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Kristen Grill Erik Larson Timothy Steiner

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1 Kristen Grill Erik Larson Timothy Steiner
Vehicle Use by Employees of the Milwaukee Department of Neighborhood Services Kristen Grill Erik Larson Timothy Steiner

2 Status Quo Vehicle Use Policy
Policy split amongst two distinct practices Department Public Works (DPW)-provision of 34 Vehicles Assesses rental rate to DNS Fuel provided via city-operated gas stations Employee provision of 82 Vehicles Employees required to provide vehicle Mileage reimbursed per city ordinance Guaranteed monthly payment equivalent to 300 miles

3 Alternative Vehicle Use Policies
City Provision of Vehicles: DPW provides all vehicles (82 new vehicle purchases) Employee Vehicle Provision: Employees required to supply personal vehicle Vehicle Leasing: Lease vehicles from a private vendor Lease Arrangement: 3-year, Closed-end, 15,000 mile/yr Access to city-operated gas stations

4 Evaluative Criteria Cost Productivity Employee Safety Equity
Present costs in terms of two figures: average, annual cost and average cost per mile Productivity DNS employees’ abilities to conduct their work under a vehicle use policy Employee Safety Safety of vehicles utilized by DNS employees Equity Burdens placed on DNS employees by a vehicle use policy Feasibility Political and administrative feasibility

5 Summary of Vehicle Use Policy Costs
Cost: Status Quo The Status Quo costs between $255,390 and $294,693 or 38 to 44 cents per mile Summary of Vehicle Use Policy Costs Status Quo 100% City Provision 100% Personal Provision Leased Vehicles Cost $255,390 - $294,693 (annual) cents per mile $403,347 - $595,011 cents per mile $237,691(annual) 36 cents per mile $533,900 (annual) 80 cents per mile

6 Summary of Vehicle Use Policy Costs
Cost: City Provision City Provision costs range from $401,992 to $595,011, or 60 to 89 cents per mile Summary of Vehicle Use Policy Costs Status Quo 100% City Provision 100% Personal Provision Leased Vehicles Cost $255,390 - $294,693 (annual) cents per mile $403,347 - $595,011 cents per mile $237,691(annual) 36 cents per mile $533,900 (annual) 80 cents per mile

7 Annual Cost Estimates for City Provision of 116 DNS Vehicles
Cost: City Provision Annual Cost Estimates for City Provision of 116 DNS Vehicles City Provision Low Estimate (15-year life span) Moderate Estimate (10-year life span) High Estimate (7-year life span) Average yearly debt service or depreciation per vehicle $1,235 $1,709 $2,899 Average Maintenance Costs $1,432 Average Fuel Costs $797 Average Total Costs $3,465 $3,939 $5,129 Average Miles Driven 5,772 Average Per Mile Costs 60 cents 71 cents 89 cents Total Costs to City $401,992 $456,949 $595,011 Source: Authors’ calculations

8 Cost: Employee Provision Alternatives
Employee Provision would cost an estimated $237,691 per year, or 36 cents per mile Summary of Vehicle Use Policy Costs Status Quo 100% City Provision 100% Personal Provision Leased Vehicles Cost $255,390 - $294,693 (annual) cents per mile $403,347 - $595,011 cents per mile $237,691(annual) 36 cents per mile $533,900 (annual) 80 cents per mile

9 Cost: Vehicle Lease Alternative
Leasing would cost an estimated $533,900 or 80 cents per mile Summary of Vehicle Use Policy Costs Status Quo 100% City Provision 100% Personal Provision Leased Vehicles Cost $255,390 - $294,693 (annual) cents per mile $403,347 - $595,011 cents per mile $237,691(annual) 36 cents per mile $533,900 (annual) 80 cents per mile

10 Employee Productivity
Evaluation of Productivity by Vehicle Use Policy Status Quo 100% City Provision 100% Personal Provision Leased Vehicles Productivity Medium High Percentage of Survey Respondents Who Said That Their Vehicle Broke Down While in the Field During the Past Twelve Months

11 Employee Safety Evaluation of Employee Safety by Vehicle Use Policy
Status Quo 100% City Provision 100% Personal Provision Leased Vehicles Employee Safety Medium High Those who Drive City Vehicles are Less Likely to Agree with the Statement “The Vehicle that You Use at DNS is Safe”

12 Equity Status Quo rates “low”
Survey indicates dissatisfaction over current split vehicle use policy City Provision and Vehicle Leasing rate “high” Uniform vehicle policy Employees do not bear burden of providing a personal vehicle Employee Provision rates “low” Survey indicates dissatisfaction with reimbursement levels Precludes individuals without personal vehicle from employment Employees responsible for providing replacement vehicle

13 Feasibility City Provision rates “low” Employee Provision rates “high”
Purchase of 82 new vehicles unlikely given current city practice Employee Provision rates “high” DNS employees eligible for mileage reimbursement Caveats Leasing Vehicles rates “low” Requires leasing 116 vehicles High administrative costs

14 Final Recommendation: Employee Vehicle Provision
At an estimated annual cost of $237,691, or 36 cents per mile, it represents the most cost effective alternative Ranks high in terms of feasibility DNS could use magnetic placards to clearly mark employee vehicles as city vehicles Caveat: Based on survey data, DNS employees may dislike this alternative

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