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Chapter 1 What This Book is About.

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1 Chapter 1 What This Book is About

2 Real GDP per Person, 1980–1987 25 1900 Trend in real GDP per person
1920 1940 1960 1980 20 15 Thousands of 1987 dollars (logarithmic scale) 10 5 Figure 1.1 ©1999 South-Western College Publishing

3 Prices in the United States Since 1890
140 120 100 WWI WWII 80 60 Percentage of 1987 price (logarithmic scale) 40 20 Time 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 Pre-WWII trend Post-WWII trend Price as a percentage of the average price of commodities Figure 1.2 ©1999 South-Western College Publishing

4 Percentage of U.S. GDP per person
©1999 South-Western College Publishing GDP per Person as a Percentage of U.S. GDP per Person in Four Selected Countries 100 80 80 70 60 50 Percentage of U.S. GDP per person 40 30 20 10 1960 ’63 ’66 ’69 ’72 ’75 ’78 ’81 ’84 ’87 ’90 India United Kingdom Japan South Korea Figure 1.3

5 Percent deviation from trend
Percentage deviation of real GDP per person from trend (right scale) Real GDP per person (left scale) 5 10 15 20 Thousands of 1987 dollars (logarithmic scale) Percent deviation from trend 20 40 -20 -40 Time 1940 1920 1900 1960 1980 Figure 1.4 ©1999 South-Western College Publishing

6 Procyclical Variables
©1999 South-Western College Publishing Procyclical Variables -40 -20 20 40 Panel A Percentage deviation from trend 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 Time GDP Consumption Figure 1.5A

7 Countercyclical Variables Percentage deviation from trend
©1999 South-Western College Publishing Countercyclical Variables -40 -20 20 40 Panel B Percentage deviation from trend 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 Time GDP Unemployment Figure 1.5B

8 Why the Business Cycle Matters Time
-5 -10 5 10 In 1988 it took 12 weeks to find a job. The average wage was $12.02 an hour. Percentage difference of real GDP per capita from trend In 1983 it took 20 weeks to find a job. The average wage was $11.40 an hour 1972 ’74 ’76 ’80 ’82 ’84 ’86 ’88 ’92 ’78 ’90 Time Figure 1.6 ©1999 South-Western College Publishing

9 Percentage of 1987 price (logarithmic scale)
©1999 South-Western College Publishing 30 Inflation and the Price Level Since 1890 20 10 0.0 120 100 -10 Inflation (left scale) Percentage per Year Percentage of 1987 price (logarithmic scale) 80 -20 60 40 -30 20 GDP deflator (right scale) Figure 1.7 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980

10 Inflation and Unemployment 10
©1999 South-Western College Publishing 10 8 6 Percentage points 4 2 The Carter Presidency 1950 ’55 ’60 ’65 ’70 ’75 ’80 ’85 ’90 Inflation (percent per year) Percentage of the labor force unemployed Figure 1.8

11 Thousands of 1987 dollars (logarithmic scale)
5 10 15 20 25 Which of these graphs is actual GDP per person and which is simulated by the model? Thousands of 1987 dollars (logarithmic scale) 1940 1920 1900 1960 1980 Time Figure 1.10 ©1999 South-Western College Publishing

12 END

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