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Alkanoic acids and Esters

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Presentation on theme: "Alkanoic acids and Esters"— Presentation transcript:

1 Alkanoic acids and Esters
Intermediate 2 Chemistry Unit 2(b)(c)

2 Examples

3 Examples

4 Examples

5 Functional group -COOH The carboxyl group

6 Naming As with other organic molecules, except ending is –anoic acid.

7 Reactions React with alkanols to produce esters.

8 + + ESTER

9 Producing esters Alkanol + Alkanoic acid Ester + Water Because water is produced, this is called a condensation reaction.

10 Specific example + + The –OH is removed from the ACID
The –H is removed from the ALCOHOL Using SSF: CH3CH2CH2OH + HOOCCH2CH3 CH3CH2CH2OOCCH2CH3 The C with H atoms attached is from the alcohol The C without H atoms attached is from the acid

11 Use structural formulae to illustrate the reaction of:
Methanol with butanoic acid; Propanoic acid with ethanol.

12 Naming esters 1st part of name comes from the alkanol
e.g. methanol produces methyl-, ethanol produces ethyl- etc... 2nd part of name comes from alkanoic acid e.g. methanoic acid produces –methanoate, ethanoic acid produces –ethanoate etc...

13 Practice Name the esters produced from...
Butanol and pentanoic acid Heptanoic acid and ethanol Name the alkanols and alkanoic acids used to produce... Pentyl butanoate Methyl octanoate

14 The reverse reaction The formation of esters is a reversible reaction.
This means that an alkanol and alkanoic acid can be produced from an ester. Ester + Water Alkanol + Alkanoic acid This breakdown using water is called a “hydrolysis” reaction.

15 CH3COOCH2CH2CH3 CH3COOH CH3CH2CH2OH Ethanoic acid Ethanol
Propan –1- ol


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