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Chapitre 2 Lesson 1 Le vocabulaire.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapitre 2 Lesson 1 Le vocabulaire."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapitre 2 Lesson 1 Le vocabulaire

2 Chapitre 2 Lesson 1 Le vocabulaire

3 L’anglais (m.) Noun: A person, place, thing, or idea.
The (m) stands for masculine noun.

4 English

5 Le baladeur MP3 Noun: A person, place, thing, or idea. LE shows that this is a masculine/singular noun.

6 MP3 Player

7 Une bande dessinée (une BD)
Noun: A person, place, thing, or idea. UNE shows that this is a feminine/singular noun.

8 Comic Strip/Comic Book

9 Le chocolat Noun: A person, place, thing, or idea. LE shows that this is a masculine/singular noun.

10 Chocolate

11 Un crayon Noun: A person, place, thing, or idea. UN shows that this is a masculine/singular noun.

12 Pencil

13 Un crayon de couleur Noun: A person, place, thing, or idea. UN shows that this is a masculine/singular noun.

14 Colored Pencil

15 Un dessin Noun: A person, place, thing, or idea. UN shows that this is a masculine/singular noun.

16 Drawing

17 L’école (f.) Noun: A person, place, thing, or idea.
The (f.) shows that this word is feminine.

18 School

19 Les écouteurs (m.) Noun: A person, place, thing, or idea. LES shows that this is a plural noun. The (M) states that it is a masculine word.

20 Headphones

21 Le français Noun: A person, place, thing, or idea. LE shows that this is a masculine/singular noun.

22 French

23 Les frites (f.) Noun: A person, place, thing, or idea. LES shows that this is a plural noun. The (F.) refers to this noun being feminine in gender.

24 French fries

25 La glace Noun: A person, place, thing, or idea. LA shows that this is a feminine/singular noun.

26 Ice cream

27 Un journal Noun: A person, place, thing, or idea. UN shows that this is a masculine/singular noun.

28 Newspaper

29 Un magazine Noun: A person, place, thing, or idea. Le shows that this is a masculine/singular noun.

30 Magazine

31 Les mathémathiques (maths) (f.)
Noun: A person, place, thing, or idea. LES shows that this is a plural noun. The (F) shows that it is feminine in gender.

32 Math

33 La musique classique Noun: A person, place, thing, or idea. LA shows that this is a feminine/singular noun.

34 Classical Musical

35 La musique moderne Noun: A person, place, thing, or idea. LA shows that this is a feminine/singular noun.

36 Modern music

37 La radio Noun: A person, place, thing, or idea. LA shows that this is a feminine/singular noun.

38 Radio

39 Un roman Noun: A person, place, thing, or idea. UN shows that this is a masculine/singular noun.

40 Novel

41 Un SMS (un texto) Noun: A person, place, thing, or idea. UN shows that this is a masculine/singular noun.

42 Instant Message

43 Les vacances (f.) Noun: A person, place, thing, or idea. LES shows that this is a plural noun. The (F) shows that this is a feminine word.

44 Vacation

45 La voiture de sport Noun: A person, place, thing, or idea. LA shows that this is a feminine/singular noun.

46 Sports car

47 Chanter Verb: An Action Word
Infinitive Form: A verb in its most basic form.

48 To Sing Verb: An Action Word
Infinitive Form : A verb in its most basic form.

49 Dessiner Verb: An Action Word
Infinitive Form : A verb in its most basic form.

50 To Draw Verb: An Action Word Infinitive Form

51 Dormir Verb: An Action Word
Infinitive Form : A verb in its most basic form.

52 To Sleep Verb: An Action Word Infinitive Form

53 Écouter de la musique Verb: An Action Word
Infinitive Form : A verb in its most basic form.

54 To Listen to music Verb: An Action Word Infinitive Form

55 Envoyer un e-mail Verb: An Action Word
Infinitive Form : A verb in its most basic form.

56 To Send an Verb: An Action Word Infinitive Form

57 Étudier Verb: An Action Word
Infinitive Form : A verb in its most basic form.

58 To Study Verb: An Action Word Infinitive Form

59 Lire Verb: An Action Word
Infinitive Form : A verb in its most basic form.

60 To Read Verb: An Action Word Infinitive Form

61 Manger Verb: An Action Word
Infinitive Form : A verb in its most basic form.

62 To Eat Verb: An Action Word Infinitive Form

63 Parler Verb: An Action Word
Infinitive Form : A verb in its most basic form.

64 To Speak Verb: An Action Word Infinitive Form

65 Regarder la télé(vision)
Verb: An Action Word Infinitive Form : A verb in its most basic form.

66 To Watch TV Verb: An Action Word Infinitive Form

67 Surfer sur Internet Verb: An Action Word
Infinitive Form : A verb in its most basic form.

68 To Surf the Internet Verb: An Action Word Infinitive Form

69 Téléphoner (à des amis)
Verb: An Action Word Infinitive Form : A verb in its most basic form.

70 To Phone friends Verb: An Action Word Infinitive Form

71 Travailler Verb: An Action Word
Infinitive Form : A verb in its most basic form.

72 To Work Verb: An Action Word Infinitive Form

73 Tu aimes….?

74 Do you like…?

75 Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire?

76 What do you like to do?

77 Oui, J’adore…

78 Yes, I love…

79 Oui, J’aime bien.

80 Yes, I rather like…

81 J’aime mieux… Je préfère….

82 I prefer….

83 Non, Je déteste

84 No, I hate…

85 Je n’aime pas…

86 I don’t like…

87 Moi, j’aime….

88 Me, I like…

89 Moi aussi.

90 Me too.

91 Pas moi.

92 Not me.

93 Moi, je n’aime pas…

94 Me, I don’t like…

95 Moi, si.

96 Me, I do.

97 Moi, non plus.

98 Extra:

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