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Counting the pennies Use your white boards to write down the answers to the following costing questions…….. If 3 peppers cost £1.65 how much does 1 pepper.

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Presentation on theme: "Counting the pennies Use your white boards to write down the answers to the following costing questions…….. If 3 peppers cost £1.65 how much does 1 pepper."— Presentation transcript:

1 Counting the pennies Use your white boards to write down the answers to the following costing questions…….. If 3 peppers cost £1.65 how much does 1 pepper cost? If 1 litre of milk costs 80p how much does 100ml cost? If 250g mushrooms cost £1 how much does 25g cost?



4 Costing a recipe Write a comment about how reasonable this price is compared to the prices paid for school meals eg £1.80 for a main course and 40-80p for a dessert. If you meal is too expensive explain what you can do to make it cheaper.

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