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Metabolism Catabolic reactions: breakdown

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Presentation on theme: "Metabolism Catabolic reactions: breakdown"— Presentation transcript:

1 Metabolism Catabolic reactions: breakdown
Sugar----> CO2 + H2O + energy Anabolic reactions: building Sun + CO2 + H2O---- Glucose

2 Thermodynamics Study of Energy transformations

3 Thermodynamics 1st Law:
Energy can be transformed NOT created or destroyed 2nd Law: Every transfer of energy: heat is lost (increase entropy)

4 Ecosystem thermodynamics
Energy into an ecosystem as light out as heat.

5 System stability System will move toward stability
High energy wants to shift to low energy (more stable) Opposite charges want to go to eachother Complex molecules want to breakdown

6 Free Energy Free energy is the portion of energy that is free to do work…. Not just change temp. Free E = potential E = potential to do work

7 Free energy in a system G = Free energy (potential energy)
T = absolute temperature in Kelvin (K)

8 Systems energy Equilibrium: change in G is 0 system performs no work.
Exergonic reaction: spontaneous: net release of energy Cell respiration of glucose G = -686

9 Systems energy Endogenic reaction: requires energy input
Photosynthesis: synth. Glucose G = +686

10 Energy coupling Exergonic reaction drives an endergonic ATP mediates

11 Exergonic Exergonic: net release of free energy. Decrease G: cell respiration - 686

12 Endogenic Endogenic reaction: requires the input of energy: photosynthesis G increase G= + 686

13 Cell Respiration Cell respiration: no reach equilibrium because: the products of 1 reaction are reactants of the next.

14 ATP ATP: mediates the coupling of reactions ATP: sugar = ribose
Nitrogenous base: adenine 3 phosphate groups 7.3 Kcal/mole of energy per ATP hydrolyzed RNA: ribose, nitrogenous base, 1 phosphate

15 ATP Cell does 3 kinds of work:
Mechanical: contract, move cilia, move chromosomes Transport: pump things across membrane Chemical work: push endergonic rxn.s

16 ATP ATP + H2O = ADP + inorganic Phos. (Pi) ATP hydrolyzed to ADP
ATP hydrolyzed in beaker: makes Heat

17 ATP Triphosphate tails: each has – charge. All close together: like compressed spring with potential energy Phosphorylated: the reactant that accepts the phosphate group Coupling reactions: the phosphorylated molecule is intermediary

18 ATP Example: Mechanical work: ATP phosphorylates a motor protein in cell. Post work: ATP regenerated by cellular respiration

19 ATP Example: Active transport: ATP phosphorylates membrane protein
Chemical: phosphorylate key reactants in a reaction

20 Regenerate ATP ADP + Pi = ATP + H2O Endergonic: requires energy

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