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Meninges, Spinal Cord, and Brain

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1 Meninges, Spinal Cord, and Brain
The Nervous System Meninges, Spinal Cord, and Brain

2 The Meninges Dura mater - outermost layer
Arachnoid mater  -  no blood vessels, in between layer (resembles a spider web) Between the arachnoid and pia maters is a subarachnooid space containing the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) Pia mater -inner membrane, contains nerves and blood vessels to nourish cells

3 The Meninges Dura mater is being peeled away in this photo.

4 Subdural Hematoma


6 Spinal Cord passes down the vertebral canal, has 31 segments (each with a pair of spinal nerves) Cervical enlargement = supplies nerves to upper limbs (neck) Lumbar enlargement = supplies nerves to the lower limbs (lower back) FUNCTION: conducting nerve impulses, serves as a center for spinal reflexes

7 Brain Major portions – Cerebrum – wrinkly, largest area of the human body, coordinates voluntary muscle movement, higher mental function Cerebellum – balance and coordination Brain Stem – regulates visceral functions, autonomic nervous system


9 Brain Stem Pons – relay sensory information
Midbrain – visual reflexes, eye movements Medulla Oblongata – heart, respiration, blood pressure, swallowing, digestion

10 Diencephalon 2 parts: Thalamus – relay station
Hypothalamus – controls hormones, heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, hunger

11 Pituitary Gland The “master gland” of the endocrine system.
Controls hormones.

12 Hippocampus Controls Memory

13 The Vertebrate Brain Cerebrum controls muscle contraction
center for learning: emotion, memory, and perception left and right side separated by the .... Corpus Callosum   connects the two hemispheres, thick band of axons which enable communication between the hemispheres



16 Convolutions of the brain
the wrinkles and grooves of the cerebrum Fissures = deep groove Sulcus = shallow groove


18 The Vertebrate Brain The Cerebellum
Coordinates movement and balance and helps in learning and remembering motor skills. Hand-eye coordination. Receives sensory information about joint positions, muscle length, and from the auditory and visual systems.

19 Lobes of the brain Frontal – reasoning, thinking, language
Parietal – touch, pain, relation of body parts (somatosensory) Temporal Lobe – hearing Occipital – vision

20 Functional Regions Motor Areas Sensory Areas Association
controls voluntary movements the right side of the brain generally controls the left side of the body Sensory Areas involved in feelings and sensations (visual, auditory, smell, touch, taste) Association higher levels of thinking, interpreting and analyzing information

21 The Vertebrate Brain Emotions:
Depend on the amygdala, hippocampus, and parts of the thalamus. The Limbic System. Amygdala – important role in storage of emotional memory.

22 Limbic System EMOTION also includes olfactory lobes - memory, emotion, and smell are linked.  Crayolas are created today with the same scent because it reminds people of their happy times in childhood.   Why is the brain formed so that smell and emotions are tied together? Because pheromones are tied to emotions and behavior, so they need the link.

23 The Brain’s ability to prune?
Birth = 5 hundred billion neurons During childhood, nerve cells prune themselves out. By adolescence, our brain has chosen the neurons (20% of what we receive at birth) it will keep throughout our adult life. The neurons kept are based on which cells are used during our childhood. Nerve cells that we use add dendrites for the brain to receive and process new information.

24 The Anatomy of the Brain!
The Prefrontal Cortex The Limbic System The Hypothalamus

25 The adolescent brain verses the adult brain?
Prefrontal cortex region of the brain: Intellectual frontal cortex, the part of the brain which assigns priority to the messages Arbitrator in making critical decision Sizes up a situation, makes a determination, and then drives our behavior ex. When should we act on our anger or curtail it? Or immediate gratification or hold off for the long term?

26 The adolescent brain verses the adult brain?
Limbic region of the Brain sends messages to the frontal cortex supports your emotion sometimes bypasses frontal cortex ex. “fight or flight” responses

27 The adolescent brain verses the adult brain.
It may take a brain 20 years before it fully develops with the prefrontal cortex developing last!

28 The adolescent brain verses the adult brain?
“The immature region responsible for the logic of long-term benefits does not always override the impulsive, survival-oriented hypothalamus.” (Nunley, 1999). The two systems (pre-frontal cortex and limbic system) work together to keep thought and emotion in equilibrium.

29 The Story Phineas Gage 1848: Railroad Worker
Intelligent, well balanced, modest, and reliable. In charge because of his ability to make logical well informed decisions.

30 The Story of Phineas Gage
The limbic system, the prefrontal cortex and the connection between the two was damaged. This completely changed his behavior and character. He never regained his emotional and intellectual balance. His ability to communicate with other humans decreased.


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