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The Olympians.

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1 The Olympians

2 Cronus and Rhea Cronus/Saturn ruled the Titans, the second generation of gods. He had overthrown his father Ouranos/Uranus He and his sister/wife, Rhea, were the parents of the Olympians.

3 Cronus’s Plot & Fall Won’t be overthrown Om nom nom!
Zeus’s secret birth Omphalos Titanomachy

4 Mt. Olympus Home of the gods after the Titanomachy

5 Zeus / Jupiter King of the Gods Mightier than all others put together
Ruler of the sky, rain and clouds “bright shining light of heaven”

6 Zeus cont’d Symbols: Lightning, storms Eagle Bull Oak tree
Sacred site: Olympia Women: Hera Metis Leto Semele Dozens of others

7 Hera / Juno Symbols: peacock, cow Sacred city: Argos
Sister and wife of Zeus; Queen of the Gods Goddess of marriage and married women Jealous and vengeful Had 4 Children with Zeus Hephaestus, Ares, Hebe, Eileithyia Symbols: peacock, cow Sacred city: Argos Messenger was Iris

8 Poseidon / Neptune God of the sea, horses, and earthquakes
Drew lots at a Council of the Gods Symbols: trident, horse, dolphin Wife was Amphitrite, son Triton

9 Hades / Pluto God of the underworld & wealth Drew the short stick
Not a bad guy The Underworld 5 Rivers & 3 Judges Cerberus & Charon Elysian Fields Tartarus Fields of Mourning Symbol: bident

10 Demeter / Ceres Goddess of corn, fruit, agriculture in general and a goddess of fertility. Usually on a chariot drawn by dragons. Daughter with Zeus was Persephone, queen of the underworld Kidnapping & search Origin of the seasons

11 Apollo & Artemis Twin children of Zeus and Leto
Artemis: Goddess of the moon, forest, hunt, childbirth, children, woodland critters Apollo: God of the sun, music/poetry, medicine, knowledge – all things Greeky Artemis born on Ortygia, helps deliver Apollo on Delos

12 Artemis / Diana One of 3 virgin goddesses
Actaeon the hunter – wrong place, wrong time Orion the hunter Apollo’s plot to keep her a virgin Symbols: bow and arrows, moon, woodland critters dead or alive

13 Apollo / Apollo Oracle at Delphi Symbol: Lyre, bow Niobe’s Pride
Python Pythia Symbol: Lyre, bow Niobe’s Pride

14 Athena / Minerva Goddess of wisdom, skill, defensive/strategic warfare
Daughter of Zeus and Metis Popped out of Zeus’s head fully clothed and armored Symbols: war helmet, the Aegis, owls, olive trees, snakes, and spears

15 Athena vs. Poseidon King Cecrops needed a patron god for his new city
Poseidon struck the ground to make a spring – salt water Athena struck the ground and planted the first olive tree The city chose her and named itself Athens

16 Hermes / Mercury Messenger and herald of the gods
God of thieves, travelers, crossing boundaries in general Hermes Psychopompos Son of Zeus and Maia First-day mischief Stole Apollo’s cattle Invented lyre Symbols: winged sandals, cap, caduceus

17 Aphrodite / Venus Goddess of love, beauty, and naughtiness
Born from sea-foam near Cyprus Symbols: doves, swans, seashells Wife of Hephaestus Judgment of Paris Mother of Aeneas

18 Ares / Mars God of War – physical aspect of it Son of Zeus and Hera
Very violent and had a horrible temper Other gods and goddesses couldn’t stand him Not too important to Greeks – very important to Romans Symbols: vultures, weapons and shields

19 Hephaestus / Vulcan Son of Zeus and Hera
God of fire and the gods’ chief workman He was lame and deformed so his parents were ashamed of him; cast from Olympus and landed on Lemnos Forge under Mt. Aetna Caught Aphrodite and Ares in a net

20 Dionysus / Bacchus Son of Zeus and Semele, a mortal
Hera makes her doubt the paternity Zeus reveals himself; bacon sizzle Dionysus saved God of wine, partying, theater Maenads/Bacchants Symbols: grapes, thyrsus, vines, drinks

21 Recap 13 gods and 12 Olympians – sometimes Hades or Dionysus is excluded as an Olympian Hades has his own place Dionysus a late entry

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