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Causes of the French Revolution

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1 Causes of the French Revolution

2 1. The Influence of the Philosophes
Philosophers like Voltaire, Turgot, Diderot, etc… spread the idea that people are all equal and that monarchical hierarchies are to be eliminated. Voltaire Turgot Diderot

3 The Philosophes contributed the following ideas:
against the idea of absolutism fought for equality of the common man all people should pay taxes people should have freedom of speech and press

4 Montesquieu, The Spirit of Laws (1748)
Advocates for a Constitutional system of government Encourages the separation of powers (Executive, Legislative, Judicial). This would eliminate the Estates in France.

5 Rousseau, The Social Contract (1762)
Develops concept of the General Will of the people. The law is the expression of the will of the people. It applies equally to all people. Punishment can be severe.

6 2. The Failure of Absolutism
King Louis XVI Monarch from Was only 20 when he gained title of King of France. Was well-liked initially by the people

7 Centralization of State Power
A body called the “Parlements” was an unofficial group made up of people from the first and second estates. Their role was to approve royal edicts before they became laws. Louis XVI bypassed these men. This adds to the resentment of royal absolutism.

8 3. Unfair Taxation ‘Tax Farmers’ were commissioned to collect taxes to be remitted to the state. They pocketed profits. Due to the structure of the Estates the nobility and clergy were exempt from the tax burden.

9 Peasant Taxes and Financial Obligations in France
Tithe- 10% of income to the Catholic Church Taille- land tax to the state Vingtieme- 5% property tax Gabelle- tax on salt Capitation- tax on the number of people in the family Cens- rent to the landlord Champart- tax on annual production Banalites- tax for the use of nobles mills, wine press or bakeries

10 4. Debt On the eve of the revolution, France was deeply indebted, so deeply as to be effectively bankrupt. Extravagant expenditures by Louis XIV on luxuries such as Versailles were compounded by heavy expenditures on the Seven Years War and the American War of Independence. France borrowed money from other countries in the form of high interest loans because the parlements blocked Louis XVI attempt to raise taxes.

11 5. American Influence People saw that a revolution based on equal rights for all people was feasible and could be brought to France Revolutionaries like Benjamin Franklin were in Paris and were in constant contact with intellectuals Jefferson & Franklin

12 France had played a deciding role in the American Revolutionary War, ( ) sending its navy and troops to aid the rebelling colonists.

13 6. Famine During the 1780s there were a series of crop failures that led to a shortage of grain. This drove up the price of bread, which was a main source of nutrition among peasants leading to starvation.

14 The poor conditions in the countryside had forced rural residents to move into Paris, and the city was overcrowded and filled with the hungry and disaffected. “The Great Fear” July, 1789

15 Bread Riots In 1789 the price of bread rose by nearly 90%. Most families required two loaves per day to survive. The average earnings left no money for anything else. Grain stores were guarded by soldiers. The contrast between the peasants and nobility was exacerbated. Marie Antionette, wife of Louis XVI “Let them eat cake”

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