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Chapter R Section 1.

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1 Chapter R Section 1


3 Work with Sets


5 “A is the set of x such that x is an integer less than 5”
A list of the elements Read a special way… “A is the set of x such that x is an integer less than 5”

6 Write the set in roster method:
Colors of the American flag F= {Red, white and blue} Write the set in set builder notation: A = {M,O,N,K,E,Y} A = {x/ x is a distinct letter of the word MONKEY}

7 Terminology of sets Well defined Not well defined
ex. the collection of great actors

8 Definition Intersection of sets union of sets All elements combined
between the sets Elements in common

9 Example

10 Definition

11 Example Then what is the complement of A?

12 Relationships of sets B is a proper subset of A
if and only if every element in B is also in A, and there exists at least one element in A that is not in B. Two sets are equal if they have exactly the same elements B A Two sets are equivalent if they have the same number of elements Are sets A and B equivalent?

13 Figure: Venn Diagrams as visual representations

14 Figure: Venn Diagrams as visual representations

15 Classify Numbers


17 Example (a) Natural numbers (b) integers (c) Rational numbers
(a) Natural numbers (b) integers (c) Rational numbers (d) Irrational (e) Real numbers

18 Approximations 20.98 20.99



21 Examples Watch the video below for some examples on how to translate words into Algebraic expressions and equations

22 Evaluate Numerical Expressions

23 Order of Operations


25 Examples Evaluate each expression on your own, then check your answers: = 19 = 37 = 𝟕 𝟑𝟎 = 38

26 Solutions worked out

27 math frac on your calc Do you know how to use this feature?

28 Work with Properties of Real Numbers

29 Properties of Equality
Suppose a, b, c are real numbers. Then, You learned these in geometry!

30 Make sure you remember how to use these properties!
Works with addition and multiplication

31 Make sure you remember how to use these properties!
Works with addition and multiplication

32 Make sure you remember how to use these properties!

33 Make sure you remember how to use these properties!

34 Make sure you remember how to use these properties!
What is the additive inverse of 6? What is the additive inverse of −𝟖

35 Make sure you remember how to use these properties!
The multiplicative inverse, , of a nonzero real number a is also referred to as the reciprocal of a.

36 Definitions Subtraction is just ADDING THE OPPOSITE!

37 It is ok to multiply by zero
It is NOT ok to divide by zero

38 Watch those negatives!

39 Watch those negatives!

40 When can I “cancel?”

41 My favorite property!

42 How to work with fractions”

43 Example Adding & Subtracting fractions with different denominators:
Don’t forget using a common denominator will affect the terms in the numerator as well 6 is the LCM (least common multiple) of 3 and 2

44 Examples continued Multiplying fractions: Dividing fractions:
Multiply across the top Multiply across the bottom Reduce if necessary Dividing fractions: Change to multiplication and flip the divisor

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