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Museum of Name of Museum

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1 Museum of Name of Museum
Visit the Curator Room One Room Two Room Three Room Four Museum Entrance Welcome to the Lobby

2 Things about us We are all boys that got to Kenndall Depoali Middle school. Our names are Devyn, Mason, and Jon. We like to Watch sports and listen to music. One of our favorite things to do is hang out with friends. Back to Lobby Note: Virtual museums were first introduced by educators at Keith Valley Middle School in Horsham, Pennsylvania. This template was designed by Lindsey Warneka under the direction of Dr. Christy Keeler during a Teaching American History grant module. View the Educational Virtual Museums website for more information on this instructional technique.

3 WW2 Weapons Back to Lobby

4 WW2 Vehicles Back to Lobby 4

5 Room 3 Title Artifact 9 Artifact 8 Artifact 10 Back to Lobby 5

6 Room 4 Title Artifact 12 Artifact 11 Artifact 13 Back to Lobby 6

7 Helmet in WW 2 The Helmet in World War 2 helped protect the German soldiers from head wounds and bullets coming at there head. Each Helmet in WW2 had a distinctive character and/or symbol on it, for example the German Helmet had a Swastika with a bird above it as there symbol. The Helmets from each Country were also shaped differently. Since then Helmets have a Camo on them with an army uniform that matches their surroundings. Back to the Lobby

8 120 mm gun M-1 The 120 mm gun m-1 was used as a Anti-Aircraft weapon. The prototype was made in 1924 but was declared to heavy to use in combat. In 1938 the need for anti-aircraft weapons rose so it began to be used. This gun required a crew of 9 men. The weapon was replaced by the Nike Ajax in the mid-1950s. Back to Room 1

9 OTO model 35 The OTO model grenade was made in Italy and were filled with 2.5 ounces of TNT. The explosives would detonate on impact. The grenade had both smooth and ribbed bodies when made in ww2. Back to Room 1

10 MP-40 The MP-40 was used my the Germans in WW2 it weighs just under 9 pounds. This weapon was invented within the years of The MP-30 was eventually replaced by the MP-38. This gun was replaced for not being as accurate in long range situations. Back to Room 1

11 JEEP of WW2 The Jeep was made to carry several people off road and hard terrains. It was a simple vehicle that helped people get to places faster and they will be more protected. The jeep was the replacement for the horse that was used previously. Since then the Jeep has been made into a very popular vehicle that people drive to go off roading with. They still use Jeeps in War but they have since made better vehicles such as trucks with a hard metal protecting it. Back to Room 2

12 Aircrafts/Planes An Aircraft is a jet powered Plane that is able to drop bombs, deliver supplies faster, and deliver soldiers . It also gives people the advantage because its hard to hit from the ground and have a weapon with enough destructive force to get one down. Since then, people have made planes and aircrafts that well exceed that of a world war 2 aircraft and some that are more destructive. Back to Room 2

13 Aircraft Carrier The Aircraft carrier was a very big ship in a Naval fleet. They helped people protect there Country's and had a very heavy attack. The Carrier obviously carried Air Crafts, they carried them across the Ocean so the Aircrafts did not run out of fuel. The Ship could also attack from anywhere in the Ocean. One of the reasons Japan attacked Pearl Harbor was because of there Naval fleet was huge and the Aircraft Carrier was a big part of the United States fleet. Since World War 2 the Aircraft Carrier has had a few improvements such as more stability in water, can travel faster, and is more accurate in shooting missiles from Sea. Back to Room 2

14 Artifact 8 Name Insert Artifact Picture Here
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15 Artifact 9 Name Insert Artifact Picture Here
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16 Artifact 10 Name Insert Artifact Picture Here
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17 Question 1 Insert Artifact Picture Here
Q: How did Americas actions and inactions affect the World we live in today? A: World War 2 got us out of the Depression faster and if World War 2 did not happen it would have taken longer to get out and would not be where we are today. There is now more taxes that goes toward the war effort since World War 2 happened. Back to Room 4

18 Question 2 Insert Artifact Picture Here
Q:How did WW2 impact and transform society throughout the World and in the United States? A: We competed with the USSR to see who could make better weapons and since then we have been making more and more weapons . We have also made our Army stronger and our Naval fleet bigger. We now have one of the best Army's in the World and part of this may be partly due to the events that occurred in World War 2. Back to Room 4

19 Bonus Question Insert Artifact Picture Here
Q:How did these events of world war 2 influence literature institutions movements science and the arts of today? A: It shaped it in a lot of ways. Back to Room 4

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