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Development Indicators

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1 Development Indicators
Describe a range of development indicators and explain how these indicate levels of development.

2 Development To explore and define the development indicators Development measures how economically, socially, culturally and technologically advanced a country is. Put the following countries into order of development: UK India China Germany USA Ghana DR Congo Norway Malaysia Brazil What influenced the order of development? What made you put the countries in that particular order?

3 How do we measure development?
Wealth – GDP/GNI Life expectancy Infant mortality rate The % of people living below US$1 per day % of people with access to clean water and sanitation Average number of people per doctor % of children who attend primary, secondary and higher education Literacy rate % of the population with mobile phones, television and the internet % of people working in primary, secondary and tertiary employment sectors

4 Key Development Indicators
COPY: There are a number of ways development can be measured. Match the following indicators with the correct definition. Sort them into SOCIAL & ECONOMIC development. Gross National Product (GNP)/Gross National Income (GNI) Literacy Life expectancy Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Infant mortality rate The number of babies, per 1000 live births, who die under the age of 1. The % of adults who can read and write. The total value of goods and services produced by a country in a year. The average age to which a person lives. The total income of a country including earnings from abroad. EXTENSION: Can you think of any other development indicators? SOCIAL development = measures the access people have to wealth, education, food, health etc ECONOMIC development = measures a country’s wealth

5 GNI per capita and Life Expectancy
What would you expect the trend to look like when plotting GNI per capita and Life Expectancy data on a scatter graph? Describe the relationship shown between GNI per capita and life expectancy. Use data from the graph to support your description. (3) Suggest reasons why there is a relationship between GNI per capita and life expectancy (4)

6 Can you think of any disadvantages of using only one measure to indicate a countries level of development? What would be a better way to measure development?

7 Using more that one This is known as a composite indicator Such as HDI or PQLI

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