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Mythology Yesterday & Today

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1 Mythology Yesterday & Today
How Can Something So Old Still Be Used Today????

2 Mythological references are all around us!

3 Midas A king who was granted one wish by the god Dionysus. Greedy for riches, Midas wished that everything he touched would turn to gold. He soon regretted his request. When he tried to eat, his food became inedible metal. When he embraced his daughter, she turned into a golden statue. On the instruction of Dionysus, he washed in a river and lost his touch of gold.

4 “A Midas Touch” Midas Then Today, a person who easily acquires riches is someone said to have the “Midas” touch. Midas Now

5 Achilles In mythology, Achilles was the greatest Greek warrior at Troy; Achilles could be injured only in the heel. Today, referring to one’s "Achilles heel" means a person’s most vulnerable point.

6 Pandora The first woman, created by Hephaestus, given treacherously to Epimetheus along with a box in which Prometheus had confined all the evils of the world; as expected, Pandora curiously opened the forbidden box and thus released into the world all troubles of mankind. By the time Pandora manages to close the lid, luckily only HOPE remains.

7 “What Have You Done???” Today, a Pandora’s box is a prolific source of troubles or problems. If one’s opens a Pandora’s box, he has created all kinds of problems for himself.

8 More Pandora? The name in Greek also means "all-gifted"; Pandora Jewelry sells quality gift merchandise.

9 Ajax Greek warrior in the Trojan War, who "cleaned up" in battle; Ajax is the name of a popular household cleanser.

10 Trident - The three-pronged spear of Poseidon, god of the seas; 'Tria' is Greek for 'three' and 'donti' means 'tooth'; hence, Trident translates literally as 'three-teeth', or 'triple-toothed'.

11 Trident Trident Gum, if one is to believe the advertising, helps to clean your teeth!

12 Nike She is the Goddess of Victory Need more be said?

13 Ceres When you ask for your morning cereal, you are asking for a grain product so named because Ceres was the goddess of grain.

14 Hermes Was the messenger of the gods And also the floral messenger!


16 TITANS -a race of powerful deities /immortal beings.


18 Mythos=stories logy=the study of MYTHOLOGY

19 Myths are humanity’s earliest imaginative attempt to explain the universe, its creation, and its writing. The study of the mythology of a particular culture reveals the way of life and thought of that culture.

20 Myths are stories which, in the society in which they are told, are considered to be truthful accounts of what happened in the remote past.

21 Fable Short tale to teach a moral lesson, often with animals or inanimate objects as characters. Ex: Tortoise and the Hare

22 Legends Stories which, like myths, are regarded as true by the narrator and his audience, but they are set in a period considerably less remote, when the world was much as it is today. ex: King Arthur and the knights of the round table

23 What are some characteristics of myths?
Contain heroes and heroines Supernatural elements Gods and goddesses Explains a natural phenomenon Spoken not written

24 Why did ancient people tell myths?
To help explain the unexplainable To explain natural phenomenon To tell about their heroes To explain human nature To teach morals and values

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