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The Beach By: Alex Garland.

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1 The Beach By: Alex Garland

2 Purpose To show that even in a utopian society, disaster and corruption exists in and eventually brings about the demise of that society.

3 “This amazing beach hidden somewhere, but no one knows where it is
“This amazing beach hidden somewhere, but no one knows where it is Think about a lagoon, hidden from the sea and passing boats by a high curving wall of rock. Then imagine white sands and coral gardens never damaged by dynamite fishing or trawling nets. Freshwater falls scatter the island, surrounded by jungle On the white sands, fishing in the coral gardens, a select community of travelers pass the months. They leave if they want to, and return, the beach never changes It’s paradise It’s Eden.” (58).

4 “Of course this is more than a beach resort
“Of course this is more than a beach resort. But at the same time, it is just a beach resort. We come here to relax by a beautiful beach, but it isn’t a beach resort because we’re trying to get away from beach resorts. Or we’re trying to make a place that won’t turn into a beach resort After a while you’ll see that this is a wonderful place, as long as you appreciate it for what it is.” (98).

5 “Two Yanks I heard talking about a place called Eden in the Marine Park They know you, Richard. They used your name. And they’ve got a map A fucking map, Richard! They were showing it to some Germans! And who knows who else has seen it.” ( ).

6 “The rafters were having to make a considerable mental adjustment, Eden to hell in the space of a few seconds.” (354).

7 “If I had a part in destroying the beach, I did it unwittingly
“If I had a part in destroying the beach, I did it unwittingly You have to see, with these places, will all these places, you can’t protect them. We thought you could, but we were wrong. I realized it when Jed arrived. The word was out, somehow out, and after that it was just a matter of time Not that I acted on it at first. I waited, hoping he was a one-off, I guess. But then the Swedes arrived and I knew for sure. Cancer back, no cure, malignant as fuck. . .” ( ).

8 This book relates to my life in that I usually try to make my life perfect. This book shows that no matter how much you try to make something perfect, it never will be. There are always going to be flaws in what you’re trying to perfect and there is nothing you can do about it. Sometimes you just have to go with what’s happening and work things out as they arise.

9 This was one of the best books I’ve read in a long time
This was one of the best books I’ve read in a long time. I would give it 4.5 stars. I love the author, Alex Garland, and I would definitely read more of his books. I think the fact that he wrote this book, which is very popular and was made into a movie, when he was only 27 years old is amazing. The book was very entertaining and I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a good book to read. This book is especially great for young adults, because the characters in the book face some of the same things we do in our lives, and it is written in a way that is easily understood by young people.

10 Garland, Alex. The Beach. 1st. New York: Berkley Publishing Group, 1997.

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