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Published byHannes Halttunen Modified over 6 years ago
New leaders, new ideas Insight on HL7 Elections Process and Duties
Notes - for work group co-chairs. This presentation is for your use in educating your work group members about the HL7 leadership selection process. Your Nominations Committee has heard that there is a need for this in the organization and this is an attempt to meet this need. This same material will delivered in two Webinars (April 2016) and in two Newsletter articles (May and September 2016). Note that there are some "hidden slides" in this presentation. These can be uncovered next year, when their content is appropriate. Although the Nominations Committee is only concerned with elections to the Board and to Officer positons, the other leadership positons (Technical Steering Committee, Steering Division and Work Group Co-chairs) are also covered in this presentation. Any feed back is appreciated. Please comments to any member of the Nominations Committee or to Mark McDougall.
Agenda Nominations & election process
Positions that will be elected this year Eligibility requirements Duties of HL7 Board members Put Your Ideas to Work for HL7 Technical Steering Committee, Steering Division, and Work Group Co-chair elections Q&A 9/19/2018
Nomination & Election Calendar 2016
Date Event May 1 - June 15 Nomination period June 16 – 30 Final slate prepared by Nominations Committee and nominee profiles loaded to the election site July 1 – 30 Election period August 7 – 21 Runoff election (if needed) September 21 Board Secretary announces the election results at the Annual Business Meeting 9/19/2018
Officer and Board Positions that will be elected this year (2016)
In 2016, HL7 will be electing the following positions with terms starting January 1, 2017 Chair-Elect (Vice Chair 2017, Chair , Vice Chair 2020) Secretary ( ) Two (2) Director at Large ( ) One (1) Affiliate Director ( ) 9/19/2018
Board of Directors The Board of Directors currently consists of:
Four (4) Officers (Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, & Treasurer) Four (4) Directors elected from the General Membership Two (2) Directors elected from the Affiliate Members Three (3) Directors nominated by the CEO and ratified by the Board of Directors The Technical Steering Committee Chair shall be an ex officio member with vote CEO, CTO, Executive Director, Chair Emeritus, and CTO Emeritus shall all be ex officio members without vote Bylaws Board of Directors The Board of Directors of HL7 shall consist of the following voting members: four (4) Officers (Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer), up to four (4) Directors elected from amongst the Affiliate Members, up to eight (8) Directors elected from amongst the General Membership; and up to three (3) Directors nominated by the Chief Executive Officer and ratified by the Board of Directors. The chairperson of the Technical Steering Committee shall be an ex officio member with vote. The Chief Executive Officer, Chief Technology Officer and Executive Director (the Executives) shall be ex officio members without vote. The Board of Directors shall determine the number of Directors, within the limits stated above, to be elected by the General Membership and the Affiliate Members, and nominated by the Chief Executive Officer to serve on the Board of Directors. 9/19/2018
Duties of HL7 Board members
New Board members will work alongside the current leadership in a strategic capacity to help lead the organization through a crucial period of transformation and support HL7’s mission to empower global health data interoperability. 9/19/2018
Duties of Board Members
The Board of Directors shall govern the Organization and shall determine from time to time the responsibilities and authority of the Officers and Executives. Examples of duties include: Approve contracts for support services Approve annual budgets for HL7 Exercise its legal responsibility to conduct HL7 affairs and serve its fiduciary duties to serve/vote based on what is best for HL7 Bylaws Article 6 Governance The Board of Directors shall govern the Organization and shall determine from time to time the responsibilities and authority of the Officers and Executives. GOM Duties and Powers of the Board of Directors The Board of Directors shall: a) Approve the contract for an organization to provide technical and administrative services for HL7 on such terms and conditions as it may deem advisable. b) Approve the employment or contract for such executive staff as the Board may consider necessary to support the activities of HL7, and on such terms and conditions as it may deem advisable. c) Provide for the development and maintenance of an HL7 Roadmap in support of the strategic direction of the organization by outlining specific goals and objectives with a proposed timeline for achievement. d) Ratify recommended appointments for the chairmanship of councils and both ad hoc and standing committees. e) Review and approve the annual budget. f) Create advisory groups and councils as necessary to fulfill liaison with other organizations; and ratify the recommended appointments for representatives to those organizations. g) Report to the membership annually regarding the goals and objectives of the organization and other such matters as are necessary and advisable. h) Exercise its legal and constituted authority and responsibility in the direction and conduct of the affairs of HL7 in order to promote and attain the objectives of the Organization. i) Engage in such business activities as may be in furtherance of HL7’s charitable, scientific, literary and educational purposes including, but not limited to, the pursuit of grants, the purchase and sale of real and personal property, the review of contracts with a value in excess of $150,000, and the transacting of all other affairs of HL7 not otherwise provided. 9/19/2018
Duties of Board Members
Participate in monthly 90 minute conference calls (usually at 12:00 pm ET on the first Monday of each month) Attend in-person Board meetings during the three WGMs and a two day Board retreat (usually in late July) Disclose any conflicts of interest Abide by the HL7 Bylaws, GOM, and the Code of Ethics (06.05 of bylaws) GOM Code of Ethics Members of the Board of Directors and employees of HL7 and its management organization shall act to further the best interests of HL7 in their official affairs; they shall be alert regarding relationships with third parties which might affect their independent judgment when acting for or on behalf of HL7, be alert in the conduct of the affairs of HL7 to avoid situations in which they might, directly or indirectly, profit personally, and at all times use their best efforts to enhance the reputation of HL7 for honesty, integrity, candor and lack of bias or discrimination while representing the members and the best interests of HL7. a) They shall avoid situations in which they personally might profit or even give the appearance of profiting from their official HL7 activities. b) They shall not employ the name of HL7 in seeking or accepting payment for professional services. Adopted October 28, 2013, Last Update: December 12, 2014 c) They shall not, directly or indirectly, accept or solicit anything of significant value as a gift, gratuity or favor under circumstances that might affect, or reasonably lead others to believe such action would affect, their impartiality on behalf of HL7. This does not prohibit acceptance of reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses while acting as an official HL7 spokesperson or of social amenities and token gifts of purely nominal value, consistent with generally accepted business practices and good taste. If there is any doubt as to the relative value of or the propriety of accepting a gift, it may be resolved by either declining to accept the gift or amenity, or obtaining the approval of the Chair or, in the case of employees of HL7 and its management organization, the Executive Director. d) They shall not use the HL7 name or its stationery for other than official HL7 business. e) They shall abide by the rule that HL7 will not endorse any product or service provided by any HL7 member or non-member. Use of the HL7 trademark does not imply endorsement of a specific organization, product or service by HL7. 9/19/2018
Vice Chair The Chair-Elect (aka Vice Chair) serves a one year term and ascends to the Chair for a two year term At the conclusion of the two year term as Chair, they assume the role of Immediate Past Chair (aka Vice Chair) for one year The Vice Chair is on the Executive Committee and presides over Board meetings when the Chair is absent GOM.07 Officers; The Executive Committee The HL7 Officers shall be the Chair, the Chair-Elect or Immediate Past Chair acting as the Vice Chair, the Secretary, and Treasurer; who, with the addition of the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Technology Officer, and Executive Director, shall comprise the Executive Committee. Officers must be current members. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for operations of the Organization. The Board of Directors may from time to time refer issues to the Executive Committee, whose decision shall be binding. 07.03 Chair-Elect The Chair-Elect shall ascend to the Chair at the conclusion of the term of the then seated Chair. The Chair-Elect shall assist the Chair and develop the operating plan for the following year. The Chair-Elect shall be a member, ex officio, without vote, of all councils and committees including the Technical Steering Committee. The Chair Elect shall serve as Vice Chair of the Board of Directors. Term of Office The Chair-Elect shall be elected during the first year of the term of the then seated Chair and serve for a period of one year, coincident with the second year of the term of the then seated Chair. 07.04 Immediate Past Chair At the completion of their term the Chair shall assume the role of Immediate Past Chair. The Immediate Past Chair shall assist the incoming Chair in implementing their operating plan. The Immediate Past Chair shall be a member, ex officio, without vote, of all councils and committees including the Technical Steering Committee. The Immediate Past Chair shall serve as Vice Chair of the Board of Directors Term of Office The Immediate Past Chair shall serve for a period of one year, coincident with the first year of the term of the then seated Chair. 9/19/2018
Chair Chair is an Officer position and the elected leader of the HL7 organization Chair’s the Board of Directors meetings and Executive Committee meetings Serves on the Board for four years (1 as Chair-Elect, 2 as Chair and 1 as Immediate Past Chair) Provides membership with reports via the HL7 newsletters, press releases, and annual reports at the WGMs GOM.07 Officers; The Executive Committee The HL7 Officers shall be the Chair, the Chair-Elect or Immediate Past Chair acting as the Vice Chair, the Secretary, and Treasurer; who, with the addition of the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Technology Officer, and Executive Director, shall comprise the Executive Committee. Officers must be current members. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for operations of the Organization. The Board of Directors may from time to time refer issues to the Executive Committee, whose decision shall be binding. 07.02 Chair The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors, the Plenary and Business Meetings of the Membership, and with the assistance of the CEO manage liaison or affiliations with other organizations. The Chair shall report on the activities and state of HL7 at the annual business meeting. In the absence of the Chair the Vice Chair, being the Chair-Elect or the Immediate Past Chair, shall preside. The Chair shall be a member, ex officio, with vote, of all councils and committees including the Technical Steering Committee. Term of Office The Chair shall serve for a term of two years, ascending from the Chair-Elect serving in odd-numbered years (term encompassing first the following even-numbered year, then the subsequent odd-numbered year). Representing HL7 The Chief Executive Officer (CEO), or alternately the Chair, is charged with representing HL7 to other organizations or entities. This duty may be delegated, with constraints on scope and/or timeframe, to an officer, director, council, committee, or Work Group chair. The designated individual shall prepare and submit timely reports on their activities. There are numerous situations where a member of HL7, participating in various other initiatives and venues, may wish to represent an HL7 position rather than attributing their statement to themselves or their employer. In general, any written or oral statement represented as an HL7 position must be reviewed within HL7 prior to its release. Such statements shall not appear to favor one vendor, product, or service over another. Nor shall they denigrate any individual or organization. Policies relative to written and oral communications regarding HL7 follow. Written Communications This policy primarily addresses position papers, statements of plans and future directions, or philosophy statements. If the communication represents information specific to the status, process, or products of an HL7 Work Group, the document shall be reviewed and endorsed by the Work Group co-chairs and the Policy Advisory Committee [§10.08] prior to submission to the EC, which has final approval for release of a document. All such documents released by HL7 shall include a cover letter signed by the CEO and/or Chair. In the event that the EC denies release of a document, for whatever reason, that decision may be appealed to the Board of Directors, whose decision shall be final. Oral Communications In the case of oral communications, the speaker should clearly state whom they are representing when making statements regarding HL7. Although anyone is free to represent an individual or employer position at will, when they are speaking on behalf of a Work Group, speakers should only represent positions that have been endorsed by the Work Group and the Policy Advisory Committee and approved by the Executive Committee. If a speaker is unsure of their right to express a given position, they should refrain from responding, but commit to follow up with an answer or direct the question to the appropriate Work Group co-chair or a member of the Executive Committee. Reimbursing Expenses of the HL7 Chair and Vice Chair The organization supporting the individual serving as Chair is encouraged to extend its contribution to HL7 by absorbing the expenses associated with the position. HL7 shall reimburse all reasonable costs accrued by the Chair-elect (seated as the Vice Chair), the Chair, and the Immediate Past Chair (seated as the Vice Chair) associated with the conduct of HL7 business not otherwise absorbed by the individual or the supporting organization. These costs include attendance and participation at Working Group Meetings; participation in Board meetings and retreats; periodic meetings with HL7 staff; and attendance and participation at meetings, conferences, and trade shows as an HL7 representative. Other expenses shall be approved by the Executive Committee and reported to the Board of Directors at its next scheduled meeting. 9/19/2018
Board Secretary Secretary is an Officer position (elected in even-numbered years) Member of Executive Committee, which is responsible for operations of the Organization Provides general administrative support for the Board… With assistance provided by HL7 staff Takes minutes of Board meetings/calls Helpful to have knowledge of Roberts Rules for conduct of meetings GOM.07 Officers; The Executive Committee The HL7 Officers shall be the Chair, the Chair-Elect or Immediate Past Chair acting as the Vice Chair, the Secretary, and Treasurer; who, with the addition of the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Technology Officer, and Executive Director, shall comprise the Executive Committee. Officers must be current members. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for operations of the Organization. The Board of Directors may from time to time refer issues to the Executive Committee, whose decision shall be binding. GOM Secretary The Secretary shall provide or oversee the provision of general administrative support for the Board of Directors. In the absence of the Secretary, the presiding officer of the board meeting may appoint an Acting Secretary for the purpose of recording proceedings and motions and tallying votes. The Secretary, under the direction of the Board of Directors, shall accomplish or cause to be accomplished, the following tasks: a) ensure that minutes of the various Work Groups have been posted to the Web site within two weeks of the close of a Working Group Meeting b) record and publish Board proceedings and motions c) create and distribute Board meeting and Working Group Meeting notices at least 30 days prior to such meetings d) create and distribute voting items and ballots as directed by the Board e) tally votes f) distribute Board agendas g) maintain the roster of Board members h) maintain this Manual and cause updates to be posted to the Web site i) establish and maintain appropriate archives and historical records of all official HL7 business j) maintain any other records required by law GOM Board of Directors Meetings f) Motions related to approval of the budget, approval of unbudgeted expenditures requiring Board approval, hiring executive staff, or contractual issues brought before the Board shall be resolved by a majority of all voting members of the Board. Those members of the Board not able to participate in a vote requiring a response from the full Board of Directors shall be contacted by the Secretary asking that they submit their vote in writing, which includes , to both the Chair and the Secretary for inclusion in the final tally. Votes on such matters shall be recorded by name. 9/19/2018
Board Secretary, continued
Follows up with absent Board members on votes requiring full vote Chairs the Governance and Operations Committee Works with the GOC to maintain the Governance and Operations Manual (GOM), including trimester updates and peer review Works with Executive Committee to periodically ratify GOM Chairs Bylaws Review Committee; conducts Bylaws administrative ballot Works with HL7 staff conducting the Board election ballot process Announces results of annual Board elections GOM Governance and Operations Committee The Secretary, serving as chair, Associate Executive Director, a representative from the TSC, a representative from the International Council, and such other members as the Secretary shall designate will comprise the Governance and Operations Committee (GOC), which shall be responsible for maintenance of this manual as defined in §17. GOM Periodic Adoption in its Entirety The Secretary, with the concurrence of the Governance and Operations Committee (GOC), may periodically call for the Executive Committee (EC) to ratify the GOM in its entirety. Upon approval of the Secretary’s motion to adopt the GOM in its entirety: 1) The GOM shall, within ten working days, be posted with an adoption date reflecting the decision of the EC and with all notation of addition or revision removed 2) The Secretary shall institute a call for review of all current organizational documentation to ensure compliance with the procedures defined in and the terminology used by the current GOM as adopted by the EC. Bylaws. Article 14 Revising the Bylaws; Review Committee In the event of a request to amend by members, the Board of Directors shall appoint a review committee, with the Secretary as chairperson, to consider revision of the bylaws at its first regular session following receipt of a request to amend the bylaws. The review committee shall undertake timely discussion and disposition of the recommended changes, but shall not be arbitrarily constrained to a given date for completion of deliberations. Bylaws Consideration and Process Within 30 days of the receipt, discussion and disposition of the recommendations by the review committee, the Secretary shall notify the submitters of the disposition of the requested amendments and cause any recommended changes accepted by the review committee to be circulated to the full membership in the form of an administrative ballot. Any administrative ballot relating to such changes, or to changes recommended by the Board of Directors, shall have a due date not less than 30 days following the date of distribution. The Secretary shall tally the ballots. The amendments shall be approved by an affirmative vote of the majority of all Current Members who cast a vote, provided that at least a quorum, as defined in the Governance and Operations Manual, participate in such vote. Bylaws Election of Officers and Directors The Secretary shall ensure that the membership is provided an official ballot at least 30 days prior to the Annual Business Meeting. This ballot shall have provision for write-in votes and a stated due date that is not less than 30 days following the day of distribution. The Secretary shall tally the ballots returned by the due date. In the event of there being three or more candidates contending for a position, the winner or winners shall be deemed to be the candidate or candidates collecting the largest vote total, a plurality, on the first and only ballot, whether or not a majority is attained. Ties shall be resolved as provided in the Governance and Operations Manual. Results of the election shall be announced at the Annual Business Meeting. GOM Nomination and Election Process … Results of the election of Officers and HL7 Directors shall be announced by the HL7 Secretary at the Annual Business Meeting. 9/19/2018
Board Treasurer Treasurer is an Officer position, (elected in odd-numbered years) Member of Executive Committee (EC), which is responsible for operations of the Organization Provides budgeting support for the Board Serves on the Finance Committee Presents annual budget to the EC and Board Provides reports to the Board at the F2F meetings Provides Treasurer’s report to membership at the annual business meeting and via the annual report GOM.07 Officers; The Executive Committee The HL7 Officers shall be the Chair, the Chair-Elect or Immediate Past Chair acting as the Vice Chair, the Secretary, and Treasurer; who, with the addition of the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Technology Officer, and Executive Director, shall comprise the Executive Committee. Officers must be current members. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for operations of the Organization. The Board of Directors may from time to time refer issues to the Executive Committee, whose decision shall be binding. 07.06 Treasurer The Treasurer shall establish orderly mechanisms for the collection of fees, dues, and assessments, and the distribution of monies owed. The Treasurer shall prepare, or cause to be prepared, all financial reports presented to the Board of Directors and to the membership. The Treasurer shall participate in the selection of a certified public accountant to conduct an annual review or audit of the records and financial statements. The selection of an auditor shall be ratified by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall qualify for a fidelity bond procured by the Board of Directors. Term of Office The Treasurer shall serve for two years, being elected in odd-numbered years (term encompassing first the following even-numbered year, then the subsequent odd-numbered year). The Treasurer shall serve no more than two consecutive terms. 9/19/2018
Put Your Ideas to Work for HL7
HL7’s Nominations Committee is seeking to attract new people to run for leadership positions. The ideal candidates bring their own vision about the direction and future of HL7, along with the business acumen to turn those ideas into reality. Have you ever considered serving on the HL7 Board? If you meet the qualifications, now is the time. If you don’t currently meet the qualifications, have you ever considered preparing to run for office? Now is the time to get started. 9/19/2018
What are the eligibility requirements?
To be considered, nominees must have been a member of HL7 for at least two years and have some leadership experience. Leadership experience requirements vary based on the position: Officer positions require prior leadership experience such as WG Chair, TSC member, or member of the HL7 Board. Director positions require prior leadership experience such as WG Chair, TSC member, or service in equivalent positions with another ANSI-accredited SDO or an organization that has an SOU with HL7. GOM Officer Nomination Criteria and Voting Pool Nominees for an Officer position (Chair-elect, Secretary, or Treasurer) shall have been a current individual member or designated voting representative of a current organizational member of HL7 International for at least the last two years and shall have prior leadership experience in HL7 such as committee or council chair, Work Group co-chair, TSC member, or member of the Board of Directors. GOM HL7 Director Nomination Criteria and Voting Pool Nominees for HL7 Director shall have been a current individual member or designated voting representative of a current organizational member of HL7 International for at least the last two years and shall have prior leadership experience in HL7 such as committee or council chair, Work Group co-chair, or TSC member. Service in like positions with another ANSI-accredited Standards Developer (ASD) or an organization with a Statement of Understanding (SOU) with HL7 may be accepted as equivalent experience. 9/19/2018
Nominations & Election Process
Individuals who wish to run for an Officer or Director at Large position must: Secure 10 nominations during the nomination period, with no more than two nominations from people employed by the same organization. Submit the required paper work (see next slide for list) 9/19/2018
Nominations & Election Process
Paper work requirements: The Board Commitment Form outlining the commitment expected of Board members. The Conflict of Interest Policy and Disclosure Statement outlining policies with respect to holding a Board position and seeking disclaimers of conflict of interest. The HL7 Board Nomination Profile that outlines the nominee’s education, experience, and vision for the organization. The HL7 Board Nomination Confirmation Form clarifying that the nominee understands the nomination process, has the support of his or her employer, and understands the duties and responsibilities of a Board member. The nominee will be disqualified if these forms are not read, signed, and returned to HL7 HQ by the end of the nomination period (June 15, 2016) 9/19/2018
Affiliate Directors Election Process
Timeline and paper work requirements are the same as those shown on the previous slides. However, the candidates for Affiliate Director positions are NOT required to secure 10 nominations. At the conclusion of the nomination period, HL7 Headquarters shall finalize the slate of nominees and prepare a ballot, which shall be distributed to the Affiliate chairpersons via electronic means. Each Affiliate is allocated a single vote for the Affiliate Director. The winner shall be the candidate with the largest vote tally. In the event of a tie HL7 HQ shall conduct a runoff election. From the GOM: Nomination and Election of Affiliate Directors Using the schedule specified in § a call for nominations shall be distributed to the Affiliate chairpersons via electronic means. This notice shall include the duties, obligations, and term of office of the Affiliate Directors. Nominees for Affiliate Director shall have been a designated voting representative of a current Affiliate of HL7 International for at least the last two years and shall have prior leadership experience in HL7 such as Affiliate Chair, committee or council chair, Work Group co-chair, or TSC member. Using their designated processes, the Affiliate chairpersons shall identify candidates for Affiliate Director. All nominations shall be submitted to HL7 Headquarters by the close of the nomination period. HL7 Headquarters shall contact all nominees to ensure that they a) understand the obligations of serving on the Board of Directors (e.g., attending the Working Group Meetings, participating in Board meetings and monthly conference calls and attending the Board retreat); and b) are willing to serve; and c) state that they personally have no proprietary interest in any organization currently represented on the Board At the conclusion of the nomination period, HL7 Headquarters shall finalize the slate of nominees and prepare a ballot, which shall be distributed to the Affiliate chairpersons via electronic means. Each Affiliate is allocated a single vote for the Affiliate Director. HL7 Headquarters shall create a limited access web page to allow Affiliate chairpersons to submit their vote electronically. If unable to respond electronically, Affiliate chairpersons may submit their votes to HL7 Headquarters via letter or fax. All votes must be cast within the scheduled election period. The winner shall be the candidate with the largest vote tally. In the event of a tie HL7 Headquarters shall conduct a runoff election. 9/19/2018
Who elects Board members?
All Officers of the HL7 Board (Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary) are elected by current individual members and the designated voting representatives of Organizational and Affiliate members. Directors are elected by individual members and designated voting members of current Organizational members of HL7 International. Chairs of HL7 Affiliates elect Affiliate Directors. The TSC Chair is selected by the TSC. GOM Officer Nomination Criteria and Voting Pool Nominees for an Officer position (Chair-elect, Secretary, or Treasurer) shall have been a current individual member or designated voting representative of a current organizational member of HL7 International for at least the last two years and shall have prior leadership experience in HL7 such as committee or council chair, Work Group co-chair, TSC member, or member of the Board of Directors. Every effort shall be made to present at least two candidates for any Officer position. HL7 Headquarters shall provide the official Officer ballot to current individual members and designated voting representatives of current organizational and Affiliate members. GOM HL7 Director Nomination Criteria and Voting Pool Nominees for HL7 Director shall have been a current individual member or designated voting representative of a current organizational member of HL7 International for at least the last two years and shall have prior leadership experience in HL7 such as committee or council chair, Work Group co-chair, or TSC member. Service in like positions with another ANSI-accredited Standards Developer (ASD) or an organization with a Statement of Understanding (SOU) with HL7 may be accepted as equivalent experience. All valid nominees for HL7 Director shall be placed on the ballot from which those voting will select the appropriate number of positions being filled. HL7 Headquarters shall provide the official HL7 Director ballot to current individual members and designated voting representatives of current organizational members of HL7 International . TSC Chair The TSC shall select its chair following the plenary meeting in odd numbered years from among those regular members currently seated or recently elected or qualified former members. The selected individual shall take office in January of the following even numbered year. Term of Office Ex officio members of the TSC are not subject to a term of office beyond that prescribed by their respective offices. TSC Chair The TSC Chair shall serve a term of two years without term limits; the only criteria being current membership in the TSC. Should the TSC member selected to serve as the TSC Chair only have a year remaining of their term as an SD or Affiliate representative, and is not subsequently elected to another term, the second year of their term as TSC Chair shall be served as an ad hoc member of the TSC. 9/19/2018
Other Elected or Appointed positions
Technical Steering Committee Steering Division Co-chairs Work Group Co-Chairs 9/19/2018
Technical Steering Committee (TSC)
The elected members of the TSC are the eight Steering Division Co-chairs, who have four votes, one for each Steering Division. Elected by the Affiliate voting representatives: International Council Representatives (two) Appointed members include: Chair of the ArB, appointed by the ArB Ad hoc members, appointed by the TSC itself Ex officio member, with vote: CTO Ex officio member, without vote: CEO 09.01 The Technical Steering Committee (TSC) … Affiliate Representatives An Affiliate representative shall be elected each year to serve a two year term. During a nomination period of at least 30 days, nominations for Affiliate representative shall be accepted from the Affiliate chairs. Nominees should be prepared to commit at least two hours a week to the TSC, if elected. HL7 staff will contact nominees to verify their willingness to stand for election, to confirm their commitment to participate as stipulated in § , and to solicit a brief statement for distribution. Individuals who are nominated for more than one position (Affiliate representative or SD co-chair) will be asked to choose which nomination they wish to accept, thereby rejecting the other(s). An election period of at least 30 days will follow the nomination period. Votes will be cast by the allotted voting representatives of the Affiliates, using their normal decision-making practices. Each Affiliate will vote for their candidate of choice. Write-in candidates shall be accepted on the ballot. The candidate receiving the most votes will be named the Affiliate Representative. Tie votes will be resolved by drawing lots, unless one of the candidates involved wishes to defer to the other. 9/19/2018
Steering Division elections
The members of the four Steering Divisions consist of the Work Groups that belong to their specific Steering Division. Votes in Steering Divisions are submitted by a single Work Group Co-chair from each of the Steering Division’s member Work Groups. Two Co-chairs of each Steering Division are elected by the members of that specific Steering Division. The Co-chairs serve for two years; one is elected each fall and serves for the following two calendar years. 9/19/2018
Work group Co-chairs Members of each Work Group elect their own Co-chairs at Working Group Meetings (WGM) as needed to fill vacancies. The nomination and election processes are handled by the HL7 staff. Vacancies in Work Group Co-chair positions are advertised by the staff before the WGM. Nominations for open positions are received and published before the WGM. Voting takes place at the WGM, beginning on Monday with results announced on Wednesday. 9/19/2018
Q&A 9/19/2018
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