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Introduction to Health

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1 Introduction to Health
Lesson 2 Factors of Health

2 Health Class Reminders Get Ready for Class Disclosures Due Friday
Classroom and Sex Ed Unit Page Due Friday Vocabulary Crossword Review Questions Pick up new notes page “Factors of Health” from the front TA desk Take out your “Parts of Health Notes” from Tuesday Make sure you have finished the quick check We will be grading it first thing If you were not here yesterday to take the Pre-Test you need to come see me to get instructions You are Learning Today… How heredity and environment affects your overall health. The importance of making good health choices.

3 Starter – Review Quiz Which of the following defines good emotional health? Getting plenty of exercise Being a dependable and loyal friend Accepting your strengths and weakness Accepting new ideas Mental health is the way that you Recognize and cope with feelings Cope with the demands of daily life Interact with people All of the above Which is not a part of health? Physical Spiritual Mental Social Wellness is having a balance of all four parts of health. True or False Which part of health is out of balance in the following scenario? Brad is an excellent student. He spends most of his time either working on homework or at the computer. Emotional

4 Starter – Review Quiz Answers
Which of the following defines good emotional health? Getting plenty of exercise Being a dependable and loyal friend Accepting your strengths and weakness Accepting new ideas Mental health is the way that you Recognize and cope with feelings Cope with the demands of daily life Interact with people All of the above Which is not a part of health? Physical Spiritual Mental Social Wellness is having a balance of all four parts of health. True or False Which part of health is out of balance in the following scenario? Brad is an excellent student. He spends most of his time either working on homework or at the computer. Emotional

5 Influences and Factors on Health
Many things influence and factor into our overall health and wellness. Examples of Influences and Factors Heredity Environment Peers Media Lifestyle Attitude

6 Influences and Factors on Health
Heredity is the passing down of traits from a parent to a child. A trait is a characteristic that a person has.

7 Influences and Factors on Health
You can not control what traits are passed down to you But you can control how you deal with those traits.

8 Assignment 1 Think of 3 hereditary traits that you like and 3 hereditary traits you don’t like Write what down what you can do with those traits to make them better or to deal with them easier. Examples: Negative Traits Poor Spelling Always use spell check on the computer Skin cancer wear sunscreen Poor eyesight wear glasses Positive Traits Being Tall Play sports that use height as an advantage Healthy Hair Grow out and donate to Locks of Love Being Good at Math Tutor other students as a side job

9 Influences and Factors on Health
Environment is everything around you, including the things you can not see. Examples of environmental factors Pollution Germs Crime Sun Overcrowding

10 Assignments 2 With a partner come up with three positive things about our environment here in West Point. Come up with three ways you could improve the environment. Positive Environmental Factors in West Point 1. 2. 3. Three ways to improve the environment

11 Influences and Factors on Health
Peers are people who are the same age, grade, or who have similar interest. Peers can have both positive and negative affects on your health.

12 Assignment 3 With a partner come up with examples in which peers can have positive and negative influences on your health. You must have three in each category. Positive example of peer influence Negative example of peer influence

13 Influences and Factors on Health
Media includes all public forms of communication, such as TV, radio, newspapers, the Internet, and advertisements.

14 Influences and Factors on Health
The media is a major source of information about health. Not all media messages are beneficial or should believed.

15 Influences and Factors on Health
Your lifestyle is a set of behaviors by which you live. A risk factor is a harmful behavior or habit that can be avoided or reduced. Examples of lifestyle behaviors Daily exercise Choosing not to smoke, do drugs, or consume alcohol Eating a low calorie, low fat, high fiber diet Showering daily Assess risk before doing an activity

16 Assignment #4 Mark all the examples of healthy lifestyles
Exercising daily Getting 5 hours of sleep per night Speeding on the highway Posting everything on Facebook Avoiding alcohol, tobacco and other drugs Wearing a helmet when skateboarding Going to tanning beds Taking time to study before tests Drinking soda pop everyday Being in serious relationships at a young age Punching a wall when stressed out Being a dependable and loyal friend Accepting strengths and weaknesses Giving into peer pressure Going on an all vegetable diet Placing an huge importance of self worth on body weight Following through on chores without being asked Seeking advice from parents Arguing with siblings over the remote control Spending hours in front of the computer or video games

17 Influences and Factors on Health
Your attitude is the way you act, think, or feel that causes you to make one choice over another. Having a healthy attitude will help you: Say no to situation that are not healthy Give you confidence in yourself Keep and maintain relationships Perform better in school and sports

18 Have the Right Attitude
Click on the picture to the right to watch the video clip. Think about the attitude of the coach in comparison to the attitude of the player. Which one thought it could be done?

19 Assignment 5 Write about one area in your life that you can improve your attitude. How will you do this? How will changing your attitude help your overall health? Example: I need change my attitude about referees. I need to just let them call the game as they see it. If I have a problem with a call I need to talk calmly with them. This will help my team because the refs will like me better. Also, my attention will be on the game (something I can control) and not on the refs (something I can not control).

20 Quick Check You can control your heredity.
Peer pressure is always negative. You can control risk factors by choosing healthy lifestyles. Media tends to distort how we see the world. Your attitude only affects your personal health.

21 Quick Check You can control your heredity. FALSE
Peer pressure is always negative. FALSE You can control risk factors by choosing healthy lifestyles. TRUE Media tends to distort how we see the world. TRUE Your attitude only affects your personal health. FALSE

22 Homework Living to Be 100 worksheet

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