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T-JTA® Introduction *Instructors for this seminar are certified by Psychological Publications, Inc. Publishers of the Taylor-Johnson Temperament Analysis®

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Presentation on theme: "T-JTA® Introduction *Instructors for this seminar are certified by Psychological Publications, Inc. Publishers of the Taylor-Johnson Temperament Analysis®"— Presentation transcript:

1 T-JTA® Introduction *Instructors for this seminar are certified by Psychological Publications, Inc. Publishers of the Taylor-Johnson Temperament Analysis® (T-JTA®). Taylor-Johnson Temperament Analysis® and T-JTA® are registered trademarks of Psychological Publications, Inc. PPI 2014 9/19/2018

2 What is the T-JTA? The T-JTA is a quick and convenient standardized assessment instrument and counseling tool. It is a personality inventory used extensively as a diagnostic instrument to:  Assess Individual Adjustment  Determine Therapeutic Goals  Evaluate Progress and Change  Use Directly with Clients in Counseling PPI 2014 9/19/2018

3 Research and Development
The T-JTA is based upon many decades of statistical research and experience. It has been updated many times since its original publication in order to maintain a socially pertinent and accurate psychological scope. The latest normative data, published in 2012, is based on a population sample of more than 27,000 respondents from the U.S., Canada, and several foreign countries. PPI 2014 9/19/2018

4 Testing Range and Administration
The T-JTA is standardized for use with adolescents through senior adults: The T-JTA is an un-timed test that takes approximately minutes to administer. Adolescents – Ages 11-17 Young Adults – Ages 18-25 General Adults – Ages 26-54 Senior Adults – Ages PPI 2014 9/19/2018

5 What Does the T-JTA Measure?
The T-JTA measures nine common personality traits for the assessment of individual adjustment. These traits were selected because they significantly influence:  Personal Functioning  Scholastic Functioning  Vocational Functioning  Interpersonal Relationship Dynamics PPI 2014 9/19/2018

6 The T-JTA Traits g g g g g g g g g
Nervous Depressive Dominant Expressive-Responsive Sympathetic Hostile Self-Disciplined Active-Social Subjective g Composed Lighthearted Submissive Inhibited Indifferent Tolerant Impulsive Quiet Objective g g g g g g g g PPI 2014 9/19/2018

7 T-JTA Applications The T-JTA is used by professional and pastoral counselors worldwide in a broad range of settings. Suggested uses include:  Psychological Testing & Counseling Educational Counseling & Guidance Vocational Guidance Premarital, Marital & Family Counseling PPI 2014 9/19/2018

8 Premarital, Marital & Family Counseling
Excellent evaluation for interpersonal relationships utilizing the unique T-JTA Criss-Cross Feature. Diagnostic confirmation & evaluation of marital problems Effective in building Marriage Enrichment Programs PPI 2014 9/19/2018

9 Psychological Testing & Counseling
Diagnostic evaluation of personality adjustment Pre- and post-therapy evaluation Substance Abuse Counseling Rehabilitation Counseling Military Counseling Programs Educational Counseling Programs PPI 2014 9/19/2018

10 Educational Counseling & Guidance
Student counseling services High School Guidance, Senior Problems courses College Psychology, Marriage and Family courses Psychological Testing courses Professional Testing courses Professional training programs in Marriage & Family, & Pastoral Counseling College & University graduate research PPI 2014 9/19/2018

11 Vocational Guidance Evaluation of personality traits in relation to occupational suitability Personality appraisal as part of vocational testing Aid in determining the role of personality functioning in relation to actual job performance PPI 2014 9/19/2018

12 Unique Features/Benefits
Especially designed for individual, premarital, marital, and family counseling May be taken on Self, or by one person on another in T-JTA “Criss-Cross” fashion Criss-Cross test results provide portrayal of interpersonal perception Profiles graphically designed for use in the counseling process Two Validity Measures: Attitude Scale & Mid Count PPI 2014 9/19/2018

13 Criss-Cross Testing Unique to the T-JTA, the test can be taken by one person on another in what is referred to as a Criss-Cross Test. This type of testing provides essential information about not only the feelings, attitudes and behavior patterns of two individual respondents, but also the perceptions within the relationships. Examples of typical Criss-Cross testing include the following: Spouses To Be Married Couples Parent and Child PPI 2014 9/19/2018

14 Criss-Cross Profiles As with the Self test, the Criss-Cross test is graphically portrayed allowing the counselor to compare and contrast how one person sees themselves with how the other person sees them. As profiles highlight the degree to which respondents correspond with each other’s self-assessments, key areas of understanding and misunderstanding become readily apparent. Complete Criss-Cross results include 5 Profiles: 2 Self Test Profiles 2 One-On-Another Profiles 1 Joint Self Test Profile PPI 2014 9/19/2018

15 Sample Criss-Cross Profile #1
Robert White’s Self Test PPI 2014 9/19/2018

16 Sample Criss-Cross Profile #2
Joan White’s Self Test PPI 2014 9/19/2018

17 Sample Criss-Cross Profile #3
Robert White & Joan White’s Self Tests PPI 2014 9/19/2018

18 Sample Criss-Cross Profile #4
Joan White by Robert White PPI 2014 9/19/2018

19 Sample Criss-Cross Profile #5
Robert White by Joan White PPI 2014 9/19/2018

20 T-JTA Scoring Options Computer Scoring Software Online Scoring Service
First time buyers order KT1* Online Scoring Service First time buyers order KT2* Mail-In Scoring Service First time buyers order KT3* Handscoring Option First time buyers order KT4 Comprehensive Handscoring First time buyers order KT5 * Software, Online and Mail-In Scoring Want more than a T-JTA Profile? Brief and Interpretive Reports include 8 Additional scales Trait Pattern Scores Key Questions Response Themes PPI 2014 9/19/2018

21 T-JTA Computer Scored Supplemental Scales
Alienating Self-Esteem Emotional Stability Overall Adjustment Outgoing/Gregarious Persuasive/Influential Interpersonal Effectiveness Consistency (Validity Scale) PPI 2014 9/19/2018

22 T-JTA Trait Patterns* Anxiety Pattern Withdrawal Pattern
Dominant-Hostile Pattern Emotionally Inhibited Pattern Emotionally Repressed Pattern *These patterns can also be derived in hand scored profiles with the Trait Pattern Transparencies. PPI 2014 9/19/2018

23 T-JTA Foreign Translations
The T-JTA is translated into the following languages: The T-JTA can be taken via the Internet at in the following languages: Spanish – French – German – Chinese – Korean – Danish – English – French – Spanish – German – Chinese – Korean PPI 2014 9/19/2018

24 The T-JTA is published by…. Psychological Publications, Inc.
2205 First St., Ste. 110, Simi Valley, CA 93063 P.O. Box 3577, Thousand Oaks, CA Phone: (800) Fax: (805) PPI 2014 9/19/2018

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