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Verification Meeting 3 Title I Department School Support Team Meeting

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1 Verification Meeting 3 Title I Department School Support Team Meeting
April 9, 2014

2 Each year, it is imperative that we correct the mistakes of the previous year. Unwillingness to comply can be interpreted as a willful disregard of the TIA guidance, as you have been trained/reminded during training and portfolio reviews. Give example of meetings offered at varying times only, but not varying dates. We can’t go back and change it at this point, so we document in the Portfolio Summary Worksheet.

3 Verifying your Documentation
Buddy up with someone at your table and verify their documentation using their portfolio summary If any documentation is missing, please write it in the SST comments section (i.e. missing Spring PAC documentation, etc.) Each campus SST MUST submit a verified portfolio summary before leaving today Your buddy MUST complete the label on the front of your folder attesting their review of TIA 4, 9 and 11 and any other missing documentation. **The portfolio summary worksheet serves as your notice of incomplete documentation…an auditor is not going to be merciful if year after year the SAME documentation issues arise at your campus.

4 Verifying your Documentation
Please use Post-it notes for missing or incomplete documentation Once you have completed/added the documentation to your binder, leave the Post-it as a reminder that documentation will need to be verified by your Program Director in May at the final review meeting

5 Title I Required Documentation
TIA 4 District Parental Involvement Policies and Practices District Parental Involvement Policy (ENG/SPN) District PAC Meeting agenda SST sign-in sheet Parent sign-in sheet Funding survey results Board Report (Goldenrod paper) Provided at PAC meeting Sent via by LaTashia Provided at verification meeting 3

6 Title I Required Documentation
TIA 5 and TIA 6 Campus Parental Involvement Policy and School-Parent Compact Fall PAC meeting in which campuses review What is Title I? and go over the campus’ PI Policy and School-Parent Compact Spring PAC meeting provides stakeholders the opportunity to make revisions/changes to both the PI Policy and School-Parent Compact for the upcoming school year. Documentation and evidence should include a copy of the meeting notification, proposed revisions, agenda, sign-in sheet and minutes Evidence that meeting was offered at varying times and dates

7 Survey Some campuses have parents complete a survey during their Spring PAC Meeting Survey results are used to plan for the upcoming school year Not required, but strongly encouraged

8 Title I Required Documentation
TIA 9 Language and Form Provide a sampling of documents (2-3) sent home in English and Spanish or other dominant language demonstrating communication throughout the year BOY, MOY, and EOY (i.e. newsletters, flyers, surveys, etc…) Provide a description of student demographics TAPR report School Report Card List of available interpreters and translators NOTE: EC/PKs will NOT have a school report card because they do not participate in accountability testing. TEA website link sent via by LaTashia ***Carmichael should have information sent home in Vietnamese, since they have a Vietnamese bilingual program.

9 Title I Required Documentation
TIA 11 Parent Notification Each Title I, Part A campus must provide to each individual parent information on (1) the parent’s right to request information regarding the professional qualifications of their child’s classroom teacher TransACT letter [(Right-to-Know), notification in school newsletter, campus website, etc.] (2) the level of achievement of the parent’s child in each of the required state assessments (TAKS/STAAR/EOC), and (3) timely notice if the child has been assigned or taught by a teacher who is not highly qualified for four or more consecutive weeks

10 Notice of Teacher NOT HQ 4 Weeks or More
Campus Letter TransACT Letter

11 All Teachers Meet HQ Standard
Evidence may include.. Principal Attestion Letter from school principal TransACT HQT verification form Only complete the top portion at this time… an will come soon concerning the bottom portion Human Resource report sent via by LaTashia

12 Reminders Refer to the sample binder for documents that can be used for evidence for indicators and components Final verification is in May, your PD will send an with the schedule this month Binders must be turned in no later than, June 6, 2014 (last day of school), no exceptions—even if working during summer school!

13 Questions? Please do not leave feeling unsure about any of the indicators or components in your binder. If you have questions, do not hesitate to ask. If you have campus specific questions, please remain after the meeting to meet with a PD.

14 Verifying your Documentation
Buddy up with someone at your table and verify their documentation using their portfolio summary (TIA 4, 9, 11 and blue highlighted areas) If any documentation is missing, please write it in the SST comments section (i.e. missing Spring PAC documentation, etc.) Each campus SST MUST submit a verified portfolio summary before leaving today Your buddy MUST complete the label on the front of your folder attesting their review of TIA 4, 9 and 11 and any other missing documentation. **The portfolio summary worksheet serves as your notice of incomplete documentation…an auditor is not going to be merciful if year after year the SAME documentation issues arise at your campus.

15 Alonda Jacks-Moorehead
Contact Information Program Directors LaTashia Abrams Alonda Jacks-Moorehead Office Location Resource Center 14909 Aldine Westfield Road Houston, Texas 77032 Secretary Doris Jenkins FAX:

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