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“Man can be defined as the animal that can say I, that can be aware of himself as a separate entity.” - Erich Fromm German Social Philosopher Journal.

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Presentation on theme: "“Man can be defined as the animal that can say I, that can be aware of himself as a separate entity.” - Erich Fromm German Social Philosopher Journal."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Man can be defined as the animal that can say I, that can be aware of himself as a separate entity.” - Erich Fromm German Social Philosopher Journal #18 Do you agree that animals lack the ability to form a self concept? Why or why not?

2 Chapter 4 Section 3 Family and Socialization:
Within the family a child learns to: Think and speak Internalize norms, beliefs, and values Form some basic attitudes Develop a capacity for intimate and personal relationships Acquire a self image

3 Chapter 4 Section 3 Socialization in Schools
Socialization in school involves more than reading, writing, and arithmetic. Schools have underlying hidden curriculum. Hidden curriculum – the informal and unofficial aspects of culture that children are taught in school. What are some different examples of hidden curriculum?

4 Chapter 4 Section 3 Peer Group Socialization
Peer group – set of individuals of roughly the same age and interests Is it possible to belong to more than one peer group? How do peer groups contribute to socialization? Provide a sense of belonging Freedom from authority figures Do friends or family have more influence on young people?

5 Chapter 4 Section 3 The Mass Media and Socialization
Mass Media – means of communication designed to reach the general population. Books, internet, tv, movies, etc Journal #19 What role do the mass media play in socialization? What about violence in the mass media? Youtube clip

6 By the end of class: Section 3 assessment pg. 127 #1-5
If time at end of the class we may watch a show, but everyone has to be quiet and finished with the assessment.

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