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An Iron Curtain Falls on Europe

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1 An Iron Curtain Falls on Europe
Chapter 25 Section 1 The Cold War Begins Riddlebarger

2 "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.” Albert Einstein

3 The Roots of the Cold War
After World War II, the United States & Soviet Union enter an era of high tension and bitter rivalry Known as the Cold War U.S. is hostile toward ideas of communism and idea of it spreading.

4 World War II Alliances US & USSR are Allies but not truly friends in World War II US helped Soviets (Lend-Lease) more so to defeat Hitler who was seen as bigger threat. Differences during war included Stalin wanting invasion of Europe (D-Day) sooner

5 The Atomic Bomb Development of atomic bomb creates mistrust between two countries. Soviet spies had stolen plans Soviets see weapon as a threat & develop their own.

6 The Iron Curtain Descends
U.S. & British concerned Soviets will seek control of Eastern Europe after war. Stalin & Soviets did indeed intend to control this region Felt justified- lost 30 million people in WW2 and these countries would create a barrier between Soviet Union & potentially hostile Western European nations.

7 Europe Post-World War II

8 Communism Spreads Stalin used whatever means necessary to achieve his goals in Europe. Outlawing opposition parties & newspapers, rigged elections, killing opponents. Communist governments are installed in Eastern European nations after the war. Most are under direct control of the Soviet Union.

9 American Concerns USA concern is that Soviets won’t stop with Eastern Europe. Churchill coins the term Iron Curtain. Soviet actions had created a sharp division in Europe East: Communist West: Democratic “Unless Russia is faced with an iron fist and strong language, another war is in the making.” President Harry S. Truman


11 Iron Curtain- Not to be confused with the Iron Sheik

12 Soviet Response Stalin uses Churchill speech to convince his people that Britain and the U.S. were enemies of USSR Gives him an excuse to build up Soviet military strength.

13 United States Responds
After WW2, U.S. has new position in world U.S. (along with USSR) is now one of two most powerful nations in the world See ourselves as leaders of free (democratic) world.

14 Containment U.S. adopts policy of containment in late 1940’s.
The U.S. should resist Soviet attempts to expand its power & influence wherever those attempts occurred. Not limited to just using military force Economic aid to strengthen countries against communism.

15 The Truman Doctrine Containment policy put to the test in 1947
Greece & Turkey both face Soviet pressure Pres. Truman pledges to provide economic & military aid to countries threatened by communist expansion Known as Truman Doctrine Congress voted aid to both Greece & Turkey: neither became Communist

16 Post-War Europe World War II left European cities & farms ruined.
Suffering, hunger & poverty are widespread. What motivation might the U.S. have had for helping out Europe after the war?

17 June 1947: a massive U.S. aid program to help Europe Rebuild
The Marshall Plan June 1947: a massive U.S. aid program to help Europe Rebuild Between , U.S. spend $13 billion in 17 different countries. With this help, Europe is feeding its hungry & providing jobs for workers. Products bought from U.S. factories helps our economy too Helps build support for U.S. in these countries


19 Berlin Occupation Zones

20 Truman’s Options Give Berlin to the Soviet Union
Threaten war with the Soviet Union Send an armored column to escort supplies to Berlin Airlift

21 The Crisis in Berlin Germany divided into 4 zones of occupation after the war. Berlin also divided It became clear the Soviets planned to keep their zone under Communist control. British, Americans & French take steps to set up free democratic governments in their zones (also Berlin) This Western Zone will become West Germany Post-War Germany

22 Soviets block traffic Soviets not pleased by the fact that West Berlin was democratic. June 1948: begin blockade of all road, rail & river traffic into West Berlin Cuts it off from sources of coal, food & other basics.

23 The Berlin Airlift begins
West Berlin still has airstrips that allow access to city. Debate over whether it is possible to supply a whole city by air. Also, will Soviets attempt to shoot planes down? British & American planes average 7,000 tons/day in deliveries to West Berlin. Soviets lift blockade on May 12, 1949 (after almost a year of deliveries).


25 NATO Forms Growing conflict with USSR makes many in Western Europe uncomfortable. They realize they are no match for huge Soviet army. April 1949: U.S. joins 11 European nations to form system of common defense. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) An armed attack against one will be considered an attack against all Warsaw Pact- alliance of Communist nations

26 Review What were the roots of the Cold War? What was the Iron Curtain?
What concerns did the U.S. have about Soviet expansion? How did the U.S. respond to Soviet actions in Europe? What was the Berlin Crisis and how was it resolved?

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