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Undergraduate Research at UB

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1 Undergraduate Research at UB
Presented by CADS Research Team 9/19/2018

2 Purpose of this presentation
Encourage faculty participation in undergraduate research in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) areas. Solicit from faculty any current research projects that can involve undergraduates. Introduce to faculty various university facilities/services that mentor undergraduate students with special attention to under-represented minorities. Understand faculty expectations on the background and skills required of an undergraduate research student. 9/19/2018

3 CADS The Center for Academic Development Services (CADS)
CADS represents a network of student support programs designed to assist students who demonstrate great potential for academic success, but need enrichment in some areas. Supports under-represented minority students. CADS Tutorials (tutoring program), CADS summer programs. Current programs include: EOP – Educational Opportunity Program: post-admission support ACE – Academic Challenge and Enrichment program: pre-admission support Director: Dr. Henry J. Durand reports to Vice-Provost for UG education Dr. Mike Ryan 9/19/2018

4 University-wide Initiatives
CURCA: Center for Undergraduate Research & Creative Activities CURCA has been established to serve as a starting point for UB students and faculty who aspire to collaborate in research and creative projects. URL: Contact: Tryjankowski, Timothy ( AGEP The State University of New York (SUNY) Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP) program is a nationwide initiative funded by the National Science Foundation. The mission is to increase the number of underrepresented minority students pursuing doctoral degrees and academic careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields. URL: Contact: Elizabeth Colucci at or by at 9/19/2018

5 University-wide Initiatives (contd.)
CSTEP, McNair, LSAMP The Collegiate Science & Technology Entry Program (CSTEP), McNair Scholars Program and the SUNY Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) are complementary student support programs administered through Cora P. Maloney College (CPMC) and CADS. URL: Funding sources: NY State Education Dept. , NSF, Dept. of Education TRIO Contact: Shanna Crump-Owens Christine Wingo CSTEP (20 years: 200 students/year), LSAMP (10 years, 75 students/year) McNair (20 years, 25 students/year) CTC: The Center for Technical Communication The Center for Technical Communication (CTC) was established in 1987 to help University at Buffalo students and our industrial partners enhance their communication skills. URL: Contact: William Grunert, 9/19/2018

6 University-wide Initiatives (contd.)
BEAM: Buffalo-area Engineering Awareness for Minorities (BEAM) Summer enrichment program for K-12 students Contact: Drexel Gidney OUPP: Office of University Preparatory Programs for 7-12 students Patricia Clark, Sabrina Perry, 9/19/2018

7 Research Training Framework at UB
BEAM ACE EOP CSTEP, CPMC, CADS Tutorial, LSAMP McNair CURCA AGEP CTC CSTEP OUPP K Pre-UG Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Grad 9/19/2018

8 General Program-wide Concerns
Undergraduate research Skill sets Fundamentals of research Academic background Identification of the research opportunity Making the most of research opportunities Development of professional skills Graduate School Preparation Presentation and communication skills Faculty Mentor participation Research Needs What caliber of student is needed for research How to develop these skills Gap between faculty research needs and student skills/ abilities/ background Building an effective research framework 9/19/2018

9 CADS Research Team CADS research team was formed to address these concerns and in response to evaluation of summer LSAMP program. In support of administration’s view: A strong UG research is essential for a “Research 1” University President Simpson’s UB2020 Initiative While addressing the UB Faculty Senate in Fall 2005 Provost Tripathi stated: “ The undergraduates are coming to our research university because they feel they can benefit from the research going on here. I would like to see us cultivate and promote undergraduate research. We should be encouraging that. We should have one-third to half of all undergraduate students going through that process. This will require the cooperation of the faculty. It’s happening here, but we need to do a lot more.” To serve students: Nurture some areas of low interest (ex: Math) Effective preparation of students for research Matching students with research faculty and research projects. Foster the needs of the undergraduate student and to enhance research skills for graduate study To serve faculty: Serve as a one-stop access point to the various mentoring and research programs. NSF-like granting agency emphasize UG/minority involvement in their solicitation Benefits: Student support for their research projects, support letters (ex: for an NSF proposal), satisfaction of making a difference… 9/19/2018

10 Research Training Framework at UB and CADS Research Team
BEAM ACE EOP CSTEP, CPMC, CADS Tutorial, LSAMP McNair CURCA AGEP CTC CSTEP OUPP K Pre-UG Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Grad 9/19/2018

11 CADS Research Team & Events
The Team: CAS/Sciences: Teresa Barrett, AGEP: Elizabeth Colucci, CSTEP: Shanna Crump-Owens, CTC: William Grunert: CSE: Bina Ramamurthy, CURCA: Timothy Tryjankowski, McNair: Cecil Walters, LSAMP: Christine Wingo, (Co-ordinator/Facilitator) SEAS: Jennifer L Zirnheld, Advisors: Dr. Henry Durand (CADS), Dr. Michael Ryan (Vice-provost), Drexel Gidney (SEAS), Dr. Kemper Lewis (MAE) … Bi-weekly meetings (Thursdays 11-12, 212 Capen) Presentation to departments to solicit their input. 9/19/2018

12 CADS Research Team-Organized Events (contd.)
Workshops to students: Research Basics, Wednesday, September 20, 2006, 4-5 pm, 145 A Student Union Presenters – Tim Tryjankowski, Christine D. Wingo Communicating Your Science, Tuesday, October 17, 2006, 4-5 pm, 145E Student Union Presenter – Bill Grunert Funded Research Opportunities, Thursday, November 16, 2006, 2:30-3:30 pm, 145E Student Union Dr. Elbert Marsh (ex-NSF director), Craig Johnson (Roswell Park graduate & summer research programs) Faculty Workshop - TBA Research Team Representatives 9/19/2018

13 Suggested Faculty Participation
Involve undergraduate students in your research. See CURCA web site for advertising availability of research projects. Student participation: no-pay voluntary, no-pay for-credit, college work study, paid research. Involve any of the programs discussed here in your research proposals. Many students come funded under one of these programs. Participate in diagnostic surveys CADS research team may undertake. Help in preparing undergraduate students for research and for graduate studies. Present your students’ research in 3rd Annual Excellence in Academic Research Conference, April 19, 2007. 9/19/2018

14 Celebration of Academic Excellence

15 Summary CADS Research Team web site: Contact CADS research team at:
(under construction) Contact CADS research team at: 9/19/2018

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