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Unit 4: Prosperity, Depression, and the New Deal

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1 Unit 4: Prosperity, Depression, and the New Deal
Content Statement 18 Notes

2 Harding Struggles For Peace
Former Ohio Senator Poor judgment Discord among major world powers and his own cabinet would test his politics and his character

3 Harding Presidency Teapot Dome Scandal - the government’s secret leasing of oil-rich public land to private companies in return for money and land Ohio Gang - the president’s poker-playing cronies, who would soon cause problems for Harding

4 The Ohio Gang

5 Technological innovations in communication
Commercial radio broadcasts Talking motion pictures Wider circulation of newspaper and magazines All of these influenced and expanded popular culture and mass advertising





10 Talking vs. silent films
Click pictures to watch video clips

11 Impact of the automobile
The automobile changed the American landscape Add paved road New towns developing along roads Gas stations, repair shops, public garages, motels, tourist camps, and shopping centers were added along routes





16 National Road (Route 40)

17 Impact of the automobile
Automobile liberated rural families, who could now travel to the city Gave opportunity for families to vacation Provided a chance for young people to become more independent Automobile became a status symbol 80% of all registered motor vehicles in the world were in the United States The airplane was another form of transportation which grew during the 1920s


19 Negative impacts of the automobile
Traffic congestion Challenged traditional family values Teenagers used automobiles to exercise freedom from parental control


21 Growth of suburbs With the mass production of the automobile many people moved to suburbs Suburbs – an outlying part of a city or town People could commute to jobs inside major cities



24 Improved standard of living
From Americans owned 40% of the world’s wealth Electrical appliances made home life easier Advertising agencies started using psychologists to study how to appeal to people’s desires 1900 1920 Wringer and Washboard: $5 Brooms and Brushes: $5 Sewing machine: $25 Washing Machine: $150 Vacuum cleaner: $50 Sewing machine: $60

25 A superficial prosperity
Installment Plan - an arrangement in which a purchaser pays over an extended time, without having to put down much money at the time of purchase Banks provided the money at low interest rates Economists were worried about what installment plans will bring in the future

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