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Welcome We are here today to set you and your families a digital challenge To switch off all your devices before bedtime. You decide the time - maybe.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome We are here today to set you and your families a digital challenge To switch off all your devices before bedtime. You decide the time - maybe."— Presentation transcript:


2 Welcome We are here today to set you and your families a digital challenge To switch off all your devices before bedtime. You decide the time - maybe 6 or 7 pm This will help you sleep better, help you concentrate more at school and maybe enjoy other activities Just a general welcome to everyone and you can read from the slide. Don’t forget to introduce yourselves!

3 This comes on 3 clicks – maybe ask the pupils if they recognise any of the pictures

4 How much time do you spend
How many of you use the internet or message on mobile phones, iPad, computers or lap tops? What apps do you use the most? What time do you finish playing/talking on them? Do any of you take your phone or device upstairs to bed at night? First question is a hands up 2nd question ask 4-5 pupils for answers Same again for Q3 ask 3 or 4 maybe different pupils Q4 hands up question

5 Digital Sunset Challenge Film
Here’s a short film showing you the effects of spending too much time online And why we all need a Digital Sunset Introduce the film hopefully it will play. Schools should have tested it beforehand its just over 5 mins long

6 Discussion How did you feel about the film?
Have any of you been in the same position as the young people in the film? What were the positives for not having your device at night? So ask a few pupils how they felt and then move onto Q2 asking if they had been in similar situations and if they had done anything. Say it is important that anything regarding bullying should be reported to a teacher or parent/carer Ask again for a few examples of the positives

7 Are you up for the Digital Sunset Challenge?
The Digital Sunset Challenge is about helping YOU learn good digital habits before you go to Senior school and, in particular, the importance of taking a tech break at night. Just read this slide out

8 Digital Sunset Challenge?
All you have to do during the Challenge week, is choose a time in the early evening when you will put all your tech down and not pick it up again until the following morning. Then choose what you are going to do instead. You could ask family members to play cards or a board game or maybe watch a TV programme together. What can you think of doing instead of being online? Just read this out and then on last step ask what could you do

9 Digital Sunset Challenge?
After the assembly you will pick up your badge and booklet, there will also be a box in your class room because if you can’t do the challenge you put your badge back in the box and you can tell your teacher your reasons Get your friends and family involved Your school has also received a £25 Amazon voucher and a certificate for taking part Just read through have the box at the front to show and say that you will be giving the booklet, badges and box to your teacher.

10 So Challenge Time So are you ready to become a Digital Sunset Challenge champion? Any questions? Anything you are worried about? You can do it – will you come back with your badge on…… Just read through

11 Thank you and good luck – you can do it

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