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Warm-up 10/23/12 Re-write the following paragraph, combining or separating the sentences. William Shakespeare was baptized April 26, 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-up 10/23/12 Re-write the following paragraph, combining or separating the sentences. William Shakespeare was baptized April 26, 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-up 10/23/12 Re-write the following paragraph, combining or separating the sentences. William Shakespeare was baptized April 26, 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon England from roughly 1594 onward he was an important member of the Lord Chamberlain’s Men company of theatrical players written records give little indication of the way in which Shakespeare’s professional life molded his artistry all that can be deduced is that over the course of 20 years Shakespeare wrote plays that capture the complete range of human emotion and conflict

2 Warm-up 10/24 Write a story using each of your vocabulary words. This should be a well- developed paragraph.

3 The Renaissance

4 Renaissance Started in Italy,14th-16th century
“Rebirth”—renewed interest in classical learning (ancient Greece and Rome) Curiosity and creativity “Renaissance Man” – an person who is interested in and good at various subjects 7kf_JU

5 Humanists Stressed insight and reasoning, not just rote memorization
Valued learning from classical sources that were Pre-Christian Didn’t just have to learn though the Bible Humanities: philosophy, history, languages, the arts Focus on human reason, not just strict faith

6 Start of Protestant Reformation
Henry VIII wanted an annulment of his marriage to his first wife Had been married to his brother; he wanted a male heir; wanted to marry his “favorite” Pope refused Henry declared head of Church of England Threatened those that didn’t conform Several wanted to stay faithful to Catholic Church

7 People were dissatisfied with the “reformed” church.
Wasn’t reformed enough; too many traditions still present. Puritans, Baptists, Presbyterians Faith was a matter between the individual and God. Henry VIII was survived by 3 children His one son died; his daughter, whom he neglected because she was female, became the greatest ruler England would ever have.

8 Elizabeth I Reestablished Church of England Was excommunicated by Pope
Resisted marriage all her life The Virgin Queen Renaissance – time when England gained their own national and religious identity Elizabeth was loved Inspired authors

9 Poem Assignments Group 1: Christopher Marlowe 258 and “The Passionate Shepherd to His Love” Group 2: Sir Walter Raleigh 260 and “The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd” Group 3: Robert Herrick 264 and “To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time” Group 4: Andrew Marvell 266 and “To His Coy Mistress” Group 5: Songs from Shakespeare 286 and “Blow, Blow Thou Winter Wind”

10 Found Poem Found poems are constructed by taking words from a text and rearranging them to construct a new version of that same text without changing the meaning. Found poems force us to read closely and play with language in a thoughtful and intentional way.

11 Poster Criteria Read your assigned poem.
Write the topic and theme of your poem. Create a found poem that captures the theme of your poem. Length – 20 lines (if you only have one poem) Length – 10 lines (if you have two poems) Read the background of your poem and the provided about the author. Have someone in your group jot down notes on this and be prepared to present it to the class.

12 William Shakespeare “He is the most famous writer in the world, but he left us no journals or letters—he left us only his poems and his plays.”

13 Shakespeare: Childhood
1564: William Shakespeare born in Stratford Upon Avon. One of 8 siblings. Attended grammar school. Studied Latin grammar, Latin literature, and rhetoric. 13

14 Shakespeare: Early Life
Married Anne Hathaway at 18 years old. Had three children. A daughter and two twins. Left family to move to London. 14

15 Shakespeare: Career Becomes an actor and playwright by 1592.
Employed by “King’s Men.” Officially “professional” playwright. Massive plague causes theaters to close down ( ). Shakespeare turns to poetry. 15

16 Shakespeare’s Success
Romeo and Juliet one of his earlier plays. Written between 1594 and 1596. Retired in 1612. Had written 37 plays. Masterpieces include: Julius Caesar, Hamlet, Othello, King Lear and Macbeth. 16

17 Shakespeare’s Success (cont.)
During a Broadway season of Othello, one critic remarked that Shakespeare would be making $25,000 a week in royalties for each performance. 17

18 Shakespeare’s Success Today
“Indeed, so absolute is Shakespeare’s achievement that he has himself come to seem like great creating nature: the common bond of humankind, the principle of hope, the symbol of the imagination’s power to transcend time-bound beliefs and assumptions, peculiar historical circumstances, and specific artistic conventions.” –Stephen Greenblatt

19 Shakespeare’s Theater: Origins
1576: James Burbage builds the first permanent theater in England. Plays typically performed in courtyards. 1599: Theater is torn down and rebuilt by Shakespeare and his actors. 19

20 The Globe Theater Large, round building three stories high.
Large platform stage under an open sky. Curtained off “inner stage.” Trapdoors were placed in the floor of main stage. Very few sets. Sets established by the language.

21 The Globe Theater All social classes present.
Plays performed by all-male casts. Not a proscenium stage. No outer stage, only the inner stage; like looking in a window.

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25 Shakespeare: End of Life
1616: William Shakespeare becomes ill and dies. In his will, he leaves his wife his second best bed. Strange or thoughtful? You decide! 25

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27 The Magic of Theatre “Playwrights have been tempted to write plays that imitate the style of movies. But this imitation rarely works. Theater and movies are different media. A theater audience does not necessarily want to be whisked form place to place… The theater is a medium of words. When we go to see a play, it is the movement of the words rather than the scenery that delight us.”

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