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TerraForm3D Plasma Works 3D Engine & USGS Terrain Modeler

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Presentation on theme: "TerraForm3D Plasma Works 3D Engine & USGS Terrain Modeler"— Presentation transcript:

1 TerraForm3D Plasma Works 3D Engine & USGS Terrain Modeler
Heather Jeffcott Craig Post Deborah Lee Soltesz Trent D’Hooge

2 Overview - Heather Jeffcott
Design of 3D Engine(s) which meet the needs of both PlasmaWorks Object renderer for upcoming Storm Saga game Variety of special effects possible USGS High-quality image renderer User-Driven image manipulation Overview - Heather Jeffcott

3 Overview - Heather Jeffcott
Design Changes THEN: One Engine Same Architectural Base Plasma Works Engine is extension of USGS Engine OpenSource vs. Proprietary Info. issues NOW: Two separate Engines Different Architecture Eliminates “copyright issues” OpenGL exclusively GLUT GLUI Overview - Heather Jeffcott

4 Overview - Heather Jeffcott
Organization: 3D Engine Craig – Lead Programmer Heather – Support Programmer Terrain Modeler Deborah – Image Rendering Trent – Parallelization Overview - Heather Jeffcott

5 Development and Testing
Design Methodology: Prototyping Testing Methodology: Bottom up Black Box Individual Module Building and Testing

6 Overview - Heather Jeffcott
Main Task Schedule Simultaneous development of both Engines Status: On Schedule Finish Code Development by April 1st Final Testing: April 2nd – April 20th Overview - Heather Jeffcott

7 Craig “The Mad Commenter” Post
Plasma Works 3D Engine Craig “The Mad Commenter” Post

8 Plasma Works 3D Engine - Craig Post

9 PW3D: Architecture Overview: Object Vertex Animations Texture Renderer
Camera Textures Lights Pointer to objects to render Plasma Works 3D Engine - Craig Post

10 Plasma Works 3D Engine - Craig Post
PW3D: Architecture External Interface: Init the Renderer Load Objects Load Textures Init Lights Begin Main Loop Clear Screen Check Inputs Play Animations Transform Objects Draw Shadows Light Objects Project Objects Draw Objects Update Screen Plasma Works 3D Engine - Craig Post

11 Plasma Works 3D Engine - Craig Post
PW3D: Architecture Data Flow Diagrams: Client Code Commands Commands Object * Object Renderer Pixel Data Screen Lights Object * Plasma Works 3D Engine - Craig Post

12 Plasma Works 3D Engine - Craig Post
PW3D: Architecture Risks and Issues: The Renderer is complicated. A lot of the work of the engine relies on good modeling and animation work using 3rd party tools. Speed is dependent on many things. It could be difficult to isolate modules to be optimized. Plasma Works 3D Engine - Craig Post

13 Plasma Works 3D Engine - Craig Post
PW3D: Architecture Lessons Learned: There are 100+ ways to do everything. We must keep the design simple to enable project completion. It doesn’t matter so much if it’s accurate, just if it looks good. Plasma Works 3D Engine - Craig Post

14 Deborah Lee Soltesz Terrain Modeler

15 USGS Terrain Modeler - Deborah Lee Soltesz

16 Package Interface View
Image Manager Manages input image files GUI Manages user input, data manipulation, image rendering and screen display Media Output Manages output image rendering and files Request: Create media of specific type Give: transformation matrices pointer to Image Manager Retrieve data from a specific region of a terrain or overlay image Set detail level Open file(s) USGS Terrain Modeler - Deborah Lee Soltesz

17 Functional Design Input Data: ImageManager Data Manipulation: TerraGUI
Product Generation: MediaOuput USGS Terrain Modeler - Deborah Lee Soltesz

18 Functional Design Input Data: ImageManager Data Manipulation: TerraGUI
Product Generation: MediaOutput Parallel Parallelization USGS Terrain Modeler - Deborah Lee Soltesz

19 TerraGUI User Interface
USGS Terrain Modeler - Deborah Lee Soltesz

20 TerraGUI User Interface
USGS Terrain Modeler - Deborah Lee Soltesz

21 USGS Terrain Modeler - Deborah Lee Soltesz
TerraGUI TerraGUI serves as the user interface and on-screen 3D manipulation package USGS Terrain Modeler - Deborah Lee Soltesz

22 USGS Terrain Modeler - Deborah Lee Soltesz
ImageManager ImageManager serves as a generic interface to a plethora of image file formats USGS Terrain Modeler - Deborah Lee Soltesz

23 USGS Terrain Modeler - Deborah Lee Soltesz
MediaOutput MediaOutput handles saving transformations set in TerraGUI to high-resolution imagery, digital video frames, or VRML USGS Terrain Modeler - Deborah Lee Soltesz

24 Interfaces to TerraGUI
USGS Terrain Modeler - Deborah Lee Soltesz

25 Interfaces to TerraGUI
USGS Terrain Modeler - Deborah Lee Soltesz

26 Trent D’Hooge Parallel Processing

27 Parallel Processing - Trent D'Hooge
Parallelization Parallel Processing - Trent D'Hooge

28 Parallel Processing - Trent D'Hooge
Parallel Software Condor Could easily be implemented on multiple machines. Could not do fine grain computations. LAM MPI Harder to implement. Allows medium and fine grain computation. Parallel Processing - Trent D'Hooge

29 Program Design Problems
The program needs to run both in parallel and linear mode. The code has to be written in a way that at compile time it can be made to run either way. Few MPI calls Algorithms are crucial to speed Had to play with different algorithms to get maximum performance. Parallel Processing - Trent D'Hooge

30 Parallel Processing - Trent D'Hooge
I/O Message Passing Faster to send all the information at once. Can be somewhat linear Memory Limited amount of memory. Network File System Use existing system software Allows each computer to read from the same file at the same time Allows writing multiple files at the same time that are accessible to each computer. Parallel Processing - Trent D'Hooge

31 Parallel Processing - Trent D'Hooge
Network File System Allows each computer to read from the same file at the same time Each computer gets a pointer to the file and based on its ID knows what to work on in that file. Allows writing multiple files at the same time that are accessible to each computer. Parallel Processing - Trent D'Hooge

32 Parallel Processing - Trent D'Hooge
I/O Speed Writing to files to disk Streaming file output Better for greater than 1K Byte writes at a time. Buffered file output Better for small writes to a file. Parallel Processing - Trent D'Hooge

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