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India’s Competitiveness as a Business Destination
Rajeeva Ratna Shah Secretary Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion Ministry of Commerce & Industry Government of India November 13, 2003 19/09/2018
India – Land of Opportunities
Fourth largest Economy (PPP) - A safe place to do business Second Largest Emerging Market Largest democracy – political stability & consensus on reforms Largest reservoir of skilled/semi-skilled manpower Liberal & transparent investment policies Long-term sustainable Competitive advantage - High growth rate economy Highest returns on investment; India 19.33%, China 14.25%, Thailand 13.3%
Strong Macro-Economic Performance
Sustained Economic growth; 7% Current Year 8% Next quinqennium / decade Over 6% - Next 50 Years – Goldman Sachs Exports growth - over 19 % in ; Non Oil imports growing at 31%-Economic vibrancy Positive balance of trade with USA and China FII Investment – over US$ 5 billion so far this year Developed Banking system moving rapidly towards ICT integrated core banking/net banking Mature Capital Market – NSE third largest, BSE fifth largest in terms of number of trades Economy grew at 5.4% during the IX plan ( ) Most countries would be proud of such growth. Economy expected to grow at 7 % this year. Foreign exchange reserves growing at US$ 2.5 billion every month. Have crossed US$ 91 billion. India currency is strengthening against US$. Forex reserves likely to soon touch US$ 100 billion 63000 bank branches with prudential norms. Vibrant capital market with nearly 9000 companies listed at Stock exchanges 19/09/2018
Sustained Economic Growth
(Base year: ) The economy has witnessed some fluctuations due to adverse climatic conditions in some years. Last year despite an acute draught in large parts of the country, the economy still grew by 4.4%. Economic growth in the last 10 years has been over 5.5% The growth this year now expected at 7%. 19/09/2018
Growing Foreign Exchange Reserves
Foreign Exchange Reserves (US$ billion) Exchange Rate (Rs/US$) Foreign exchange reserves are rising very sharply. Forex reserves expected to cross US$ 100 billion this year, addition of almost US$ 50 billion in just 2 years. The value of Indian currency is market determined and has of late been getting strengthened against US$. 19/09/2018
Availability of Skilled Labour
Select Indicators India 8.4 Brazil 7.5 USA 7.4 Mexico 6.6 Czrch 6.3 Availability of Qualified Engineers 1=Low 10= High China Availability of Skilled Labour 1=Low 10= High 4.2 India offers high quality and skilled manpower at competitive costs. Rated second best in terms of availability of scientists and engineers Macro-economic fundamentals are sound. 19/09/2018
Economic Liberalization
Fiscal Policy Reforms : Stable tax regime with just 3 rates for both Excise as well as Customs duties Full National treatment for foreign Cos. incorporated in India Industrial Policy Reforms : Capacity licensing dispensed with Compulsory licensing only in 6 sectors: restrictions on grounds of national security, public health, public safety FDI policy being progressively liberalized Trade policy Reforms : Most items on Open General License, Quantitative Restrictions lifted; Monetary Policy and Financial Sector Reforms : Interest rates brought down – Bank rate/Prime lending rate lowered Banking Sector reforms – prudential norms stiffened Securatization Act for better security for creditors Competition law enacted. Competition Commission constituted Independent regulators in place for Insurance sector (IRA) and Capital Markets (SEBI) Exchange Controls relaxed; Profits and dividends can be freely repatriated; 19/09/2018
Fiscal Consolidation Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act;
Current account surplus for the last 2 years. Surplus projected for 2003 & 2004 (EIU Business India Intelligence ) Enlarging the tax base; Customs and Central Excise accounted for 61.5% in 2001 against 78.3% in 1990 Bank deposits are 48% of GDP, net NPLs are just 2.3 % of assets; Reduction in Bank Rates Bank rate reduced from 11 per cent to 6 per cent over the last five years with concomitant reduction in CRR to 4.5 per cent (w.e.f June 2003). The prime lending rates (PLRs) of public sector banks range from per cent. 19/09/2018
Taxation Reforms Rationalization of tax structure and re-engineering of tax system; Indirect Taxes Reduction in peak customs tariffs from more than 300% and 22 major basic ad valorem rates in to 25% with only 3 rates in Overhaul of excise regime with introduction of a single CENVAT and a peak basic rate of 16% CENVAT plus 8 SED as of now. In there were 19 basic ad valorem duty rates with a peak basic rate of 110% Direct Taxes Corporate tax rates rationalized and brought down to 35 per cent plus 5 per cent surcharge for domestic companies and 40 per cent for foreign companies. 19/09/2018
Infrastructure Development
US$ 12 billion Highways Development Programme; Over 13,000 Kms of Highways being developed. US$ 22 billion ‘Sagar Mala’ programme to develop ports and shipping sector Modernization of Airports at New Delhi & Mumbai. World’s Fastest growing telecom market with unified licensing regime and world class international and domestic connectivity; The Electricity Act, enables captive generation and trading in electricity; Golden Quadrilateral km NS-EW Corridors.7300 km 1965 km already completed 4777 km work under progress Nearly 11 Km of highways getting added every day. Airports at New Delhi and Mumbai being developed with private participation. Respective legislation amended. New Electricity Act freely permits captive power generation and allows trading of electricity. 19/09/2018
Brand India R&D base for 100 of Fortune 500 companies;
GE’s largest R&D Center outside US; Large pool of World class scientific and technical manpower; Indian Institutes of Technology; Indian Institutes of Management. S&T policy aims at R&D investments of 2% of GDP by 2007 Among the only three Asian countries with super computing competence Strong base for manufacturing; Bharat Forge world’s largest forging facility Most major MNC’s like Volvo,GM,GE, Chrysler, Ford,Toyota, Unilever, Cliariant, Cummins, Delphi sourcing high quality components and hardware from India Essel Propack worlds largest manufacturer of laminated tubes(30% of global market/70% Indian,Chinese market). Hyundai Motors India – Global base for manufacturing small cars; Indica(100% indigenous car) being exported to Europe as Rover City. India exporting steel worth more than US$1 billion to China Hero Honda world’s largest manufacturer of motorbikes Precision Automation & Robotics India (PARI) - 20 Fortune 500 clients 18 Indian Companies in the latest FORBES 200 list of most competitive small and medium enterprises Last year there were 13 Companies 19/09/2018
Competitive Entrepreneurship
Prevalence of foreign technology licensing – Rank 1 Availability of scientist and engineers – Rank 2 Quality of management schools – Rank 9 Firm level innovation – Rank 12 Firm level technology absorption – Rank 16 (Source: Global Competitiveness Report, ) India amongst the leading entrepreneurial hotbeds globally (Red Herring Clubs India with Israel) Global Competitiveness Report by UNCTAD Ranks 2nd in terms of availability of engineers and scientists second only to Israel. High ranking in firm level innovation and technology absorption India is a place where innovation and entrepreneurship flourishes. 19/09/2018
The Emerging Market: India Traditional & Emerging Focus
Traditional MNC Business Model 5-10 million, Rich Some MNCs? PPP>$10,000, m Local Firms PPP $ 3-10,000, 150m Future Opportunity? PPP $ 2-3,000, 150m India has a large middle class population of 300 million. The demand for better services and goods is rising. Indian markets provide immense business opportunities. PPP>$ 2000, 500m © C.K. Prahalad 19/09/2018
India a Preferred VC Destination in Asia-2001
Country Amt. Invested ($min) No. of Companies Australia $ 1,228.8 213 South Korea $ 1,228.1 169 India $ 907.6 101 China $ 628.0 23 Hong Kong $ 247.5 33 Taiwan $ 235.7 18 Singapore $ 186.2 38 Malaysia $ 65.1 11 Thailand $ 35.7 10 New Zealand $ 30.9 17 Indonesia $ 20.0 3 Philippines $ 4.8 Sri Lanka $ 0.0 1 India is also a major destination for the venture capital funds, highlighting the strong knowledge and innovation base. The capital markets are well developed and transparent. India is also receiving substantial FII investments. 19/09/2018 Source : AVCJ
Investing in India – Entry Routes
Automatic Route Prior Permission General rule No prior permission required Inform Reserve Bank within 30 days of inflow/issue of share By exception Prior Government Approval needed. Decision generally Within 4-6 weeks Foreign Direct Investment in a large number of sectors is permitted under the Automatic Route. No prior approval is required for making investment under the Automatic route. Only information to the Reserve bank of India within 30 days of inward remittance or issue of shares is required. Small number of cases requiring Government approval are considered by an Empowered Body, the FIPB, in a time bound manner. Compulsory licensing only for 6 categories Alcoholic beverages Cigarettes and cigars Electronic aerospace and defence equipments Hazardous chemicals Industrial explosives f. Drugs and pharma using recombinant technology 19/09/2018
Manufacturing Sectors with 100% FDI under ‘Automatic Route’
Cars and motor vehicles Refrigerator and fire fighting equipments Food processing Electronic Hardware Iron and steel Private Oil Refineries Agriculture tools and implements Fertilizers and pesticides Pollution control equipments Tyres and tubes Packaging products Construction Machinery Domestic air conditioners Electric motors, industrial electric furnaces Mining and Querying Machinery Steam engines and turbines Non-metallic mineral products Rice, oil mill machinery Chemical machinery Drugs and pharmaceuticals except those requiring industrial licensing Medical equipments Office computing and accounting machinery 19/09/2018
Infrastructure Sectors with 100% FDI Under ‘Automatic Route’
Electricity Generation (except Atomic energy) Electricity Transmission Electricity Distribution Mass Rapid Transport System Roads and Highways Toll Roads Vehicular Bridges Ports and Harbors Hotel and tourism 19/09/2018
Services Sector with 100% FDI under Automatic Route
Advertising and films Computer related services Research and development services Construction and related engineering services Pollution control and Management services Urban Planning and Landscape services Architectural services Health related and social services Travel related services Road transport services Maritime transport services Internal waterways transport services 19/09/2018
Sectors with Restrictions on FDI
Sectors with limits on FDI Caps Private Banking ( 49%) Insurance (26%) Domestic Airlines (40%) Basic and mobile services (49%) Print Media (26%) Defence production (26%) Sectors where FDI is prohibited Gambling, betting, lottery Retail Trade Agriculture Plantation, except tea plantation Prior Government approval required in the six sectors under compulsory licensing, purchase of shares in an existing Company and having previous joint venture require Government approval. In addition sectors where investment is not under automatic route would require prior Government approval. The list of FDI equity caps and the route of entry is available in the Manual circulated among the participants. 19/09/2018
‘Dreaming with BRICs: The Path to 2050’- by Goldman Sachs
BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India & China) economies could be larger than G-6 in less than 40 years; By 2025 over half of G-6 size against less than 15% at present; India has potential to growth rate higher than 5% over the next 30 years and close to 5% as late as 2050; Only India among BRICs to have growth rates significantly above 3% by 2050; Indian economy can overtake Italy by around 2017, Germany by around 2027 and Japan by 2032; India has the potential to raise its per capita income in US$ terms by 35 times by 2050. 19/09/2018
India: FDI Outlook Rated as the best BPO destination; AT KEARNEY
Best technology licensing regime - UNCTAD’s Global Competitiveness Report, 2003; Rated among the most favourite investment destinations (UNCTAD, JETRO, JBIC, Deutsche Bank, EIU, etc.) Major destination for foreign venture capital funds (Far Eastern Economic Review) Sixth most attractive investment destination – ATKEARNEY Business Confidence Index, 2003 Also among the top 10 Tourist Destinations. Latest AT KEARNEY Business Confidence Index ranks India as 6th best investment destination. ATKEARNEY have also ranked India among the top 10 tourist destinations. India is rated as the best destination for Business Process Outsourcing. India is also a major destination for venture capital 19/09/2018
Skilled knowledge Workforce
India’s competitive edge is its manpower Over 380 universities (11200 colleges) 1500 research institutions Over 200,000 engineering graduates Over 300,000 post graduates from non-engineering colleges 2,100,000 other graduates Around 9,000 PhDs Knowledge workers in software and service industry increased from 6,800 in to 650,000 in 2003 19/09/2018
ICT India’s Strengths IT Industry US $ 14 billion; growing at 50% p.a.
Exports US $ 10 billion 2008 exports target : US $ 60 billion , to be 35% of India’s total exports; Job creation: a million direct & 2-3 Million indirect; High quality standards; 62 SEI/CMM level 5 companies, two third of world’s total. 250 Fortune 500 companies clients of Indian firms; 19/09/2018
India - The Back Office hub
India has become the most preferred destination – Outsourcing trend increasing GE,TI, Intel, CISCO, Microsoft, Dell, Sun Micro, Oracle, LG, Ford, American Express and other financial sector companies; Customer needs are being met Large pool of skilled English speaking workforce – skills and scalability, 24x7 support Productivity and quality enhancement Conducive policy environment and Government support Highly improved telecom infrastructure Call center career is aspirational unlike a low choice in the West 19/09/2018
Cost savings by off shoring BPO services to India
Impact* Key opportunity areas Overall cost saving Per cent Claims processing Servicing Call centre operations Insurance Call centre operations Loan processing (consumer, corporate, mortgage) Retail financial services / Retail banking ** Research and development Pharmaceuticals Call centre operations Billing Telecom Engineering and design Accounts payable/ receivable Automotive 40-60% cost saving for processes offshored Revenue accounting Call centre operations Frequent flyer programmes Airlines 19/09/2018
Country Advantage Likely to be Comoditized
(45-55% savings) Vendor advantage (30-40% savings) Original Cost base Factor Savings Additional Telecom & manage- ment costs Off-shore Location cost Consoli-ation, Standar- Dization & superior skills Task Reengi neering Econo- mies of scale Process Reengine -ering New cost Task migration Task level improvement 100 60-65 10-15 8-13 5-7 3-5 Does not Include gains from Over-delivery and continuous 45-55 15 30-35 Task aggregation And process level improvement 19/09/2018
Biotech- India’s inherent strengths
Rich Biodiversity Large reservoirs of valuable diagnostic and clinical data Vibrant and inventive pharmaceutical industry World class network of educational and research institutions Known strengths in mathematics, logic and computational skills Super Computing and Software strengths enable extensive use of bio-informatics in new drug discovery 19/09/2018
Global Business Leaders - Bullish On India’s Potential
“We are expanding our presence in India to take advantage of the ample R&D talent available” JOHN CHAMBERS, CISCO JACK WELCH, GE “India is a developed country as far as intellectual capital is concerned” “India is handling the most sophisticated projects in the world..I am impressed with the quality of work” MICHAEL DELL, DELL BILL GATES, MICROSOFT “India can be a major part of Dell’s operations and we are looking to capitalize on India’s human capital” 19/09/2018
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