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Greek Values that Have Shaped the West

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Presentation on theme: "Greek Values that Have Shaped the West"— Presentation transcript:

1 Greek Values that Have Shaped the West
A Review of Chapter 2

2 Dynamic Culture Egyptian culture – static
Greek culture – constantly changing! What was the meander found on Greek geometric pottery? How does its meaning apply to human life? (4)

3 Crossroads Location, location, location
Constantly encountering new people, customs, and beliefs

4 Meander

5 Harmony & Balance Found between the extremes of being rational and emotional What two opposing aspects of Greek civilization were represented by Apollo and Dionysus? How are the two forces represented by Apollo and Dionysus also part of our “human nature”?

6 Apollo Dionysus Wine Theatre Emotion Pagan/earthly elements Frenzy/passion Knowledge/logic Sun Music Power of the mind Truth Prophecy Medicine

7 Which pre-Socratic philosopher: (8)
Tried to explain all phenomenon in terms of one or more material elements? Believed that mathematical relationships represented the underlying principle of the universe Believed that our world was subject to constant change?

8 = Humanism Who said, “Man is the measure of all things”?
Even better – what does it mean? (8) =

9 Protagoras Humans = the standard of beauty
We are the most important thing!

10 Anthropomorphic – in the shape of humans
The Greek gods were designed after humans, not the other way around! First civilization to glorify humans for simply being humans Not their place in a social/religious order

11 For the ancient Greeks, what was the role of art and literature in examining the problems of human mortality?

12 Human Reason Limited reliance on mystical or religious experiences
Focus on the branches of philosophy (7) Logic Political Philosophy Aesthetics Ethics Epistemology Metaphysics

13 Personal Agency According to Zeus in Book One of The Odyssey, why is it unjust for men to blame the gods for human suffering? (3)

14 You are in charge of your own destiny…but it doesn’t hurt to get help!

15 Healthy Debate The Greek’s sense of agency fueled a tradition of debate Self-governing Power of debate is as important as strength of a warrior =

16 Dissonance is Harmony Various viewpoints, living together as one!
Turn to LOGIC! If “this” then “that”

17 What was the polis? In what sense was the polis both the glory and the ruin of Greek civilization? (2)


19 = School = Leisure School comes from Greek “schole,” meaning “leisure”
Freedom to pursue knowledge and indulge curiosity Not a route to power and wealth =

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