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Writing for CS and CE Research Paper

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1 Writing for CS and CE Research Paper
CSCE 481 Fall 2016 Dr. Scott Schaefer Acknowledgment – Prof. John Keyser & Aakash Tyagi

2 Specific Writing We will discuss some specifics for writing research papers. This is commonly done in graduate school. Material developed for graduate students But, many principles carry forward to other writing Other topics: Proposals Technical documents (E.g. Algorithm description) Executive summaries

3 Sections of a Research Paper
Title (Executive Summary, Proposal, Algorithm Description) Abstract Introduction (Executive Summary, Proposal, Algorithm Description) Previous Work (Executive Summary, Proposal) Possibly including background information Main Work (ideas/theory/exposition) (Algorithm Description) Possibly in several sections Implementation If needed Results Possibly combined into main work section Conclusion (Executive Summary, Proposal, Algorithm Description) With future work Acknowledgements References (Executive Summary, Proposal, Algorithm Description) Appendices

4 Title Don’t underestimate title importance
Memorable titles can help people remember the paper The title will be used for searching, later Remove unnecessary words Watch for misleading words

5 Introduction Motivation and Summary
By the end of the introduction, someone should be able to tell someone else what you did, and why. But probably not give any details about how Keep the introduction short, relative to the rest of the paper.

6 Motivation Early on in the paper, you must make the case for why you are doing this This should not be too long If you have to spend too long to say why someone should read the paper, then there’s probably not a good reason The motivation is not why you are writing the paper, it’s just there to get people to read it Sometimes this is more important than other times – sometimes motivation is obvious

7 Summarizing Main Results
You want to make it clear what the main results of your paper are. Don’t “hide” them or make them a “surprise” at the end Remember, most people will not read your full paper – you still want them to know the main results Should always be in the abstract Should be in the introduction of the paper Main Results, Contributions, Thesis Statement Can be in the conclusion

8 A “Main Results” Section
Could be a subsection, a paragraph, a bulleted list, or a sentence Should be easy to find/locate Should make clear what is the new, unique contribution of this work It is not a summary of everything you’ve done, or even a summary of the paper Just list the key point(s) that are new to your work.

9 The Thesis Statment A short statement that summarizes what the focus of the paper is Can help to focus your writing, presentation, and research The goal of the paper is to show why the thesis statement is important and true (or false…)

10 Previous Work Section Provide references to relevant material
What are the key papers that someone should read to understand this? What are the most relevant related papers/alternatives? Demonstrate that you are familiar with the main research in the area Ensure you cite all the relevant work Especially the papers of those who will read yours… Can’t cite everything; cite the most important things Usually, citations to textbooks aren’t needed Unless that textbook provides a unique derivation, a particular summary, etc.

11 Previous Work Section If necessary provide background summary of prior work For example, if you are building on your own prior work Make sure that prior work is separated from new work You want to clearly delineate what is new vs. what is old. When giving citations to previous work, it is good to show how your work fits in with that prior work.

12 The New Work This is the main, core part of your paper
It should be the part that you are most confident in, and have the most to say about It is important that you are clear and accurate.

13 Things to Look Out For You are not just presenting a list of what you did. Every piece of research has lots of “infrastructure” work that goes on behind it – you don’t need to go into this, unless it is critical You don’t need to discuss “dead end paths” that you pursued One exception is if it is very likely someone else would follow that dead end path You research is evaluated on results, not process.

14 Things to Look Out For You want to develop your material clearly
Usually, someone will read this section in order Don’t pull ideas/material from nowhere Make sure that information is presented in a logical order Think of it as telling a (technical) story: Keep the story moving Don’t refer to things that the reader has no knowledge of Make sure the reader understands what has happened!

15 Things to Look Out For Avoid tangential topics
Make the section about the main results, not the interesting “side” items Use appendices if necessary Make sure there is a clear overview Avoid going directly into details if the person doesn’t have the overall picture Often, overview sections or figures are helpful

16 Results You want to demonstrate all of the core ideas that you discussed in practice If you discussed something, show the results Idea is to show that what you presented works, and give some sense of how well it works Pick good test cases, that cover a range of situations Ones that allow comparison Ones that allow evaluation of parts of your technique Ones that simulate “real world” cases You need to provide comparisons to other work, whenever possible This lets people evaluate your work

17 Conclusion Now that we have seen the work in the paper, what can we conclude? What has been the “contribution” of this work? What insights does this work offer? What does this now allow us to do? Conclusion should not be just a summary of what was in the paper – that is obvious.

18 Future Work Usually part of the conclusion
Not always included, but a good idea if possible People want to know that the paper is not a “dead end” What more could be done? If I like this area, what could I work on next? Is this likely to stimulate future work? Can be a “defense” against reviewers.

19 Future Work Avoid using “throwaway” future work
In computer science, you can always say you want to improve performance, port to a new system, or integrate with something else. Better to have one or two solid areas for future work than 10 that aren’t developed. Don’t just state areas, give some indication of the challenges/opportunities Why will that be worthwhile? What are some obstacles that will be faced in that extension?

20 General Comments on Research Paper Writing

21 Shorter is Better Don’t use many words when fewer will do
Worse: The function utilizes a looping structure to iterate over the list while analyzing whether or not one element is larger than the next. Better: The function checks if the list is sorted.

22 Avoid Indefinite Pronouns
Don’t use unqualified pronouns… particularly “it” and “this” Worse: The source code produced an error due to the input. Therefore, it was re- written. Better: The source code produced an error due to the input. Therefore, the input was re-written.

23 Active Voice Avoid passive voice
Worse: The source code was a mess. So the code was rewritten. Better: The source code was a mess. So John rewrote the code.

24 Audience Make sure you are writing to the appropriate audience
Usually, this is to other researchers in the field Not to novices – they will know the basics of the field Not necessarily to just the foremost experts in the area – they will not be familiar with every bit of prior work Not to experts in all areas – they may not be familiar with simpler concepts from other fields Some papers (e.g. literature reviews) are for more general, less expert, audiences

25 Audience Give them the background they need to understand the paper
Particularly if you rely on another technique; don’t make them read other papers before they can read yours Not always possible – sometimes there is too much to do Notation might not be standardized Explain the notation as needed The concepts might already be known

26 Overstating/Understating
Do not oversell your work Do not promise more than you deliver Do not try to make your work have more impact than it reasonably does You probably have a higher opinion of your work than others do or ever will. Readers are annoyed if they spend their time reading your article, only to find it didn’t do what was promised.

27 Overstating/Understating
Do not undersell your work Don’t put in so many disclaimers that you discourage someone from reading/following it Point out problems, especially key ones, but: Your goal is not to point out every conceivable flaw If necessary, point out why problems might not be so bad You are writing the paper because you have something new to present, that others should find valuable.

28 Overcoming Objections
Those reading the paper will often have questions/objections. You want to answer/address these in the paper This is key to getting the paper accepted through review, but also for getting the paper accepted after publication

29 Overcoming Objections
Think: “If I were a reviewer, what would I have questions about?” Find a way to address those directly If they are technical concerns and you have not addressed them in the work, show that you’ve thought about them What examples should be included? What tests should be provided?

30 Figures and Captions People will usually look at figures before they read the text You want the figures to stand on their own as much as possible Be sure that your captions clearly describe what is in the figure. Do not rely on the text to describe the figure.

31 Comparisons to Prior Work
Always a tricky proposition Your goal in the paper is to show how good your work is. You have spent a great deal of time on your own approach. You must be fair to prior work, but you probably can’t devote as much effort to replicating it. If standardized comparisons can be made, use them If you implement another method for comparison, be sure to do your best with it If not, be sure to clearly state what you did not do, and why.

32 Comparisons to Prior Work
It is not OK to just present your material and assume it should be accepted That does not show any new contribution over the state of the art Exception: if it is truly the first time someone has accomplished something If you cannot provide comparisons, at least provide concise, clear arguments that evaluate your method vs. other methods.

33 Feedback If possible, get someone else to read your work
They should be willing to give direct, honest feedback Take their evaluations to heart When reviewers reply with objections, don’t blame the reviewer If the reviewer didn’t understand it, it’s probably your fault Make sure that you address their concerns Sometimes it is only a style/writing issue! Sometimes they have found more fundamental flaws Even these can sometimes be addressed by writing differently. There are (very rare) exceptions where reviewers are way off Always be polite and respectful in your responses, anyway

34 Sections of a Research Paper
Title (Executive Summary, Proposal, Algorithm Description) Abstract Introduction (Executive Summary, Proposal, Algorithm Description) Previous Work (Executive Summary, Proposal) Possibly including background information Main Work (ideas/theory/exposition) (Algorithm Description) Possibly in several sections Implementation If needed Results Possibly combined into main work section Conclusion (Executive Summary, Proposal, Algorithm Description) With future work Acknowledgements References (Executive Summary, Proposal, Algorithm Description) Appendices

35 Textbook Guidance Chapters 5 – 8, for general technical writing
There may still be overlap, but this will be a good guide. Chapter Executive Summary Algorithm Description Proposal Chapter 2 Getting Started (Research Planning) Chapter 3 Reading and Reviewing (Literature Review) Chapter 4 Hypothesis, Questions, & Evidence Chapter 10 Algorithms Chapter 11 Graphs, Figures, & Tables

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