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Team Coordinator: Markus J. Aschwanden

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Presentation on theme: "Team Coordinator: Markus J. Aschwanden"— Presentation transcript:

1 Team Coordinator: Markus J. Aschwanden
Self-Organized Criticality and Turbulence 1st ISSI Team Meeting Conclusions and Outlook Team Coordinator: Markus J. Aschwanden 2012 October 15-19 International Space Science Institute (ISSI) Hallerstrasse 6, Bern, Switzerland

2 Conclusions: What did we learn at this meeting Where do we go from here Goals and plans for 2nd ISSI Team meeting (2013) Publications


4 Solar Physics Social Sciences Astrophysics Criticality Systems
Interdisciplinary aspect Solar Physics Social Sciences Astrophysics Self-Organized Criticality Systems Magnetospheric Physics Biophysics Geophysics

5 Interdisciplinary aspects:
SOC occurs in many different physical systems ! What properties of SOC are common in all physical systems? Are there statistical aspects that are universal in all systems? Are there universal parameters (fractal dimensions, powerlaw slopes) ? Where does the physics play a role (scaling laws of physical parameters)? Can we come up with a SOC theory that includes both universal statistical aspects and the physical scaling laws of a particular system?


7 Goals identified in our ISSI proposal :
Data analysis of statistical datasets of SOC phenomena, using new and comprehensive data sets: Can we expect new observational results at 2nd ISSI Team meeting in 2013?

8 Goals and problems identified in our ISSI proposal :
Data analysis of statistical datasets of SOC phenomena, using new and comprehensive data sets (2) Improve diagnostics of powerlaw-like distributions: How to identify scaling and universality in experimental and computational data? (Finite-size effects, variable drivers?) (3) How to identify and characterize between SOC and non-SOC mechanisms? (turbulence? network theory?) (4) What part of SOC phenomena is captured by lattice models and is there a route to basic theories and first-principle equations?


10 Metrics of Observables, Statistical Distributions
and Physical Processes that need to be defined in order to discriminate SOC from non-SOC processes

11 Metrics of Physical Processes
vs. Observational Properties Can we refine the metrics ?

12 Metrics of Physical Processes
vs. Observational Properties Can we refine the metrics ?



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