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Presentation on theme: "STEPS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF A DETAILED ESTIMATE"— Presentation transcript:

DR. Nabil Dmaidi DR. Nabil Dmaidi

2 1. Study project documents 2. Develop Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
and Cost Code 3. Determine quantity take off 4. Price materials, equipment and labor 5. Define work done by others and obtain quotations DR. Nabil Dmaidi

3 6. Determine Job Overhead Cost
Indirect Job Labor Project manager and/or Superintendent Project engineer Draftsman Timekeeper Office manager and/or secretary Safety engineer and/or first aid attendant Watchmen Indirect Job Equipment Project manager’s vehicle Pickup truck Site maintenance Site Facilities Construction Sign Job site fence Construction access/entrance Portable toilets Office trailers: contractor’s,engineer’s, first aid, change room and lockers Telephone service Temporary electric utilities Shop or maintenance facility Fuel for general job vehicles Materials Handling and Storage Material storage area & bins Warehouse facility Subcontracted Indirect Cost Disposal services Soil or rock borings Laboratory tests Soil samples Rock samples Concrete samples Surveying service CPM scheduling services Job photographs Models Artist renderings Bonds and Insurance Performance bond Builders rick Insurance Contractor’s liability insurance Permits Building Site improvement Road or entrance Additions for Remote Sites Communications Living quarters for workmen Kitchen and food service Entertainment Transportation Temporary power Water supply Waste disposal DR. Nabil Dmaidi

4 7. Determination of Markup
Markup is an allowance for: a. Home Office overhead b. Contingency c. Profit Markup ranges from 5% to 20% of the total project costs DR. Nabil Dmaidi

5 a. Home Office Overhead Salaries Executive staff marketing staff
Accounting staff Estimating staff Legal staff Support staff: clerical, data processing, etc. Facilities Office purchase or rental Furniture purchase or rental Data processing equipment Utilities Telephone, fax, etc. Heating & air conditioning Illumination Water Taxes Company Income Property Insurance Company policies not chargeable to projects Benefits Pension & retirement program Profit sharing & bonus plans Health insurance plan Transportation Company aircraft Company automobiles Company trucks Commercial travel Marketing Advertising Estimating Other promotional costs Maintenance Maintenance& overhaul, not just chargeable DR. Nabil Dmaidi

6 b. Contingency To cover unexpected risk, error and omission, and contract risk DR. Nabil Dmaidi

7 c. Profit Profit varies from 1% to 10% or more
Factors affecting profit Need for work Contract type Total bid value Risk Competition Economic Condition DR. Nabil Dmaidi

8 8. Determination of Contract Bond Cost
The contract document usually requires as a minimum a “performance bond” and a “payment bond.” Bond cost ranges from 0.5 % to 1% of the total contract price. DR. Nabil Dmaidi

9 Example of Determining Total Contract Price
Assumptions 1. Sales Tax = 6% of Direct Material Costs 2. Job Overhead Labor Costs = 25% of Direct Labor Costs 3. Job Overhead Management Costs = 10% of Direct Labor Costs 4. Markup = 20% of Total Project Costs Office O.H. = 10% Contingency = 2% Profit = 8% 5. Bond = 0.5% of 1% of Total Project Costs DR. Nabil Dmaidi

10 Example of Determining Total Contract Price (cont.)
Estimated Directed Job Costs 1. Direct Labor Costs $25,670 2. Direct Material Costs ,000 3. Direct Equipment Costs 13,000 (Owning & Operating Costs) 4. Subcontract Costs ,000 5. DIRECT COST SUBTOTAL $73,670 DR. Nabil Dmaidi

11 Example of Determining Total Contract Price (cont.)
Job Overhead Costs 6. Sales Tax [6% of (2)] $ 900 7. Job O.H. Labor [25% of (1)] $ 6,418 8. Job O.H. Management $ 2,567 [10% of (1)] 9. Total Job Overhead Costs $ 9,885 10. Total Estimated Job Costs $ 83,555 [(5) + (9)] 11. Total Cost [(10) x 1.2] $ 100,266 12. Bond [0.005 x (11)] 13. TOTAL CONTRACT COST $ 100,767 [(11) + (12)] DR. Nabil Dmaidi

12 Example of Determining Total Contract Price (cont.)
TOTAL CONTRACT COST 100,767 Bid Factor = = = 1.368 73,670 DIRECT COST SUBTOTAL 14. Markup [(11) - (10)] $16,621 Breakdown of Markup 14a. Office O.H. [0.10 x (10)] $ 8,356 14b. Contingency [0.02 x (10)] 1,671 14c. Profit [0.08 x (10)] 6,684 DR. Nabil Dmaidi

13 Total Components of Cost within a bid
Insurance Training Salaries Etc. Office equip. Testing Parking lot Access road Project office Janitors Portable toilets Support constr. Guard Materials Labor Installed Constr. Equip. markup Bid Price Project Cost Overhead structure Subcontractors Force account executed Work packages Direct costs Job indirects + = Main Office Job DR. Nabil Dmaidi


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