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Oedipus Rex or Oedipus the King in context

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1 Oedipus Rex or Oedipus the King in context

2 The man, the myth, the legend
Sophocles: The man, the myth, the legend

3 Sophocles Born circa 495 B.C.
Not a starving artist: well liked and well respected Involved with politics and military matters Continuously won Dionysian Festival 18 times Brought idea of set design to drama Believed that Sophocles wrote as many as 123 plays, only 7 of which remain

4 Original Manuscript - Sophocles

5 Greek Theatre Aka Dionysian Festivals

6 Dionysus Dionysus is the god of wine and drunken revelry
He was sometimes at the heart of frenzied madness that led to savage murder. Often contrasted with his half-brother Apollo. Where Apollo personifies the intellectual aspects of mankind, Dionysus represents the libido and gratification.



9 Dionysus & followers on boat

10 Greek Theatre Part of religious festival
Every citizen attended the plays Small number of actors – Sophocles revolutionized when he used a third and sometimes fourth actor

11 Competition to see whose play was the best
Three tragedies then a satyr – a crude, wild play that provided comic relief



14 The Sphinx in Egypt

15 Eddy and the Sphinx

16 Another version of Eddy and the Sphinx

17 Scenes from Oedipus “Eddy” Rex

18 Eddy, daughters Ismene and Antigone, and messenger

19 Oedipus & Jocasta, his wife

20 Plague of Thebes

21 What?! Is this even in this book?
???? What?! Is this even in this book?

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