.

14 Definitions from Reading about Food
Paleolithic: of or relating to the earliest period of the Stone Age characterized by rough or chipped stone implements.

15 Definitions from Reading about Food
Carbohydrate: any one of various substances found in certain foods (bread, rice, potatoes) that provide your body with energy

16 Definitions from Reading about Food
Extinction: the act of making extinct (no longer existing)

17 Definitions from Reading about Food
Cultivation: to prepare and use (soil) for growing plants. Prehistoric peoples settled the area and began to cultivate the land

18 Warm Up November 8, 2017 What are 2 things that the Stone Age people invented/discovered? Draw a picture of them and write about them. Explain why they are important.

19 Agenda November 9, 2017 No Warm Up Silently sit down in your groups.
Hand in any work that was not handed in before. Review the Procedures Manual. Complete the group work tasks. Complete a self-check rubric.

20 Task List November 9, 2017 No Warm Up Sit with your group members.
By the end of the day you should have 1. A draft menu with recipes. 2. A name for your restaurant. 3. A draft cover for your restaurant menu. 4. A plan to complete the Final Draft.


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