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If you get a new student and they are not listed on the username/password spreadsheet, please use these instructions. How to find a new student’s login.

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Presentation on theme: "If you get a new student and they are not listed on the username/password spreadsheet, please use these instructions. How to find a new student’s login."— Presentation transcript:

1 If you get a new student and they are not listed on the username/password spreadsheet, please use these instructions. How to find a new student’s login information. Contact Mrs. Cline if a student is unable to login using the following information.

2 Log into INow 2. Click on Students – Student Maintenance 3. Type in the student’s first and / or last name and hit Search.



5 You’ll find the State ID (lunch number and password) on the Summary tab
The State ID is also at the top of this tab beside “Edit Student”

6 You may be an access denied message when you try to access the Summary tab. This is a weird glitch with teacher permissions, but all hope is not lost! This info is also in Jupiter Grades…


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