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Science and Technology

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1 Science and Technology
Theme 2 Science and Technology Getting Started Lesson 6

2 Why is technology is so important in your lives?

3 TLS Worksheet 1.2.1: Developing Concepts
List two or three things that the items in Box 1 have in common Old weapons Medieval Outdated Manually powered Box 1 Bows and Arrows Swords Spears

4 TLS Worksheet 1.2.1: Developing Concepts
List two or three things that the items in Box 2 have in common Modern Cool Powerful Engine powered With a partner, complete parts 5 and 6 on the back side of the worksheet Box 2 Airplanes Tanks Submarines

5 War and Technology As the Allies and the Central Powers tried to gain the upper hand in World War I, both sides speeded up the development of technology that they hoped would help them win the war. As a result, World War I became known for the widespread use Mechanized Warfare! Mechanized Warfare depends on machines, especially machines powered by gasoline or diesel engines. Tanks, aircraft, and submarines were forms of mechanized warfare that were used in battle for the first time during World War I.

6 War and Technology These new machines changed the way wars were fought. They made killing the enemy more efficient - and were one reason for so many deaths in that war.

7 TLS Worksheet 1.2.1: Developing Concepts
If you were to give a title to Box 1 and Box 2, what title might you give? Non-Mechanized Warfare Mechanized Warfare Box 1 Bows and Arrows Swords Spears Box 2 Airplanes Tanks Submarines

8 War and the Pace of Technological Change
Most of the technology used during World War I improved on earlier inventions. Early forms of machine guns, tanks, airplanes, and submarines had existed before the war. Telephones and radios were also peacetime inventions that were adapted for use in the war.

9 War and the Pace of Technological Change
The battlefields of World War I became a testing ground for much of this new technology. But every time one side started using something new, the other side looked for ways to combat its effects -and to improve upon it and to use the improved version themselves. The use of poison gas, for example, spurred both sides to develop more effective gas masks.

10 War and the Pace of Technological Change
In this way, one technology sparked the creation of another. When one side created a new technology, it gave that side an advantage -for a while. Then the other side raced to catch up and even things out. This meant that the pace of technological change during the war was much faster than it might have been in peacetime.

11 Complete part 7

12 Post War Uses of Technology
The technological advances that took place during World War I affected people’s lives after the war. Some wartime advances, for example, led to newer and safer weapons for the police and armed forces. Other wartime advances also formed the basis of peacetime technologies. Rapid advances in airplane technology meant that passenger aircraft were created much sooner.

13 Post War Uses of Technology
Submarines became the basis of submersible vehicles that are still used for underwater exploration. And some of the advances in tank technology were transferred to vehicles that were later used in peacetime. The war machines of World War I also laid the groundwork for many of the weapons used during World War II and in later wars. Today’s supersonic aircraft, high-tech tanks, and nuclear submarines, for example, trace their history to the weapons developed during the First World War.

14 Which weapon had the greatest impact on the war?
How might you answer this question? List 4 criteria you might use when examining technology to determine which weapon had the greatest impact on the war? (You will need this list later) Did the enemy fear it? Complete the first 2 columns (K and W) of the KWL chart on TLS Worksheet 1.2.2: World War I Technology Weapons Technology = Tanks, Machine Guns or Poison Gas Aviation = Airplanes Communication Technology = Phone or Radio

15 Which weapon had the greatest impact on the war?
In groups of 4 research the various World War I technologies listed on TLS Worksheet 1.2.2 Weapons Technology = Machine Guns or Poison Gas Communication Technology = Phone or Radio Add at least two facts about each technology from the time period ( ) to the final column of the work sheet Finally choose three technologies and complete TLS Worksheet 1.2.3 You may need to conduct additional research

16 On you own!! Complete TLS Worksheet 1.2.4
On the back of the page answer this question: Which weapon do you think had the greatest impact on the war? Explain your choice

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