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Some History of Energy and Emissions

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1 Some History of Energy and Emissions
Michael Grubb Professor of International Energy and Climate Change Policy, UCL Editor-in-Chief, Climate Policy journal Keynote Presentation to international conference Our Common Future under Climate Change, Paris, 7 July 2015 Key points Energy-economy relationships in basic economic development Patterns? - centrality of structural change Projections? - history of forecasting errors The bill? - relative constancy of national energy expenditures Shares, shocks and shifts – emission trends and territory, from last 50 to last 5 years

2 Vast majority of emissions from countries now > $10,000/cap;
Energy-GDP relationship: the Common Caricature Many fascinating studies of energy-in-development patterns eg. Fouquet, Grubler, Smil Vast majority of emissions from countries now > $10,000/cap; developed econs > $30,000 Across time and countries, basic industrialisation is energy-intensive; historically aggregated income – energy relationships often assumed to extend - falling energy costs important feature of initial ‘industrial revolution’ - but global emissions dominated by modern economies > $10,000/cap Sectoral and national developmental patterns suggest a different picture ….

3 “From Production …. …. to Pleasure”
‘The Pattern’ - profound structural changes with development Industry rises to dominate over the agricultural and domestic needs of subsistence economies By c. $10,000 per capita: relative industrial decline, growth in transport & services “From Production …. …. to Pleasure” Source: A. Schafer, Structural change in energy use, Energy Policy, Volume 33, Issue 4, Pages 429–43

4 ‘The Projections?’ Very poor record in energy / emissions forecasting, particularly as countries move beyond basic industrialisation US: energy consumption in turned out to be below the low end of all mid-70s forecasts UK: “Against projected 30% increase in UK GHG emissions over the next decade … demanding ambition to return emissions in 2000 to 1990 levels” - Mrs Thatcher, 1990 Source: A. Schafer, Structural change in energy use, Energy Policy, Volume 33, Issue 4, March 2005, Pages 429–43

5 ‘The Bill’? At least amongst industrialised countries, long-run energy expenditure / GDP quite constant despite wide price variations Eg. Japan spent the same %GDP on energy as the US despite end-user prices being more than twice as high; so did France and Germany. Countries that subsidised energy to keep it cheap have ended up spending more. Source: Grubb et al., Planetary Economics, Figure 6.1 derived from Newbery Figure 6‑1 The most important diagram in energy economics Note: The graph plots average energy intensity against average energy prices ( ) for a range of prices. The dotted line shows the line of constant energy expenditure (intensity x price) per unit GDP over the period Source: After Newbery (2003), with updated data from International Energy Agency and EU KLEMS

6 ‘The Shares’ - IPCC AR5 Illustrated the rapid rise of CO2 from Upper-Middle income countries (particularly China), but partly due to ‘embodied’ trade High-income regions generally net importers, footprint significant growth Upper-middle and lower income regions in general growing “embodied” exports to high income countries

7 US ‘The shocks and shifts’, Part 1: OECD per-cap emissions vs wealth,
through oil & financial shocks (1960 – 2014) 1973 1990 2008 2014 1960 US tCO2 / capita Trends in per-capita GDP and E-CO2 of different regions up to 2014, territorial (from 1960) and consumption footprint (from 1970) Territorial CO2 Consumption CO2 footprint GDP (constant 2005 US$000 PPP) / capita Mean of four major international Multi-Regional Input-Output models, as convened and analysed by EU FP7 Carbon Cap consortium, with particular thanks to NTNU and TNO.

8 US ‘The shocks and shifts’, Part 1: OECD per-cap emissions vs wealth,
through oil & financial shocks (1960 – 2014) 1973 1990 2008 US 1960 tCO2 / capita Trends in per-capita GDP and E-CO2 of different regions up to 2014, territorial (from 1960) and consumption footprint (from 1970) Territorial CO2 Consumption CO2 footprint GDP (constant 2005 US$000 PPP) / capita Mean of four major international Multi-Regional Input-Output models, as convened and analysed by EU FP7 Carbon Cap consortium, with particular thanks to NTNU and TNO.

9 US ‘The shocks and shifts’, Part 1: OECD per-cap emissions vs wealth,
through oil & financial shocks (1960 – 2014) 1973 1990 2008 US 1960 tCO2 / capita Territorial CO2 Consumption CO2 footprint GDP (constant 2005 US$000 PPP) / capita Mean of four major international Multi-Regional Input-Output models, as convened and analysed by EU FP7 Carbon Cap consortium, with particular thanks to NTNU and TNO.

10 US ‘The shocks and shifts’, Part 1: OECD per-cap emissions vs wealth,
through oil & financial shocks (1960 – 2014) 1973 1990 2008 US 1960 Canada tCO2 / capita Trends in per-capita GDP and E-CO2 of different regions up to 2014, territorial (from 1960) and consumption footprint (from 1970) Territorial CO2 Consumption CO2 footprint GDP (constant 2005 US$000 PPP) / capita Mean of four major international Multi-Regional Input-Output models, as convened and analysed by EU FP7 Carbon Cap consortium, with particular thanks to NTNU and TNO.

11 ‘The shocks and shifts’, Part 1: OECD per-cap emissions vs wealth,
through oil & financial shocks (1960 – 2014) 1973 1990 2008 US 1960 Canada tCO2 / capita 1973 OECD territorial p.c. emissions now back to level of 1960s; consumption emissions c 10% below 2008 peak 2008 1990 1960 EU-15 Japan Territorial CO2 Consumption CO2 footprint GDP (constant 2005 US$000 PPP) / capita Mean of four major international Multi-Regional Input-Output models, as convened and analysed by EU FP7 Carbon Cap consortium, with particular thanks to NTNU and TNO.

12 ‘The shocks and shifts’, Part 2: Some advanced emerging economies have so far kept emissions to a small fraction (2-4 tCO2/cap) of historical antecedants 1973 1990 2008 US 1960 Canada tCO2 / capita 2008 1990 EU-15 1990 Mexico 2014 Brazil 1990 Territorial CO2 Consumption CO2 footprint GDP (constant 2005 US$000 PPP) / capita Mean of four major international Multi-Regional Input-Output models, as convened and analysed by EU FP7 Carbon Cap consortium, with particular thanks to NTNU and TNO.

13 ‘The shocks and shifts’, Part 3: Asian giants so far closer to the ‘old course’
1973 1990 2008 US 1960 Canada tCO2 / capita 2008 1990 EU-15 2014 China territorial per-cap equals EU-15, of today and 1960! China 1990 Mexico India Brazil 1990 Territorial CO2 Consumption CO2 footprint GDP (constant 2005 US$000 PPP) / capita Mean of four major international Multi-Regional Input-Output models, as convened and analysed by EU FP7 Carbon Cap consortium, with particular thanks to NTNU and TNO.

14 Some History of Energy and Emissions: conclusions
Key points Energy-economy relationships… Energy essential to basic economic development Patterns? ‘Production to pleasure’ phase shift around $10,000/cap with trend breaks Projections? A history of forecasting errors The Bill? Relative constancy of national energy expenditures / GDP Shares, shocks and shifts – some determining questions Will rich countries accelerate decarbonisation as part of recovery from recession? Can ‘advanced emerging’ economies maintain rapid development within 2-4 tCO2/cap? With China entering ‘industrial maturation’ can it make an early turn towards decarbonization – and which path will India chart? Michael Grubb Professor of International Energy and Climate Change Policy, UCL Editor-in-Chief, Climate Policy journal

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