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Is there anything worth giving up your life for? What would it be?

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Presentation on theme: "Is there anything worth giving up your life for? What would it be?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Is there anything worth giving up your life for? What would it be?

2 Nathan Hale Hero at Long Island Hale was discovered and hanged
Teacher from Connecticut Disguised as a Dutch Schoolteacher Wanted to spy on British Hale was discovered and hanged “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.” Nathan Hale

3 Battle of Long Island


5 Battle of Long Island Washington moved troops from Boston-New York
Waited for British to arrive 400 British ships with 32,000 men commanded by General William Howe  vs. 19,000 men commanded by Washington

6 Howe offered a pardon… Washington’s Response: "Those who have committed no fault want no pardon."

7 Battle of Long Island On August 29th, under cover of a foggy night, George Washington secretly evacuated his entire force, more than 9,000 men, from Brooklyn to Manhattan, saving the Continental Army and stunning the British.

8 End of Story British have New York
Washington and troops are on the run.

9 A Low Point Winter of 1776 – 1777 Washington wrote his brother
Continental Army dwindles Soldiers went home or deserted Washington wrote his brother If new soldiers were not recruited soon, “I think the game is pretty near up.”

10 African Americans Join the Fight
Continental Army needed soldiers Estimated 5,000 African-American joined the Patriots Enslaved Africans who had run away Fought to earn their freedom By wars end, all colonies except South Carolina had enlisted African Americans

11 The Winter of General Howe took his troops to New York for the Winter He left New Jersey in the hands of the Hessians Howe’s delay allowed Washington to gather reinforcements Thomas Paine said, “These are the times that try men’s souls.” He urged Patriots to remain loyal to their cause

12 The Battle of Trenton Washington plans a surprise attack on the Hessians December 25, 1776 Washington and his men cross the Delaware River into Trenton 2,500 Men Lasted less than 1 hour Patriots captured more than 900 Hessians Only 5 American Casualties The victory boosted American Spirits



15 December 27, 1776 Dear Mother, Yesterday we were in the town of Trenton. We were attacking the Hessians. We had to cross the Delaware River. It was cold and very late..... Colonel Glover had problems getting all of us in the boats. When we fi nally were in battle, I killed several Hessians. General Washington was very brave during this battle ... I did not get a chance to ask him if I would be returning home after this battle, but soon found out that I wouldn’t. Remember, no matter what happens, I will always love you. Write me soon and pray for me always. Love, Your son, Nathan


17 Hessians

18 Saratoga 1777

19 British General John Burgoyne believed that the Lake Champlain - Hudson River Valley was "precisely the route an army ought to take“ British plans to invade New York --utilize three separate armies -isolate New England Canada to NY Plan would work except….


21 Where was G. Washington?

22 Burgoyne surrenders to Gates
Proves America can fight equally to Great Britain FRANCE JOINS the FIGHT!!! Turning Point of War

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