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Question Answer Relationships

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1 Question Answer Relationships
Q A R Question Answer Relationships

2 Question Answer Relationships
Are used to develop an understanding of the relationship between questions and answers. With some questions, the author provides the the answer in the text or story. With others, answers have to be developed based on the reader’s ideas and experiences. QARs will help you recognize the kind of thinking you need to engage in when you respond to questions.


4 “Right There” Questions
The answer is in the text, usually easy to find. The words used to make up the question and words used to answer the question are RIGHT THERE in the same sentence.

5 “Dumb Crimes and Dumber Criminals”
1. What does the phrase “five finger discount” mean? 2. What would happen if Jonathan tried to slip out with any tagged merchandise? 3. Where did Jonathan decide to hide the jackets? 4. What happened to the magnetic strips that Jonathan had removed? 5. How did police identify the robber?

6 Marking Text This first one is called the case of the sloppy shoplifter! While browsing at a trendy clothing store, 19 year old Jonathan Parker realized that he really wanted a leather jacket. Then he realized that he wouldn’t be happy with just one! Jonathan wanted three leather jackets! Of course he didn’t have any money. So he decided to take a “five finger discount.” That is, he decided to steal them. This first one is called the case of the sloppy shoplifter! While browsing at a trendy clothing store, 19 year old Jonathan Parker realized that he really wanted a leather jacket. Then he realized that he wouldn’t be happy with just one! Jonathan wanted three leather jackets! Of course he didn’t have any money. So he decided to take a “five finger discount.” That is, he decided to steal them. 1

7 How do I answer “RIGHT THERE” questions?
All “right there” questions should be answered in complete sentences and if possible should include part of the question.(TTQA – Turn the Question Around!)

8 1. What does the phrase “five finger discount” mean?
ANSWERING QUESTIONS 1. What does the phrase “five finger discount” mean? The phrase “five finger discount” means that you steal something instead of paying for it.


10 “Think and Search” Questions
The answer is in the story, but you need to put together different story parts to find it. Words for the question and words for that answer are not found in the same sentence. They come from different parts of the text.

11 “The Elian Gonzalez Story”
1. What was the strange object the fishermen spotted on Thanksgiving Day 1999? 2. Why was Elian’s journey so dangerous? 3. Why was it so difficult to determine where Elian should stay? 4. Describe the protests in Cuba and Miami. 5. Why were people angry at Janet Reno, the US Attorney General?

12 Marking Text It all started in November It was Thanksgiving Day. Two men were fishing off the coast of Florida. Suddenly the men spotted something strange in the distance. They could make out an inner tube, but something seemed to be strapped to it. They weren’t sure what it was. After they got closer, they decided it was just a rag doll. But then they saw its hand move and realized it was a little boy

13 Marking Text It all started in November It was Thanksgiving Day. Two men were fishing off the coast of Florida. Suddenly the men spotted something strange in the distance. They could make out an inner tube, but something seemed to be strapped to it. They weren’t sure what it was. After they got closer, they decided it was just a rag doll. But then they saw its hand move and realized it was a little boy

14 How do I answer “Think and Search” questions?
All “think and search” questions should be answered in complete sentences and if possible should include part of the question.(TTQA – Turn the Question Around!)

15 ANSWERING QUESTIONS 1. What was the strange object the fishermen spotted on Thanksgiving Day 1999? On Thanksgiving Day in 1999, two fishermen spotted a little boy off the coast of Florida.

16 AUTHOR and ME

17 “Author and Me” Questions
The answer is not in the story. You need to think about what you already know, what the author tells you in the text and how it fits together.

18 for example… Where does Isabel work? Isabel worked at a gas station.
It was Mr. Watts again. Isabel sighed and grabbed the hose. She took the cap from the gas tank and called through the car window. “A whole dollar’s worth again, Mr. Watts?” She knew she sounded nasty, but she didn’t care. Isabel worked at a gas station.

19 1. How does Mr. Watts’ behavior affect Isabel? What the text Says
ANSWERING QUESTIONS 1. How does Mr. Watts’ behavior affect Isabel? What the text Says “She knew she sounded nasty, but she didn’t care.” “Isabel looked at Mr. Watts with scorn.” “Maybe you ought to get a job a girl can do right” “The boy that was here before never forgot” What you think Mr. Watts’ behavior toward Isabel made her feel angry. She resented it when he came for a dollars worth of gas and spoke to her so rudely.

20 “On My Own”

21 “On My Own” Questions The text gets you thinking, but the answer is inside your head. The author can’t help you much. You can even answer the question without reading the story. So you think about it and use what you already know to answer the question.

22 The last time I had a disagreement with a close friend…
ANSWERING QUESTIONS Describe a time when you had a disagreement with a close friend. How long did it last? How did you feel? The last time I had a disagreement with a close friend…

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